Thursday, April 17, 2008


No, this is not about politics, or any of the local radicals. It is about art. It is specifically a recommendation that you visit e-kvetcher's blog.

This post:

But before you click, make sure that you have an iron stomach.
Some of the stuff may make you ill.
Or cause you to spew hot tea all over your keyboard. It's entirely up to you.


Spiros, if you wish to tell us about art students, now is your chance. Either that or a description of the hairy gams.


Spiros said...

Really, all I can say is(and, in a lifetime given to using the phrase, I have never found it to be quite so apposite): "what an absolute load of shit".
And I will add that my experience, however tangential, to the SFAI has led me to conclude that it is very much like a kindergarden that has been given access to heroin.
See also: G.G. Allin.

Spiros said...

That should have read either "experience of" or "exposure to"; obviously, the contents of e-kvetcher's post left me a wee bit discombobulated.

Anonymous said...

Truly yukky - my dog did puke today - but I did not have a camera to hand shame really


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