Thursday, February 12, 2009


The British campaign against freedom of speech and secular humanism gathers steam, and Britain appears to be heading into the grey zone of civilization. No longer a bastion of civil liberties, or even democratic ideals, Britain seems destined for a shadowy half-life of quivering and abject 1984ism.


Anti-Islam campaigner and MP Geert Wilders arrived at London’s Heathrow airport on Thursday afternoon but was denied entry into the UK, the Telegraaf reports on its website. The paper says Wilders was escorted to a private room where immigration authority officials told him he would not be allowed into the country and would be deported within a few hours. Pim Waldeck, the Dutch ambassador to Britain, was on hand at Heathrow to offer assistance.


On Monday it emerged that Britain had banned Wilders from the country because his presence could lead to public disorder and because of his extremist views.


During the British Midland flight, Wilders told the Times newspaper that the British government was ‘the biggest bunch of cowards in Europe’. ‘It is easy to invite people you agree with, it is more difficult to invite people you disagree with and this is the proof of the pudding,’ the paper’s website quoted Wilders as saying. Wilders had been invited to attend a screening of his 15-minute film compilation, which equates Islam with terrorism, at the upper house of parliament in London.



Another article, in Dutch, can be found here:

De Nederlandse ambassadeur in Londen heeft tot het allerlaatste moment geprobeerd Wilders toegelaten te krijgen tot het Verenigd Koninkrijk, zegt het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. ,,Nederland betreurt ten zeerste dat het Verenigd Koninkrijk zijn besluit niet heeft willen herroepen om de heer Wilders de toegang tot het land te ontzeggen. De Nederlandse ambassadeur in Londen heeft vanmiddag ter plekke nog een laatste poging daartoe gedaan en, toen ook dat geen resultaat had, nogmaals het Nederlandse ongenoegen overgebracht'', aldus het ministerie tegenover persbureau ANP.

[Translation: 'The Netherlands ambassador in London tried till the last moment to get permission for Wilders to enter the United Kingdom, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "The Netherlands regrets that the UK did not wish to revoke their decision to deny mr. Wilders entry to the country. The Dutch ambassador in London this afternoon made a last attempt to that effect, and when that also had no result, conveyed Dutch dissatisfaction", the ministry stated to press agency ANP (Algemene Nederlandsche Pers).']

Well, there you have it. Ken Livingstone is still allowed to blather forth whatever is on his poisonous mind (and surely that man counts as the most representative and reprehensible of English political pimps for extremist points of view and terrorist causes), but anything that might upset the precious Muslims is verboten.
Until now, I had not realized that Pakistan was so important a trading partner for the British, nor could I even conceive of Englishmen taking their cultural cues from that pestilential pit of a place.
This is, in all aspects, flabbergasting.


J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

It's interesting how back at home they hate Wilders, demonize him and try to delegitimize and prosecute him under bogus statutes & invented crimes", but when the Brits do that they take offense and stand up for him...

At least a sense of national unity? A rare commodity today, indeed.

The back of the hill said...

It's interesting how back at home they hate Wilders, demonize him and try to delegitimize and prosecute him under bogus statutes & invented crimes", but when the Brits do that they take offense and stand up for him...

At least a sense of national unity? A rare commodity today, indeed.

While there does seem indeed to be a measure of "national unity" (or leastways 'ethno-cultural solidarity') operating here, it should not be over-emphasized.

Yes, many Dutch on the lefter side of the scale do hate and daemonize him. But many more, while disapproving of his behaviour and his ideology nevertheless appreciate that Dutch politics is always in need of an 'opdonder' (which may be idiomatically translated as a whack upside the head or a kick in the chamor). And the Dutch, as should be obvious by now, consider opinionation a natural characteristic of man. One is supposed to be somewhat indigestible, that is how one signals one's autonomy.

