Friday, August 01, 2008


News articles, broadcast pundits, and opinion pieces being circulated on the internet, state categorically that Hamas endorses presidential candidate Barrak Hussein Obama.

Who cares?

It is irrelevant to both the United States and to Israel, and should have no bearing on the opinions or votes of Israel supporters, Jews, or Zionists.

What Islamic whackjobs think about American politicians is not germane.

Furthermore, the views about American politics by foreigners, even well-informed foreigners, often betray an astounding ignorance of the process and unfamiliarity with the players. Hamas approving of Obama is similar to the Euroleft urging Americans to vote for the loser of the last election. We don't care what they believe, we are uninterested in their input, we remain unmoved by any of their squiggly little opinions. Did they say something? Sorry, we weren't listening.

Unfortunately, what many Americans think about the candidates and the election is scarcely any better - and often flabbergastingly loopy.

I have in the past several months received innumerable e-mails informing me that Obama is a secret Muslim, a graduate of a fundamentalist madrassa, a communist, a black nationalist, a radical anti-Israel Arabo-phile who supports terrorists, a member of the illuminati, a Free-mason, and a satisfied purchaser of Viagra and Cyalis. Apparently he is also the father of Brittany's love-child and a star in bestiality porn. This in addition to news articles linking him to Hamas, the Catholic Church, and a Jewish Cabal. But I digress.

The only people outside of Berkeley likely to change their vote because of Hamas are toothless and drooling savages in parts of West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee - except, of course, that they cannot spell either Obama OR Hamas, and think the first is Japanese, the second German (both electric toasters). They weren't gonna vote for 'that man' anyway; they're fairly sure he's black (it's hard to tell when the only working teevee in the holler is black and white and out of focus), and they cannot read his name on the ballot because they didn't memorize the alphabet past the letters kkk.

There are very few Americans who follow Hamas' positive recommendations when voting - their votes are batel be shishim in any case. Likewise, very few Americans form their negative opinions of the candidates based on foreign endorsements - they too are batel be shishim. If a block of voters made up their mind based on editorials in Pravda, these also would be batel be shishim. And anybody who votes the way his priest or rabbi dictates should definitely be batel be shishim.

The opinions of a bunch of gibbering nutballs in charge of a formerly fish-daemon worshipping hellhole called Gaza makes no difference. The only opinion of theirs that has weight is whether the price of firing off qassams is justified.

As a final note, there are only two candidates: McCain and a democrat.

In California it does not matter who the democrat will be - the state will go with the democrats. In large parts of the country, it does not matter who the republican is. It also makes little difference after the election. Whoever wins will need the continuing goodwill of their own party, the co-operation of the hacks in congress, and a modicum of non-enmity from both the other side and the talking heads, and will have to operate within the constraints of the American political system in any case.



If, entirely hypothetically, an actual radical Muslim candidate did miraculously win the presidency and tried to turn this country into a caliphate (please stop laughing, I did say it was hypothetical), that Muslim would soon discover that the president has no power without co-operation from the federal bureaucracy, both chambers, the judiciary, the backroom bigwigs of both parties, and most significantly, lobbies, interest groups, and think-tanks.

Take for example the ongoing shtoos about acknowledging that Jerusalem is Israel's capitol - the State Department have successfully blocked any move of the embassy to Jerusalem for decades, even though everyone agrees that yes, Jerusalem is the capitol. Bush vowed to move the embassy to Jerusalem. It ain't gonna happen. Congress demands it. It ain't gonna happen. The reality is that Jerusalem is the capitol, but the realism is that the State Department enforces the smoke-screen that it isn't.

Presidential insanity ("we are now the caliphate of Usastan, and will henceforth speak only Swedish") would get a team of white coats into the oval office with tranquilizers and a tailored straightjacket so fast it would seem miraculous.

Obama could be from Mars. Who cares? No one will be forced to eat Martian ragweed or psychedelic Venusian purple alfalfa if he gets elected - those interest groups and lobbies just don't have any clout on planet earth. Certainly not in Washington. If Obama were to go too much against the interests of the government bureaucracies, CIA, the military, the oil-industry, and whatever other big players are out there in government-land, he would be at best side-tracked by scandals and political shenanigans, at worst sent to take a slow ride in an open vehicle past a book depository.

Cynthia McKinney is also running for president - she's a serious whacko, and electing her really would be opening the door to hell, but she stands so little chance that we need not worry. The real loonies (McKinney, Nader, Hagel, Paul) could never be nominated by one of the two major parties. The system tends to expose all the warts on a candidate's rump well before November, especially as there are people digging for all possible liabilities.

It's like a day at the track. If they're running three-legged wrecks, you're not at a real horse race. If they're running an outerspace alien, it's probably only a local council election. And if you really think Obama is a secret Muslim / Marxist / Martian, you are probably nuts. Or Texan.


Anonymous said...

Bravo! About time somebody said it. About damned time.

Anonymous said...

This is the most racist thing I have ever seen, you dam bigot!!! You're opinions on Southerners, who are the backobne and the heartland of this great country, are disgusting. Praise your luckey stars you don't live in Texas or Dallas. Youd never survive long.

