Thursday, September 18, 2008


I see that the world's foremost authority on the use and mis-use of South-African historical perceptions has once more judged Israel and found her wanting.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, conniving anti-imperialist and religious charlatan, asserts that Israel may have committed a war-crime shelling Beit Hanoun in 2006. He further castigates the international community - not for their toleration of terrorism from the territories, not for their silence about Arab anti-Semitism, not for their passivity in the face of Arab, Persian, Pakistani, and Malay clerics and politicians openly demanding genocide of the Jews, but for not feeling particularly responsible for Gaza.

"It is the silence of the international community in the face of what is happening there which most offends. This silence begets complicity"

Further quote:
"I think the West, quite rightly, is feeling contrite, penitent for its awful connivance with the Holocaust - The West is penitent, the penance is being paid by the Palestinians."


As usual, the Palestinians claim that it was a war crime. Considering that they claim everything is a war crime, if done by Israelis, and nothing no matter how reprehensible is a war crime, if done by Palestinians, it is obvious how much credence should be given to Arabs claiming war crimes.

"Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?"
-----Henry Plantagenet

I suggest that the UN take Tutu's report, fold it until there is nothing left but sharp corners, and put it somewhere deep in Tutu's rotund body. And they should pound some sand in after.

I am not fond of South-Africans of any hue. I cannot think of a more sick and dysfunctional society than South Africa. Their ideas about sex, their idiocy about HIV, and their raping of juveniles as a means to cure AIDS, widespread in that pit of a country, rather suggest that South-Africans need more lecturing than they will ever be capable of giving.
At the very least, that pesky ecclesiastic should concern himself only and entirely with the rectifying of his own ghastly society.

Nor am I fond of churchmen. Many such, of whatever denomination, are pederasts and petty bullies.
I will not suggest that someone deal with him violently, despite the quote above about a meddlesome priest.
I will, however, state that it does NOT take all kinds - there are many we could well do without. Mr. Desmond Tutu is one of them. I shall shed no tears when he dies, and the manner by which he leaves this world is of no consequence to me; I just hope that it is very soon - it would merely be icing on the cake if it were bloody and brutal, but that is not an essential condition.

One knave less and the world will be a better place.


Anonymous said...

I love priests... They're delicious!!!!!!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

But not as good as penguins.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Did someone say 'wombat curry'?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

It's tattooed on the back of their neck.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

And a one, and a two, and a three: (crooning) when you do, that tutu, that you do, so well....

Tutu too is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Tututootie, goodbye....

---Grant 'still singing' Patel

Kees DeLaRey said...

That verkrampte sonofabitch is at it again!


All those damn Saouth Africans think they own the word and can do with it as they please. Rather like that traitor Carter and his view of everything through Southern-hued spectacles.

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