Wednesday, February 04, 2009


On Tuesday evening Hamas police raided a United Nations warehouse in Gaza and seized thousands of blankets and foodparcels. This was under orders from Hamas leadership, which justified the action by stating that the UN intended to distribute the material randomly without taking into consideration that some of the recipients would be opponents of Hamas.
In the context of Gaza, that means secularists, gays, Christians, and members of Fatah.
All of whom deserve to have their knees broken.

Source A - Algemeen Dagblad (in Dutch):

Source B - Haaretz (in English):

Police seized the aid after UNRWA officials refused to voluntarily hand it over to the Hamas-run Ministry of Social Affairs, he said. Similar aid packages were distributed to 70,000 residents over the past two weeks, Gunness said.

Ahmad Kurd, the Hamas official in charge of the ministry, did not deny the aid was seized. Other Hamas officials defended their actions.

Hamas spokesman Taher Nunu demanded an apology and said UNRWA was spreading false news. Ihab Ghussein, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, said the incident occurred because the UN was storing the blankets in an area not authorized to be distributed.

Source C - BBC News:

The Hamas Social Affairs Minister in Gaza, Ahmed al-Kurd, denied that members of the Islamist movement had removed aid from a UN building.
However, he said his ministry was in dispute with the UN relief agency about how aid should be distributed.
He accused the UN of giving aid to local groups with ties to Hamas opponents.

Clearly the United Nations is lying.
A respected and beloved organization such as Hamas would NEVER steal. Ever. As all supporters of Hamas (i.e.: Western Europe, the Muslim world, and Berkeley) will tell you.
Even the criminals and recidivists (Fatah members, Christians, Gays, and Secularists) who were kneecapped recently after Hamas defeated the Israelis will gladly aver as much (or else).

I have two suggestions:
1. Have volunteers from Berkeley distribute UN aid to Gaza, to ensure that the aid reaches the people for which it is intended (core members of Hamas).
2. Give Berkeley a seat at the United Nations, so that ALL supporters of Hamas - Western Europe, the Muslim World, and Berkeley - can present a united front, and counter the bigotry of the anti-Hamas faction at the United Nations.

Christopher Gunness, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency Spokesman who made the base accusation, should be dismissed forthwith. In the interests of fairness. He is unsuited to the job. It is obvious that neither he nor his agency can be relied on to be fair and equitable as regards distributing blankets and food to the truly deserving.

This blog joins the good activists of Western Europe, the Muslim World, and Berkeley, in expressing shock and outrage at the clear and evident bias of the United Nations.
We are truly horrified.



Sarcasm - both an art and a cudgel.

Spiros said...



At least Hamas aren't using the techniques described in this horrid article:


Or if they are, not as much as the Iraki militants and their volunteers from Saudi Arabia.

It makes one believe that Arabs are prone to sexual violence for even worse reasons than other people. Are women merely objects in their world?

Related question: Are the taxis in San Francisco safe?

I am horrified that Islamic activists would rape women to make them vulnerable to suicide-bomb recruitement. It is completely barbaric. And no one in the Muslim world speaks out against this?

Anonymous said...

Straight from teh PAlestinian press

Hamas militia sell baby milk on the black market

غزة-فلسطين برس- ذكر مواطنون وشهود عيان أن مليشيات حماس شرعت في بيع حليب الأطفال الذي صادرته من المساعدات التي قدمت إلى قطاع غزة دعما للمواطنين. Gaza - Palestine Press - The citizens, witnesses and Hamas militias that began in the sale of infant formula, which was confiscated from the assistance provided to the Gaza Strip in support of the citizens.

وذكر الشهود أن المليشيات تبيع حليب الأطفال (فرانس ليه) بكميات كبيرة في السوق السوداء بعد أن استولت عليها من حمولات المساعدات التي وصلت إلى القطاع. Witnesses said the militia to sell baby milk (France LES) in large quantities on the black market after it was overrun by loads of aid, which amounted to the sector.

وكانت وكالة الغوث وتشغيل اللاجئين في غزة اتهمت حماس أمس بنهب احد مخازنها المليئة بالمساعدات الإنسانية في مخيم الشاطئ غرب مدينة غزة. The Relief and Works Agency for refugees in Gaza on Hamas accused of looting a warehouse full of humanitarian aid in the Shati refugee camp west of Gaza City.

Brandi Swallows

Anonymous said...

Oh heck, just move all the nudeniks in Berkeley to Gaza, and then wall it up. Two foul birds with one stone.

I'm sick of the lot of them. They are severely deprimed in all aspects.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Well at least Hamas won't seize the supply of pork.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Are there any good Gazan recipes for pork?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Any Gazan recipes at all?

Or haven't they stopped eating each other yet?

---Grant Patel

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