Anonymous said...

And another thing, you commie loving chritstian hating asshole, what makes you think that Obama can be trusted in anyway? He isn't a n American, he wasn't ecudated here, and isn't even able to spalk to real people, only to intelligentsia and ellites in New york and calfirnsia!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck you!

Kylopod said...

Do you know what I found out recently? Andy Martin, the source of the rumors that Obama has concealed his Muslim heritage, is a rabid anti-Semite. Specifically:

His most high-profile campaign came in 1996, when it was alleged that he'd run anti-Semitic campaigns in the past, including authorization of a committee in 1986 called "The Anthony R. Martin-Trigona Congressional Campaign to Exterminate Jew Power in America."

Martin denies involvement, though he allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks in a bankruptcy case in 1983. While he touts a two-state solution for the Middle East in his "Andy Martin Peace Plan," says he's close to the peace movement in Israel, and has proposed increased compensation for Holocaust victims, the candidate also called for the Bush administration to attack Israel instead of Iraq. He has compared Ariel Sharon to Adolf Hitler and has written in defense of Hamas suicide bombers.

More recently, a fellow named Jerome Corsi has contributed to some of the pure fantasy about Obama. Here is what Corsi said in 2004 about John Kerry (he claims it was a joke):

"After he married TerRAHsa, didn't John Kerry begin practicing Judiasm? He also has paternal grandparents that were Jewish. What religion is John Kerry?"

I find something sadly ironic about the fact that paranoid Jews concerned about candidates who might be unfriendly to Jewish interests have fallen prey to lies and rumors initiated by anti-Semites.

But I also have to wonder about the motives of these guys. Why would they appeal to Jewish paranoia if they're against Jews? My suspicion is that they take satisfaction in manipulating what they perceive as Jewish power. And sadly, many of us have taken their bait.

Anonymous said...

didn't John Kerry begin practicing Judiasm

Without practise, there is no perfection. It takes a lot of practise.


Anonymous said...

Praise your luckey stars you don't live in Texas or Dallas

Point one: If you are in Dallas, you are also in Texas, dipwad.

Point two: I fail to see any racism in making jokes about heartland-backobners, especially when they cannot spell (unless all those charming errors are 'Southernisms'?).

Point three: Only your third comment is free of spelling errors. I guess you weren't educated here either.


Anonymous said...

As a final thought, I do not know about the blogger here, but I definitely praise my lucky stars on a daily basis that I do not live anywhere in Texas (including but not limited to Dallas). Many people praise their lucky stars for that very same reason. It is the common glue that hold this nation together.


Kylopod said...

"praise my lucky stars on a daily basis that I do not live anywhere in Texas"

Canada, right?

Spiros said...

Speaking as a Catholic Atheist, I do indeed praise my "luckey" stars I don't live within a thousand miles of Mr. Anonymous One, who is such a stand-up guy that he is in fact anonymous. I embarrass easily; sharing air-space with such a subliterate buffoon would be a daily source of mortification, which on top of the deep shame I feel living in a country being nominaly run by the Ex-Gubnor of Texas would be just that tiny shade over the odds, don't you know.
Of course, these comments by Mr. Anonymous could be a practical joke, in which case I have revealed myself to be rather a bigot, but hey, I don't mind the joke being on me.

Spiros said...

Reason 468 why I wouldn't fit in in Texas: I find Football, if not boring, then inconsequential.

Reason 469: As a rule, I don't "praise" events or states of being (which I apprehend my to include my "luckey stars"), I praise people (usually people of competant diction).

Spiros said...

Also, all evidence in this comment string to the contrary, Texas can't be all bad: Ann Richards, Willie Nelson, Kinky Friedman, Molly Ivins, and Richard Linklater are all from Texas, and I believe Mike Judge is as well. Also, Cate Blanchett's father.

Anonymous said...

I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome named B*ggus D*ckus.

Tzipporah said...

Mmm, "luckey stars," they're magically delicious! (If not so kosher)

Tzipporah said...

you dam bigot

I don't recall BOTH having anything in particular against dams. I don't believe he's ever mentioned them on the blog at all.

Nor beavers, which make dams.

Perhaps you were confusing them with the might wombat?

Unknown said...

Excellent comment, Tzipporah. Calm, dignified, yet strong.
It's a pity to discuss this way. Did you ask me if I am ingenuous, Spiros?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Both, you could've said a lot more with a lot less. But of course I agree with you. And disagree with mister I-can't spell-worth-diddly-ji in Dallas. Which is in Texas.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

And further: southern hicks are not a race, it is no bigotry to snark them. They are sometimes so inbred that they resemble chiwawas, though. But it will take at least two more generations before they are a different species.

---Grant Patel

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

"It is irrelevant to both the United States and to Israel, and should have no bearing on the opinions or votes of Israel supporters, Jews, or Zionists.

What Islamic whackjobs think about American politicians is not germane."