The British, on the other hand, seem to be caving in wholesale to the Pakis. And forgetting that the Dutch are their allies, having, repeatedly at times, and over centuries, been on the same side. Nor do the Dutch appreciate the message this sends towards their own tempestuous Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Was he charged under the Blasphemy Code? Has Great Britain suddenly acclimated to their dhimmi status and decided to submit to Sharia?

The back of the hill said...

Attributed to Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
In fact, this is a paraphrasis by E. B. Hall of Voltaire's attitude. Equally apposite at this moment is something which Voltaire really did say: "Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too."
Neither statement actually represents current European values.

Anonymous said...

Buggery bollocky Pakis, finally halfassedly admitted that they planned the Mumbai massacre.

Can't trust those sodding bainchotes.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

The Brits are becoming all Paki in their sensitivities. It is a shame. What is this world coming to?

My sensibilities are maximum offended.
I needs must retire to fondle my collection of fine laundered panties for solace. So very buggery sad.

---Grant Patel

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

...and now impatiently awaitng your admittal of waking up from the Obama stupor...

The back of the hill said...

Might be a while. I'm still recovering from the Bush kegger.
Man, what a hangover.

The back of the hill said...

Seems like that headache lasted for years!

The back of the hill said...

Oh wait...... it did!

The back of the hill said...

Hee hee hee.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

Yes, it did.

And the constant, unending attacks that frankly almost paralelled the hatred for Hitler at times -or maybe even surpassed it- almost made you want to feel sorry for the guy.
And thank G-d for the tax cuts and the refusal to cave in to the Kyoto protocol. Although he shoulda brought back a few kegs of oil at least from Iraq.

Compare that to the insecure juvenile moron who has to point fingers to a RADI TALK SHOW HOST! Talk about paranoia (even if you won't admit he has 98% of the press in his back pocket - I don't think anyone described as "sane" would deny they at least tilit toward him.

And please chck out who was the last one to consolidate the Census, then attack freedom of speech and firearms ownership.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

That particular and exact radiohost is a demagogue and vitriolic rabble rouser. Certainly Rash Limbaugh, more than many, deserves opprobrium and condemnation.

That said, welcome to a crisp modern world where politicians tangle with the press. With each side, no holds barred, clouting fiercely at each other's heads and kicking viciously at the goolies.

Oh wait... been there for two generations already.

Kyoto, of course, was a loaded piece of crap. Even the Europeans recognized as much. But they play to their peanut gallery quite as much as we do, and in consequence Kyoto remained a potent rhetorical club in the Eury mental-hinterlands.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Madrchot! I did not mean to use my blogger i.d. for commenting yet! Uski gand ki!

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Crap!!!! How do you turn this chutia off????

Anonymous said...

Okay then bhai I have figured it out. Log out first, then comment.

I was not here previously, ignore the evidence. That is what my clients always say in any case, and it is good policy.

---Grant patel

Anonymous said...

I am back now. God the downtown is bloody dead today. Bankers hours are a blessing. Am I working? Not hardly today and ever.

Damned bonglobabboos.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Mera chanda-a-a-aaaa!

---Grant Singing

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

That Soros, Viacom, NYT and Larry Flynt own the Dictatoric party is one thing.

That the president is so juvenile, paranoiac and insecure that he has to mention Limbaugh -regardless of your opinion of him- just shows we've reached a new height in Stalinism.

Besides, whatever you may say about "conservative" talk radio - it's but a tiny sliver compared to the main networks that are played24/7/365 everywhere, including schools, hotels, hospitals and nursing homes. When they start censoring, there's real troble, believe ye me.

Anonymous said...

But only five years ago, Soros was a Zionist stooge and conspirator! As per the mage of anti-Zionism himself, the honourable Mahathir Muhammad, former prime-minister (and chief paranoidite) of Malaysia.

How can this be? He's manifestly an evil money laundering crypto-semi-Judaicly inclined person.

Oh my.

---Grant Patel

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