Tuesday, September 09, 2008


A literature professor at Yeshiva University has undergone hormone treatment, and now has breasts. From what little I have bothered to read, the person in question has not taken the next step yet (surgery), and still has certain masculine equipment.
[The particular masculine equipment should probably be seen as mere urinary tract hose at this point - hormones tend to affect sex drive, and there may have been prior issues affecting the libido.]

Apparently the frisson of transgendery is a little too much for some frumme yidden - in between screaming bloody murder they are having several fits of the vapours, and quoting Rav Moshe Tendler, several acharonim, and a few rishonim, with gay abandon.

The poor dears.

The students at Yeshiva University are all adults, and unlike regular goyishe university students, are not at school for the marvelous opportunities for sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Any sex, drugs, and rock and roll they engage in is almost certainly far away from campus in any case.
[And none of the YU men I have met impress me as in any way obsessed with sex, drugs, and rock and roll.]

I must doubt that the professor's particular gender issue has any bearing on the subject she teaches, or affects the ability of her students to absorb the material. And as far as I can tell, the professor in question has no intention of somehow magically becoming a priest in the third temple, and does not have a matchmaker on retainer.

I would therefore respectfully suggest that the hysterical frumme yidden mentioned above should come right out and admit that they are sexually farklempt themselves, having probably hoped that the professor in question would express a physical interest in them. Either that or something else deep within their own sexuality is twisting their knickers.
IF that is NOT the case, I fail to see how it is any of their business what gender he was before, or what gender she is becoming now.
Take pill, boys, and breathe.


e-kvetcher said...

饮食男女 ?

Spiros said...

Will she also be appearing at the Encore Karaoke Lounge?

The back of the hill said...

饮食男女 ?

Good one. That movie of course dealt with entirely different matters (and note that the characters are not in quite the same order - ala Cantonaise: yam sik nam nui (Mand: Hhe Shr Nan Nu): drink eat man woman).

My guess is that Ang Lee treated this issue, it would be a fascinating movie. It's about time that he did a Jewish film. He's done pretty much everything else.

Anonymous said...

We have people like that in India too. They bring good luck to weddings, birth ceremonies, and such. Unless they create a scene, in which case they bring embarassment of monumental proportion.

Usually they dance and scream, not teach. This is an improvement.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Transgendrics, transsexuals, eunuchs, and christians. Very theatrical. God bless them.

Bribe them before they start screaming.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Just a sweet transexual Transylvanian.....

Doctor Who?

Anonymous said...


Spiros said...

Which Doctor said that? It doesn't sound like Tom Baker...was it Christopher Eggleston in the one series he played the Doctor?

Spiros said...

Which Doctor said that? It doesn't sound like Tom Baker...was it Christopher Eggleston in the one series he played the Doctor?

Anonymous said...

"In just seven days I can make you a maaaan!"

Note that that includes the day of rest. Ergo, HE never finished the job. According to the commentary of HaRav Frank Enfurther, shlita (minhag Mitboll).

Anonymous said...

I told my friend the witchdoctor, he told me what to do. Ooh, eeh, ooh eeh ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang.

Yes, that doctor.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Either that, or ha rav ha doktor Zoidberg - both shlita and lobstah.

Nephew of the great Harold Zoid.

As everyone should know.

---Grant Patel

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