This is plain and simple intellectual gymanstics in dishonesty. Of course what people in overseas say have no direct effect on the presidency etc. If such people praise someone, it does speak volumes about that person.

The even bigger hypocrisy is that the Left regularly uses this tactic - look who (fill in the blank - Bush, Reagan, etc) friends are.

But I guess the leader of the Poor People's Party (TM) who throws birthday parties to which an invite costs $50M, and claims the oil crisis can be solved by inflating tires and getting tune-ups knows better than anyone else.

The main thing is chas vesholem not to challenge the one-party system, so hush hush, we anyway get our fucktard in the house, either the non-Muslim who never was in an islamic school in Indonesia and has no middle name or the socialist bum whose sole strength is that his opponent is even emptier and shallower than him.

So please, let's all amrch together and all think out of the box by voting McBama. Lets not ever mention Alaln Keyes or anyone who dares to challenge that oligarchy's status quo.

Now tell me about a good tobacco. I wanna try the honeydew, but I need to get 3 or 4 tins to make it really a lot cheaper than the store. Try to work around Syrian Latakias and Cavendish blends, more on the black side. I'll take care of the flavoring myself, THX.

Kylopod said...

"If such people praise someone, it does speak volumes about that person."

If we follow your logic, then when these people criticize someone, it also speaks volumes.

As it turns out, many of them have. Specifically:

Most Arabs only know Barack Obama's name and skin color, so, unsurprisingly, they are fairly enthusiastic about his candidacy. But what are Thomas Friedman's Arab equivalents, the opinion leaders of the Middle East, saying about Obama? A famously diverse group--ranging from idealistic reformers to moralizing Islamists--the Arab world's pundits are almost unanimous in their skepticism of him, offering a sharp corrective to the narrative of a world united in its ardor for Obama.

I recall hearing you praise Pat Buchanan. Here is some of the company that agrees with you:

(Warning: Those are links to neo-Nazi sites.)

Of course, I completely reject your logic. Islamic "whackjobs" who praise Obama shed no light on Obama's character whatsoever--or on anything else, for that matter. The way I see it, they are drawn to him for the same weak, superficial, or bogus reasons that right-wing "whackjobs" fear him. The fallacy you commit is to assume that undemocratic Muslims from abroad have greater insight into predicting an American presidential candidate's governing style than Americans themselves.

The back of the hill said...

It should also be remembered that the international public worshipped Kennedy (a failure as president who brought us to the brink of armageddon, saw everything through the mind of his penis, and was out of touch with reality due to medication for the last two years of his life), damned Johnson (who signed into effect more forward-looking and progressive legislation than any president since Eisenhower, and may in fact be the best post-war president we've had), and praised Carter to the skies - Jimmy Carter, it will be remembered, was an ineffectual man who mishandled both the economy and international relations to a fare-thee-well, besides developing since that time as a closet anti-Semite who dallies with dunces such as Tutu and the friendly Jew-haters of Sabeel, plus others in the 'damn-the-Jews and boycott-Israel movements'.

Other examples of spectacularly meshune foreign opinion:
The Austrians kvelled like crazy over Schwarzenegger - until he told them to stick their anti-Americanism where the sun don't shine. The world still loves Clinton - yet all the evidence suggests you don't allow female relatives with horse-like faces anywhere near him, and you might want to avoid cigars from his humidor. Besides doubting his ability to be forthright, and wondering whether he even understands elementary economics.

Madeleine Albright may have actually prevented ethnocide on a monumental scale by her hard-line against Serbia. Which won her no fans in Western Europe, which would rather have ignored the slaughter and looked the other way. If Europeans remember her at all, it is because of the inaction of the US during the Rwandan genocide (which matched precisely the European inaction, but that is never mentioned), and the defense of sanctions against Irak - which hindered European businesses, and, therefore, must be damned utterly - how DARE those despicable Yanks interfere with OUR profit??!??!?!

The point is, again, whatever the outside world says about American politicians is necessarily out-of-focus, and ill-informed. If not ab initio suspect entirely.

The back of the hill said...

In other words, we must ignore what the rest of the world says about our politics and our politicians, and shape our opinions about these matters without their input.

Which is as it should be.

Spiros said...

I have yet to detect any prejudice on the part of BOTH against beavers; indeed, if one were to conflate beavers and wombats, this blog has shown a tendancy rather to celebrate wombats, so I am sure that this blog is beaver-safe (and, by extension, dam-friendly).


Spiros said...

Also, there is a Beaver Street in San Francisco, right in the middle of the Castro. Take that how you will.

Spiros said...

I like beavers.

Anonymous said...

Beavers are larger than frogs.

Anonymous said...

Cuidado los castores!

Anonymous said...

I like beavers.

They're delicious!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Wait.... That didn't come out right.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

I sound like bally Clinton.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Beavers have huge, sharp...
Look at the bones!

Spiros said...

If they thought about it, beavers probably would "praise" their "luckey stars" that they don't live in Texas or Dallas, also. They are most definitely not the backobne of this great country.
As a side note, does it strike anybody else that Mr. Anonymous is orthographically challanged when it comes to words of more than one syllable?

