Friday, February 13, 2009


Frequent commenter Grant Patel seems to have gone all loopy. The results, from the point of view of this blogger, speak for themselves, and disclose utter volumes.

The vast majority of my far too few commenters are utterly sane, and very real individuals. Not so the perverse Patel. Who seems, with each passing day, to be in ever fiercer competition with himself for most eccentric statement.

Mr. Patel has bugs up his donkey about several things.

But mostly, it seems, the following four:

[The last subject mentioned is rumoured to be a petite Chinese-American female. She also comments here, so please, no stalking. It would upset both this blogger, and Mr. Patel, as well as infuriate the subject herself - you really do not want a small Cantonese woman angry at you (trust me on this).]

Mister Grant Patel (Esq. & Perv.) inhabits a unique universe.
I flatter myself that this blog encourages him to occasionally come down to earth, though not, alas, establish a firmer bond with reality.

Grant Patel on the subject of CHEESE:
* "Beautifully hued, like a saffron orange. The precise colour of silk on blonde skin. Yummy and sweet, my precious, yummy and sweet."
* "Do either cheese or teatime snackypoos offend the bollocky Muslims? They can stuff a kipper in it, and pound it sideways, is what they can do."
* "If the Jews desire feta, they should by all means have it."
* "Ooooo, stinky stinky!"

Grant Patel on the subject of PANTIES:
* "I needs must retire to fondle my collection of fine laundered panties for solace. So very buggery sad."
* "I, of course, think panties better. So soft. So smooth. So tight. Definition adding, and flattering to any form."
* "But I wear a starched dhoti."
* "ATBOTH's only obsession is probably panties in size 'teenager'."

Grant Patel on the subject of PAKISTANIS:
* "The Brits are becoming all Paki in their sensitivities. It is a shame. What is this world coming to?"
* "Buggery bollocky Pakis, finally halfassedly admitted that they planned the Mumbai massacre. Can't trust those sodding bainchotes."
* "And their camels! Meh, I say, meh! My emotions are numb. Time for a beating party. With cream pies. Oh indeed."
* "Lying like a sawar is second nature to the Pakiwakkis."

Grant Patel on the subject of SNOOKY WONG:
* "Who is this Telmacky daddy-o? Some kind of stalker? A fetishist? A tulmud-whacker? A very hungry teenager who lusts after the presumably hot young bod of the fabulous miss Wong? Girlie, you have a fan! Congratulations! Do we need to advise you on your legal rights vis-à-vis restraining orders? [skip to next comment] Give me a call. Let me speak to you of legal issues. Contracts, and prenupts. Your rights, privileges, and pleasures. Exchange cell-phone numbers, take my card. Lets do lunch."
* "First a gibber-rant about a teenage girlie without panties, then a long diskvisition about tobacco without panties."
* "To me it sounds as of the notorious panty thief ATBOTH needs a span in the military himself. It might do him some good, and keep him from harassing little Chinese girly bloggers."
* "I say take that evil minks off your blogroll. You devote FAR TOO MUCH time to the huggable Cantonese bints. It is a shandah!"

Perhaps the most telling communication from Mr. Patel is the statement he made at the end of January: "I am by no means off my meds. Who told you that?!?!"

Lets just say it was an educated guess. But if you insist the contrary, we shall just have to take your word for it, mister Patel.
Thank you in any case for sharing your marvelous thoughts with us. We are honoured.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Patel is cooking on another planet.

Anonymous said...

I'm supposed to react to this?!?!?!? Faugh I say!

I am above such petty meainings, I am beyond the torments and jibes of lessers!


And do you not forget that.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Damned machine booted me out! You did this! You!

Where's an Indian IT guy when you need one, dammit, where the divvil is Venky Enjinir!?!???!??

Helloooo, Venky, helloooo?

Damned gandee Bopler!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Stupid Tamil gopala! Can't keep the machines running. Madras be kooloo madr.....

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Panties, I say! Panties!

---Grant Patel

Telmac said...

is grant patel aware of who telmac is?

If so: does telmac Know grant patel?

If he does: would be for the same reason that he know atthebackofthehill?

If grant patel is not aware of who telmac is, then where is "Telmacky" coming from?

also atthebackofthehill, if you are saying "Telmacky" as an adjective (and it has to do with telmac), then you spelled it wrong. The correct spelling would be: "telmacie"- no initial caps, no "ck", and it would be pronounced "tel MA see" as if it were "tel Macy" (like Macy's).

Anonymous said...

Lazy gandu, how come you didn't past jagdeesh yesterday!?!?!?

I know you were in the office, you do not trust your colleagues EVEN ON A HOLIDAY.

Damn paranoid Dutchman, trying to fool us into thinking you took a day off!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Hah, trying to get up to no gooding s while we not watching. You're doing somehting I know not what. But I know it, you are.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Can't trust the Dutch. They breed in the dark.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...


---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Speaking of marvelous thoughts.

---Grendel Ponderbutt


Mister Patel, you are nuts.
Not marvelous. Just stark raving nuts.

And a pervert.


Anonymous said...

I am not a ... PERVERT!

I am the wombat, I am the eggplant, goo goo ga choo!

You, little girl, are a minks.


---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

And the Dutch are the real perverts. The enable perversion and degerenacy, as this blog abundatnly shows.

Atboth pimps his readers. Girlie, do you not feel at least somewhat dirty, lurking in these hallowed pages tempting innocent younglawyers like msyelf? Does it not affect you, that the opportunity to wave your gaily pantied rumpous in the frightened faces of honorable vakils as provided by the depraved Atbother is, somehow, a sin?

Not that I am being complaining, you understand. I go with the flow. I adapt to the sick atmosphere of whater environment I voluntary and at will choose to infest.


---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties? Panties!!! Panties?

---Somebody else Patel

Anonymous said...

Wierd. Wild. Whacky. After reading this I have an odd craving for Vik's Chaat House pickled mango.

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