Wednesday, September 03, 2008


This isn't something that used to come up in conversation. In fact, I cannot remember anyone ever talking about it more than ten years ago. It just wasn't an issue.


If you've lived in the Amazon basin for the last decade you might be unaware of the phenomenon, but a resident of a modern American city will have seen these almost everywhere. They are tattoos on the lower backs of young ladies of questionable judgment.

Why would anyone put a sunburst or a blooming rose right above the cleft dividing their buttocks? Tattoos in general baffle me, but tattoos that draw attention to the private parts are entirely loopy.

It isn't a question of modesty - several of the young ladies flashing their tattoos could never be accused of being modest in the first place.

Maybe it is a lack of self-confidence?

My dear, if that portion of your anatomy has any appealing qualities whatsoever, you need not even try to draw the eyes thither. Trust me.
If the portion is only average, the tattoo is gilding the lily, and otherwise it is twixt too much of a good thing and too much information in its overall effect. Commercial art for an unwanted services. Go away.

And, if the tattoo advertises your Christian Lesbianism, why on earth are you showing it to the world?

Please cover yourself.

I only think about these issues on warm days. Often the weather keeps most arse-crack tattoos covered.
When confronted with a tramp-stamp I avert my eyes - not so much a sense of propriety as a stubborn refusal to give a slut-butt the attention it arrogantly demands. I am under no obligation to take notice of some stranger's bad-clothing decisions, or of the fit of drunken insanity that made her and several of her sailor friends get permanent mementoes several years ago.
I shall look away.

Savage Kitten, on the other hand, could not help noticing the tramp-stamp in line at the store. Apparently the exposed upper cleavage of one person ahead of her was matched by the uncovered lower cleavage of another. The one with the plumbers-cleft had, in ornate lettering on her fatty lower back, the enscription "Precious Pisces".

If the young lady meant to suggest two sleek and lively fish, she failed. Savage Kitten described it as more like two big blubbery sea lions fighting for room on the dock. I believe Savage Kitten also used the words "felt like clawing my eyes out ". The experience has scarred her, and it may have given her nightmares. Ick poo. The horror, the horror, and oh, the humanity.

Society's permissiveness has gone too far. We need to bring back the sack dress.
Thank you.


Spiros said...

The one that baffles me is printed material on the posterior region of young ladies' outer garments. Trust me, ladies: if you have a nice ass, we'll notice; if not, why call attention to the fact?

Anonymous said...

And by ass, you mean donkey, of course. There is nothing that excites a man nearly as much as a beast of burden - this explains why so many men love their pick-up trucks with a passion, and treat their women so casually.

---Grant Patel

The Big Little Tommy said...

Bravo Back!

Spiros said...

Don't you mean "Bravo Small of Back"?

Anonymous said...

Cover up small backs with large hairy hands.

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

You, of course, are a gorilla.

Anonymous said...

I lament the pointlessness of wearing fishnet stockings, in my case. Alas, I am hairy-legged.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Lots of these in Old Germany

"Arse antlers"


Anonymous said...

An arsh mit antlern? A horny arse? My gutness!

Sie shpinnen, die madln.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Thus far my knowledge of German, courtesy of Asterix and Obelix in translation. And no further.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

No horny arshen mit hornen in Asterix and Obelix, though.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I didn't know ASTERIX & OBELIX had been translated into Gorilla.

Anonymous said...

Wombats are not amphibious, even when fat.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I love you, meester Fawlty......
I read it in a book.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I speak enlish very well...I LEARN it from a book.

Anonymous said...

Manuel is actually Jewish

so is his brother -



I bring you....

the good old days


Anonymous said...

I am from Barcelona.

Anonymous said...

Barcelona - a Spanish city located on the western side of the Polish/German border


The back of the hill said...

Barcelona - a Spanish city located on the western side of the Polish/German border


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