Spiros said...

I like beavers.

Anonymous said...

Run away, men! That beaver is dynamite!

The back of the hill said...

orthographically challanged


The back of the hill said...

Must be the whiff of beaver. All that redolence. It intoxicates.

Anonymous said...

I have my doubts about the Obamatron. But at this point, I would vote for the devil of it freed us from the Bush clique.


Anonymous said...

By the way, most of us here like beavers. Some of us eat them, too.


Anonymous said...

Not me though. I wouldn't know by that. Like all yeshiva boys, I am a timid virgin.


Anonymous said...

Unless, of course, you mean the beavers as in shtreimel material and the resultant hats.

In which case I am not a virgin.

I have come in shtreimel to shul


J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

"Of course, I completely reject your logic. Islamic "whackjobs" who praise Obama shed no light on Obama's character whatsoever--or on anything else, for that matter."

That makes sense after a great big dose of totally wishful thinking, covering one eye, one ear and sticking the other one where the sun don't shine.

Were it an off the cuff, single comment, you'de be right. But it came from an official hamas spokesperson. It also comes incessantly from a lot of very unsavory sources. You mean to tell me Jorge Tush's close friendship with the Suadi Royal family means nothing? BS. Obama is fairly new to politics, a fringe radical who surrounds himself with the most vile people (Wright, Rezko, Ayres, Pfledgers, to name a few) and is widely admired in radical Islamic cricles. He has hosted CAIR on numerous occasions, and if you disagree that CAIR's credentials speak for themselves you may as well just whitewash Hamas itself.

The fact that both I and neo-Nazi websites praise Bat Puchanan is stupid logic. (And yes, incidentally, in fact it does speak volues about him. Unfortunately, O'Bama doesn't have me to save his sorry ass :-))) ) What they praise him for I accuse (deplore) him of (and in recent years the guy is completely losing himself). I praised him for being an astute politician who isn't afraid to speak his mind and on many issues was right on the money 30-40 years before anyone dared say it. It still holds true, and he's no Hitler (although he's moving into that direction pather fast, probably proving me wrong in thinking that he wouldn't have built gas chambers as president).
Bottom line is, O'Bama runs on one thing and one thing only: his color. Other than that the guy has nothing.

BOTH - many interesting points, agree with a lot - cudos for saying it like it is about JFK.

Very strongly disagree about Albright.
1st thing about the ethnocide: it's a lie, plain and simple. The Croatians and Bosniacs started the trouble, sensing the Europeans weakness and their cunning evil desire to crawl up the Muslim/Arab's anuses for a little pipeline from the Caspian. (Personally, I'd side with the Serbs even if you were right about the fantasmagorical "ethnocide", as the Croats deserve every bit of of. Their entire nation were Ustashe and agreed and collaborated with their acts. They wpre more cruel and had more popular collaboration than the German Nazis - and were never de-Ustashafied. HS Produkt that makes the XD for Springfield Armory was founded by two Ustashe and now largely owned by, yes, George Soros.)

2. What the Europeans looked away were the Croat Attacks, and when the Serbs stood up for themselves, they whined for Clinton to intervene (as they were to coward to do the dirty job themselves)

3. Calling genocide a "hard-line policy" is quite a stretch. Albright knowingly killed 2500 non-combattands, knowingly bombed hospitals, orphanages, schools and bridges. She broke the entire coutries infrastructure in a very short time. Compared to this, what Bush did in Iraq is nothing.

"The point is, again, whatever the outside world says about American politicians is necessarily out-of-focus, and ill-informed. If not ab initio suspect entirely." That's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm not listening to Hamas: I won't vote O'Bama. Alan Keyes is my man, and mark my words - this election will see a record high independent vote. (Coming at McCocaine's detriment, mostly. I hope he picks Romney and woun't be able to hold office.)

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

"Andy Martin, the source of the rumors that"

No, the source is a NYT interview with Kristoff (very early in the campaign) in which O'Bama says he learned for a year (or two) in an Islamic school in Indonesia (it's a moderate Muslim country and have the greatest Airline ever. Nonetheless, they do widely practice female circumcision.)
In the same interview he said the sweetest sound in the world is the Imam calling for davening at daybreak.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa abbna al-Islaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! Itbachhhhhhhhhhhhhh il Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuddd! Dammmmmmmuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum halal!" Sweet, indeed.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

PS - two last things:

1)"received innumerable e-mails informing me that Obama is a secret Muslim, a graduate of a fundamentalist madrassa, a communist, a black nationalist, a radical anti-Israel Arabo-phile who supports terrorists, a member of the illuminati, a Free-mason, and a satisfied purchaser of Viagra and Cyalis. Apparently he is also the father of Brittany's love-child and a star in bestiality porn." Although you cleverly mix it all together, the fact is he has very close ties to radical muslims as well as the Nation Of Islam etc. He publicly said that he has Ludacris on his Ipod. I don't want a president who listens to rap. That's too low.

