Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Two of my occasional readers are arguing passionately about death-metal music and Islamic radicalism underneath one of my posts.


The two readers are Joe Izrael and Kylopod.

Yes, there have been other commenters there - but they got sidetracked, and continued their own obsessions elsewhere - mostly underneath later posts. Some people just commented once, and left.
[One of those 'lefties' was the gentleperson from Texas, where they have a lot of such people, who wrote: "And another thing, you commie loving chritstian hating asshole, what makes you think that Obama can be trusted in anyway? He isn't a n American, he wasn't ecudated here, and isn't even able to spalk to real people, only to intelligentsia and ellites in New york and calfirnsia!!!!"]

If you wish to join the discussion about Barak Obama and death-metal, please visit the post referenced above.

If you wish to make a fool of yourself in a very Texan and Christian manner (complete with misspellings and evidence of a lack of a functioning brain), please do so underneath this post - we welcome rednecks and ridgerunners who explore the wonderful world of Homo Sapiens. We promise we won't call Animal Control on you. And we realize that not all of you Trailerites have raped your sisters. Kudos. And bravo. There is hope for you yet!

Welcome. I love you all. Yes.


-----The Commie-Loving Christian-Hating A''-hole Who Writes This Blog.

PS. If any of you visiting Dixie-Neanderthals wish to go into detail about your sisters, please don't. Incestuous inbreeding after a few generations becomes bestiality, and we really aren't into such things. You are, we understand that, more power to you, but please, we have sensitive stomachs. If at all possible, refrain from sharing. Thank you.


Yes, I'm feeling pissy. Hence this post. But it's a cheerful pissy, not a gloomy and sour pissy. So don't worry - I still love humanity, and I'm not in a funk. If this post got you down, think about butterflies. Big smiling furry butterflies. Goodness, happiness, and prosperity will come your way if you do.


Anonymous said...

In his defense, Dick Morris IS a lying sack of *expletives deleted*.

The Big Little Tommy said...

Sorry you were in a pissy mood when you wrote this, but i'm glad it was at least a "good pissy." I can definitely relate to that!

Spiros said...

Pissy and vinegary, as it were.

Anonymous said...

Where are commies nowadays?

N. Korea & Cuba - and even there probably only public servants

Where did all the commies go?

OK lefties are all over the place - but commies - USSR-retros - where did they all go?


Rebecca said...

Pippa's Song

The year's at the spring,

And day's at the morn;

Morning's at seven;

The hillside's dew-pearled;

the lark's on the wing;

The snail's on the thorn;

God's in his heaven

All's right with the world!

~~~by runescape money

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, your pissy taste in poetry interests us far less than the blog-writer's odd poetic tastes.

I may have siad it before (in which case forgive the repetition - it seems necessary), but, piss off!

And pretty thanks in advance for doing precisely that.

---Grant Patel

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