Monday, April 14, 2008


Cross-posted at The Muqata (, which you should visit often as a matter of both minhag and self-improvement.

The text below represents a new level of anti-Semitism and cotton-wool Jewish self-loathing in the San Francisco Bay Area. It also represents an ignorant and self-righteous welt-anschauung that is truly and utterly dangerous.

Unfortunately it does NOT represent a minority point of view in many circles. I wish to post it here so that you may know exactly what we're up against in California. And note particularly the mention of a "liberation seder" at a Methodist church - to me this is such a series of misnomers and wrong concepts that it does not, cannot, compute. My mind is boggled.

[I will be attending two seders - both in the East Bay, neither in anyway whatsoever resembling the nakba seder.]

--- --- ---

[from e-mail]

Get Involved! Nakba Bay Area Jewish Anti-Zionist Efforts

Dear Bay Area "No Time To Celebrate" signatories and IJSN friends,

Last Thursday 20 people attended the Bay Area organizing meeting for Jewish anti-Zionist actions around the 60th anniversary of the Nakba. The energy at the meeting was great, and people are ready to step up into action this spring! We heard back from many more of you who could not be there and are very committed to being involved. At the meeting, a decision-making process for selecting areas of work to move forward on, was framed by the call to action from the "No Time To Celebrate" campaign

You can read and sign the pledge at:
and that from Palestinian organizations calling on international civil society to commemorate Nakba through boycott of Israel celebrations and actions to highlight the history of Palestinian resistance at:

Three workgroups were formed to organize the major efforts we identified as most vital:

1. Holding a Liberation Seder is solidarity with 60 Years of Palestinian Resistance;
2. Organizing Nakba Direct Actions;
3. Supporting the Free Palestine Peace and Solidarity Festival.

Following is more information about these efforts and ways you can get involved in each one.

We hope you can all join us for the next meeting on *Wednesday April 16, 7pm at 474 Valencia in San Francisco.
We are so excited to come together with you all to stand with Palestinian resistance on the 60th anniversary of the Nakba!

Areas of work and how to get involved:

Liberation Seder - Sunday, April 20, 5:00-8:30pm, Lake Merrit United Methodist Church, 1255 1st Ave, Oakland.
The Seder will be a community building event and a fundraiser for IJSN and the Palestinian Popular conference. The Seder will be geared towards promoting several Bay Area Nakba activities, including the May 10th Palestinian Cultural Festival, the Handala campaign, and the Palestinian Popular Conference.

What you can do:

1. Come and bring guests! rsvp to
2. Bring an item of food (wine, matzah, parsley, boiled eggs, oranges,
olives, juice, horseradish, a dish). E-mail the Seder Point Person, Eric Romann at to let him know what you are making!
3. Help with set-up and/or clean-up, be there for all the behind-the-scenes action! E-mail to sign-up for a shift.
4. Perform a piece of poetry or music, again, contact Eric at if you have a piece you'd like to offer at the Seder.
5. Spread the word!

Nakba Direct Actions:

We are organizing two major direct actions. We need everyone to participate in order to demonstrate, through our numbers and passion, exactly how substantial Jewish dissent to Zionism is! Please contact the Nakba Actions Point Person Sara Kershnar at to get involved and/or to join the next workgroup meeting on April 21, at 7:30pm.

Roles to play will include:

1. People to participate in direct actions.
2. People to come as allies and in supporting roles.
3. People willing to develop materials for distribution, design visuals for the action, and plan an art party.

Free Palestine Peace and Solidarity Festival:
Saturday, May 10, all day at the Civic Center
This festival is being organized by the local Palestinian Nakba Committee, and will feature a fabulous line up of performers, as well as other cultural and political opportunities.
IJSN has been asked to recruit volunteers, provide logistical support, participate in, fundraise for, and promote the event.

The festival workgroup will be sending out an e-mail in the next few days with a list of ways you can be involved and support the festival.

Please contact Festival Point Person Kinneret Israel at to get active before then and/or join the festival planning conference call on Thursday April 10th at 5:30pm.

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Please note that the e-mail reproduced above shows a clear link between methodists and the El Awda crowd, who advocate the destruction of Israel. El Awda insists upon a right of return to the Holy Land for Palestinians, and obligatory return to Poland for Jews. They are silent about the Jews expelled from Arab lands. It would not surprise me if they have other plans for them.

The Methodists, of course, are simply mis-informed idiots. We have a lot of those in the Bay Area. The involvement of the Methodists with the nakba crowd and anti-Israel Jews is very disturbing. The divestment movement flourishes at present among such people.


Anonymous said...


It sounds truly WEIRD...

My humble advice to the Blogmeester is to ignore this lot - clearly they are complete lunatics - counter-arguments or protests - draw attention to them and lend them credibility amongst other nutcases. Maybe Hamas will profit from some plonker reading poetry in CA .... but will Israel suffer?

Return to Poland?

It is a bit poignant that the Blogmeester resides in an area of the planet noted for freaky attitudes


Jack Steiner said...


Tzipporah said...

What the heck have they been smoking??

Maybe I've been hanging around online with frummies and friends like you too much, but the line between seekers of peace and idiots signing up for the 21st century gas chambers seems to be growing blurrier all the time...

Dusty said...

To Graham- "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing."

or try this one:

"In the end, we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."


"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Doing nothing is not an option. Thats how the Northern Californian Jewish community got into this mess to begin with.

Anonymous said...

I get dusty's point. I'm not unaware that the Blogmeester is drawing attention to loopy extremists on his patch.

All I mean is that there are people who will profit from a kick up the ass - and there are those who will not.
Loopy Californian Jews for arabs in palestine - are curious even astounding - but one's efforts should be directed to those more influential - e.g

"During the ceremony, a two-man honor guard escorted Carter and his wife, Rosalynn. Carter placed the wreath on the grave then solemnly nodded before turning away. A Palestinian host later told Carter that Arafat's resting place was temporary, and the Palestinians hope to move his remains to Jerusalem one day."

I'm aware that for obvious reasons the Blogmeester is concerned with what goes on in SF.

But lunatics beyond sympathy need medication - to persuade an idiot to change his or her mind is time-consuming and proabably not worth the effort. An idiot remains an idiot.


The back of the hill said...

Howdy y'all, Back of the hill speaking - I'm temporarily unable to put up new posts here because Google/Blogger have questions about my blog.

So I'm currently at my summer home, here:

Which I'll keep as a reserve if the good googloggers decide to unlock this blog.

Anonymous said...

This Sara Kershnar?
This is the one you discribed as , er, "large and handsome"?

Here's film of her harrassing the pro-Israel pro-Peace group: - 100k

And here's a pin-up for ya:

Does Sara kershnar make you hot?
No- not like that, you filthy, fithy man.
Hot as in "makes your blood boil"?

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