2)Following your logic of "...that Muslim would soon discover that the president has no power without co-operation from the federal bureaucracy,...", it would never matter who teh f--- is president, so why bother at all? Well we all know it's BS. The president appoints Sup. Crt. unjustices, who stay till they drop dead in the bench.

Kylopod said...

"But it came from an official hamas spokesperson"

Yeah, and it seems not to occur to you that (a) he might be practicing reverse psychology, on the not unreasonable assumption that many American voters will do the opposite of what he preaches (b) even if he is sincere, that doesn't come close to proving his reasons are valid (c) as I showed, you pick and choose whichever examples support your argument and ignore the many examples that don't.

"What they praise [Buchanan] for I accuse (deplore) him of (and in recent years the guy is completely losing himself)."

Fair enough. I got the impression you didn't just agree with him but also supported him. I could have used your hero Alan Keyes as my example, except Keyes is black and therefore is unlikely to attract support from white supremacists. But a white politician with the same views would almost certainly garner their support. Actually, it turns out that some of these guys do like Keyes, despite his race. Here is a quote from a guy at Stormfront: "I do admire the opinions of Alan Keyes and if he were not black would consider him an excellent choice for an elected office."

"No, the source is a NYT interview with Kristoff (very early in the campaign) in which O'Bama says he learned for a year (or two) in an Islamic school in Indonesia"

How does that in any way support the claim that he concealed a Muslim upbringing? Many non-Muslim children have attended that school.

"the fact is he has very close ties to radical muslims as well as the Nation Of Islam etc. He publicly said that he has Ludacris on his Ipod."

I usually try to avoid engaging in ridicule against a fellow blogger. You are making it hard for me to resist the temptation.

"I don't want a president who listens to rap."

But moshing with Rage is okay, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Do not believe anything a Palestinian or a Pakistanis says, ever. The concept 'truth' is not by any means a favourite, or even a common one, in those parts.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

In that regard, they are rather like some republicans, and most Texans. And persons from Dallas.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

It's the heat and the sheer lack of humidity - dries out their fragile little brains, positively shrivels their ethical senses.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

If either of the candidates were Punjabi, or god forbid Marathi, you'd be in luck oh heavens. That would be worth praising stars for.

And by 'Punjabi' we mean a sardar. Not a buggery Lahori - they are Pathans, and entirely repulsive. I am repulsed.

Oh my yes.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

The best stripper I knew was Punjabi. Breasts like very ripe mangoes. Could bench-press the patrons. Did in fact bench-press her husband. A teasing tart.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Made any Texan bint look like a washed-out blonde dishrag. There is no spunk to Texan females, despite their murderous tendencies.

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

Patel Sahib-
Did the above stripper incorporate a beaver in her act, by any chance?
Enquiring (and slightly prurient) minds want to know.

Spiros said...

It seem that this comment string has been going on for a mighty long time...all due to the power of the beaver.

Not Beaver Cleever.

Spiros said...

What can I say, I like beavers.

Anonymous said...

Rather surprisingly, Lev brings up an interesting point: are beavers kosher?

Anonymous said...

Rather surprisingly, Lev brings up an interesting point: are beavers kosher?

This shverre shaila has already been discussed ad nauseum by harav Pinky Schmeckelstein shlita, soll sein shtark und gazunt - in fact, he just won't shut up about it. The answer is yes. Unless the beaver is an aguna, in which case no. And seventy five percent of all beavers will NOT be kosher le pesach at some time - which means that if pesach kashrus lasts about two weeks, you should avoid three percent of the beavers in your vicinity. In other words, if you eat beaver, be aware that it is not batel be shishim, and therefore must be free of beaver entirely during the chag ha cheruteinu. Use a feather and a wooden spoon instead at those times.

As the Maharal miFrog, said, 'eppes, this is both a chiddush and a chumra! Ba emmes!'

A biber-peltz is a wondrous thing - it keeps the beaver warm.

Anonymous said...

What's with the amphibians? Is that you, Lev? Your employers know you're bloggomenting during bill-able hours? Which client is going to wonder what "trademark research" or 'conflict search' on their bill actually means?

Clearly the client in question does not require bills with much narrative format. One hopes that their Accounts Payable Department does not ask for detail.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Let me guess --- the client is actually 'Mitchell Brothers LLC', down in the Tenderloin.

That would verrily account for the preponderance of beavers in this comment string.

---Grant Patel

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

Kylopod (sorry for being late)

Who has ever told you that Alan Keyes listens to death metal? (AAAAAAAAAAAND, in all honesty, maybe only the worst of the worst of Nordic Black Metal is comparable to rap in ugliness, repulsiveness and militant hatred. And that's mainstream rap at that.)

The fact that some stupid racist/neo-Nazi said he agrees with Keyes' policies doesn't mean beans and certainly isn't comparable to Hamas - a leading murderous org - officially endorsing Bobama.

It's no big secret that US "supremacists" are more aligned with right-wing policies. The fact that they hate Jews and blacks is not necessarily a function of their right-wingness.

Second, pullleeeeze don't make me go to the black racist sites (if I'm not mistaken the negro college is semi-officially affiliated with those) and bring you all the support for Obama.

And an even bigger puullleeee-eee-eee-eee-aaaaze for "he might be practicing reverse psychology, on the not unreasonable assumption that many American voters will do the opposite of what he preaches" how nutty this conspiracy theory could be? Why in the hell would he root for old boy McCocaine? It's well known that Obama never renounced his close ties to Farrakhan supporters, the Nation Of Islam (I'm sure Hamas HATES that!) and similar delicacies - barely lip service.

"I got the impression you didn't just agree with him but also supported him."
Well.. my romance with Bat Puchanan is thus: I came to USA in late '01, when support per se was outta the window. However, knowing what I knew then, I was of the opinion that had I had the opportunity, I would have voted for him. (English teachers draw your candy bars!). Today I wouldn't do it, albeit I still beleiev he's not a total Hitler. Bottom line, it never was l'mayseh.

"I usually try to avoid engaging in ridicule against a fellow blogger. You are making it hard for me to resist the temptation." Go ahead man, go ahead. That's what the internet is for. What do you think, we can start cursing one another in middle of a chasunah or shul? This is the very place to do it, we're just letters on the screen. ;-)))))

Anonymous said...

Time for some senseless provocation:

Also here:

The National Jewish Democratic Council - the online voice for Jewish Democrats.

A rare voice. All the repubes and inbreds already seem to have tons of speakers.

Kylopod said...

certainly isn't comparable to Hamas - a leading murderous org - officially endorsing Bobama.

Then I wonder what it means when they condemn him.

Who has ever told you that Alan Keyes listens to death metal?

Rage, a death metal band? Wow, you know as much about metal as you do about radical Islam.

I was, of course, alluding to the incident in 2000 where Keyes dove into the (portable) mosh pit at a Rage Against the Machine concert after Michael Moore offered to pay any candidate who would do that. Gary Bauer then criticized Keyes for supporting "The Machine Rages On." (It couldn't have been funnier if Bauer had condemned "hippity-hop" by "Ice Coffee.") So what if Keyes isn't a regular Rage listener? Even I wouldn't do what he did, and I love Rage's music (though not their kooky politics). It was also hypocritical, as Bauer pointed out, for Keyes had previously gotten on McCain's case for simply joking that one of his favorite bands was Nine Inch Nails.

The fact that [white supremacists] hate Jews and blacks is not necessarily a function of their right-wingness.

Dude, race has got everything to do with it. Why would a Hitler admirer like Don Black give money to a libertarian like Ron Paul? The answer is that strengthening the U.S. government will not help the causes of neo-fascists, who are far more interested in dismantling the programs aimed at helping minorities. Buchanan understood this when he argued that the Republican Party should expropriate David Duke's "portfolio of winning issues" such as "reverse discrimination against white folks."

Given the last eight years, it makes sense that many Islamists would gravitate more toward an Obama presidency than a McCain one. I have no qualms about agreeing with them that Bush has made a mess of the Middle East (as if it wasn't one already), and that electing Obama might be a step in the right direction. I do not spend my time worrying that I might have some points of agreement with people I fear and despise.

No matter where a candidate stands on the political spectrum, there will always be crazies out there who find his views more attractive than the alternatives. There is absolutely nothing unusual about this. What was noteworthy about the Ron Paul episode was not that he received the donation, but that he refused to return it. What was noteworthy about the Obama episode--which didn't involve money--was that McCain made an issue out of so unremarkable an occurrence.

And an even bigger puullleeee-eee-eee-eee-aaaaze for "he might be practicing reverse psychology, on the not unreasonable assumption that many American voters will do the opposite of what he preaches" how nutty this conspiracy theory could be?

You don't seem to understand what a "conspiracy theory" is. For example, suggesting that Obama was born in Kenya, as you did on DB's blog a few weeks ago--now that is a mother of conspiracy theories.

What I'm suggesting isn't a conspiracy at all. It's just good old-fashioned political shrewdness. There should be nothing surprising about the fact that even complete whackos can be as slick as a Willie, as chaos-loving as a Limbaugh. How else do you explain why Hitler described Japanese and Arabs as Aryans, or espoused Christianity in public while condemning it in private?

That's part of the problem with trying to use the world's loons as a barometer for assessing politicians at home. Your argument rests on accepting at face value the words of the most cracked and deranged people. The fact you're so easily swayed by this opposites-game actually lends credence to the reverse-psychology theory you so glibly dismiss.

Especially weak is your argument that what a big group like Hamas says provides a clearer window into their mindset than what some individual racist or terror-supporter says. You've got it backwards: it's the big organizations that are most likely to consider the effects their words will have on the public. Hamas probably knows perfectly well how their words will be received in America, and they take that into account when making their public pronouncements. That's why the article I quoted before, indicating that radical Islamists are almost uniformly skeptical of Obama, is far more relevant than what some Hamas spokesperson self-consciously tells the U.S. press. (That said, I couldn't care less what any of these guys think, but it demolishes your argument, which was never very strong to begin with.)

Why in the hell would he root for old boy McCocaine?

One reason might be that McCain, and not Obama, once considered talking with them. But they might not be aware of that fact.

In any case, your statement is very revealing. You're so absolutely certain that Obama is good for the terrorists and bad for America that you won't even entertain any other possibility. It's no wonder you've ignored or rationalized away the numerous counterexamples I've given. You unwittingly confirm the old theory of paradigms: people only see what they expect to see.

It's well known that Obama never renounced his close ties to Farrakhan supporters

And I have had close "ties" to Kahane supporters. Doesn't prove a thing about my own views.

barely lip service

Not true at all. His book Dreams from my Father talks at length about the moral and intellectual failings of the NOI and some black nationalists he met. It is a thoughtful, in-depth discussion, the polar opposite of "lip service."

my romance with Bat Puchanan is thus

When the media and the Jewish organizations ganged up on him in the '90s, they only occasionally mentioned his support from neo-Nazis. Why? Because they didn't need to. They had a ton of quotes from Buchanan's own mouth (and pen) to prove their case. (Many of the quotes were misleadingly taken out of context, but let that pass.) If all they had to say about him was that some Nazis liked him, their case would have been built on dust--as your case against Obama, in fact, is.

It's striking that you haven't uttered a word about Obama's own views as revealed through his writings, his speeches, and his votes. You talk about nothing except who some of his friends and supporters are, in an attempt to imply things about him that could never in a million years be discerned from the public record of his views. And that, not the idea that a Hamas spokesperson might practice reverse-psychology, is truly nutty.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

Dear Metal Maven,

Please accept my deepest apologies for calling Mosh Against The Rage and Nine Inch Machine “Death Metal”. I was never aware that the proper terms are “post moshcore industrialternative” and “progressive grudge fusion”.

Please understand that old people who have already reached puberty –better known as “old farts”, such as myself, can’t keep up with all these sophisticated stuff. We just call it “death metal”, be it mudvana, Gödslämb or whatever the fashion of the week is. We old farts just listen to music we like, regardless of what it is labeled, how old it is, how juvenile, commercial, outdated, and how many copies they sold – forty four million or just four. We can get off on Soft Machine, Budgie, Frank Gambale, Otis Rush, Judas Priest, EWF, Horslips, BB King, BS&T, Genesis, Tull, Motley Crue, whatever. But hey to each his own – so if you like Diamond Jelly, just run with it. As per Trazk Rochnor’s politics – I know nothing of it, nor do I care. I don’t turn to Rock’N’Rollers for political advice. However, I mistakenly thought you refer to the metal band Rage (just Rage – no Rage Against Whitey, not Rage And Fury For LaRaza, but just plain Rage. I hope you know less about metal than about Islam ;-) )

Now back to the conversation – I didn’t know about Keyes’ stupid action – it’s despicable and ridiculous. Nevertheless in general I mostly agree with most of his policies, and I see no better choice. Certainly not McBama or O’Cain, those two cunning charlatans who are worse than each other.
And yes, to answer you specifically, I still think listening to (c)rap and hanging around rapists oooppss, rappers, is far worse than jumping in Troach Di Rezak’s posh mit. And I really think it shows something about the man. (Both, BTW)

As per “lip service” – what he does in the book is exactly that (even if it doesn’t fit the standard mold of a short remark to be yotsei yedei chovah. Call it a crock if you don’t like the ‘lip service’ term). Making believe he’s a moderate, and having the book to “prove” it, while hanging around the NOI guys. One of his main promoters, buddy and former Chicagoan, mega-racist certified anti-semite, white hater lowlife Michael Baisden is a NOI lover and surprise surprise, Bobama pusher. Interestingly, when it comes to your Saviour you don’t suppose he’s playing the reverse-effect game.

As per Hamas, I can’t believe you’re serious. Even if it were true that McCockaine is more likely to talk with them, it’s BS. Terrorists don’t give a hoot about who talks to them and who doesn’t. The fact of the matter is that whoever will be more lax on terrorism – including interrogation, detention, immigration, profiling, budgets etc – and we all know who that one is.

Your referring to that article is also abysmally ridiculous. Of course Arabs/Muslims slam him (and the USA as a whole – you conveniently forgot that). Despite the cozy “liberal” views you hold, there are gross differences in peoples’ mentalities, and I’m sad to inform you that the Arab Muslim looks down on the amenities and luxuries we love so much – he certainly doesn’t throw his pride and heritage away for their sake. So for them anytime one of their friends doesn’t fully reverberate exactly what they want, they’ll slam him, even if they know he just lies to please the current audience, as politicians always do. (I’m sure you know when he talks to CAIR and lefties he sings a slightly different tune).

But bottom line is you are right – the fact that Hamas, Ayers and other unsavory characters endorse him, fund him, host his campaign is not a reason to oppose the man. After all, in his long and exhausting full six months in the US senate, his voting record is to the left of the most radical leftist. My initial point was just to say that it does matter who endorses you and who your friends are, although as you said the main thing is the guy’s own record, which surpasses even his shady friends. You should be happy that I’m voting for him (albeit indirectly). The mere idea that such a nobody would even conceive to seek the presidency is simply sick.

"they only occasionally mentioned his support from neo-Nazis." Just like McBama's critics only occasionally bring up his love affairs with terrorists, felons and Muslim murderers. You're right, his radical actions as street agitation and the single most leftist are the main issue.
"It's striking that you haven't uttered a word about Obama's own views as revealed through his writings, his speeches, and his votes. You talk about nothing except who some of his friends and supporters are..."
That's what this article is about: caliming McBama's affiliations are irrelevant. I disagree and hold they are. Were he the exact opposite of his friends, I'd say OK. But the fact is that he's a radical agitator just like them. Godd luck tho'.

Kylopod said...

Dear Metal Maven

Heh. I like a wide range of music, some of which might be considered metal, but I'm no metalhead. Describing RATM as death metal is kind of like describing the Eagles as rockabilly. Still, it's berries compared to thinking Ludacris has something to do with the Nation of Islam.

There are plenty of subjects about which I am hopelessly ignorant. The difference is that I avoid talking about those subjects.

Please understand that old people who have already reached puberty –better known as “old farts”, such as myself, can’t keep up with all these sophisticated stuff.

So now I'm a teenybopper. Ironically, I listen to very little from the 2000s. (RATM are strictly a '90s band.) Much of my what I like comes from the '60s and '70s, and in recent years I've taken increasing interest in the indie market.

I mistakenly thought you refer to the metal band Rage (just Rage – no Rage Against Whitey, not Rage And Fury For LaRaza, but just plain Rage

That actually occurred to me shortly after I submitted the post. I looked it up, and sure enough, there is a German heavy metal band called Rage. I assume that's who you thought I was referring to, though nobody, as far as I can tell, considers even them death metal.

Here in America, when mainstream listeners talk about Rage, they usually mean Rage Against the Machine, just like the Stones means the Rolling Stones.

Anyway, I take back what I said. You obviously know a lot more about metal than you do about radical Islam.

I still think listening to (c)rap and hanging around rapists oooppss, rappers, is far worse than jumping in Troach Di Rezak’s posh mit.

Chris Rock did a great routine about how he cannot possibly defend today's rap music, but at the end of the day he still likes the stuff. John McWhorter (who plays classical piano as a hobby) has expressed similar sentiments.

Coming as I do from a different cultural background than Rock, McWhorter, or Obama, I do not have much taste for hip hop. But I can certainly relate to the dilemma of liking music when I find the content indefensible. Some people avoid listening to such music on principle. I respect that decision, but it doesn't imply that any other choice is as contemptible as the music itself.

Undoubtedly, jumping into the mosh pit is far worse than simply listening to the stuff. It's the difference between private enjoyment and public support.

Interestingly, when it comes to your Saviour you don’t suppose he’s playing the reverse-effect game.

Nice try. You have indeed spotted a contradiction, but it is your own, not mine. You are the one assuming Hamas is straight-talk express while refusing to believe anything that comes out of Obama's mouth. I make no such assumptions in either case.

I don't make a habit of trusting politicians. They pander, they lie, they spin--that's practically part of their job. And Obama is no different. But I have seen no evidence that he harbors sympathy toward black nationalism or hates white people (which would include his own mother, with whom there is no evidence he has bad relations).

Moreover, public figures who try to hide racism usually give themselves away before long. Take Trent Lott. In many ways, his attempts at saving face during the controversy over his offhanded remark at Strom Thurmond's birthday party were more revealing than the remark itself.

When Obama talks about race relations, it is not boilerplate. He comes off as someone who has pondered the topic for a long time and recognizes its complexity. That isn't something that can be easily faked.

After all, in his long and exhausting full six months in the US senate, his voting record is to the left of the most radical leftist.

First of all, Obama has been in the U.S. Senate for three-and-a-half years, not "six months."

Second, the "most liberal Senator" claim is a myth. It started because the National Journal ranked him that way for 2007, even though he missed one-third of the votes that year. If you miss more than half of the votes, as McCain did, you aren't even included in the rankings. Obama was ranked 16th in 2006 and 10th in 2005. Therefore, we can only conclude that the 2007 ranking lacked sufficient data about his voting patterns to be reliable.

Even in 2007, other studies, like this one, do not place him anywhere near the top. Also, in rankings done by several liberal and conservative interest groups that year, he was ranked 42nd most liberal, and 70th most conservative.

Of course, even if we were to take the Journal's 2007 ranking at face value, that still would not remotely imply that he is "to the left of the most radical leftist."

You should be happy that I’m voting for him (albeit indirectly).

I don't care who you vote for. I care about confronting the mindless paranoia and alarmism that you and others peddle.

Were he the exact opposite of his friends, I'd say OK. But the fact is that he's a radical agitator just like them.

And you still haven't provided a shred of evidence to support that claim. The examples you mentioned--his positions on interrogation, detention, immigration, etc.--are all well within the American mainstream, and sometimes the position of the majority.

Kylopod said...
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