Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The New York rabbi protest arrest has been noted overseas also, but, like in the US, has not been given much airtime. Or printtime.

[One could suspect that that is because rabbis are well-mannered and educated, unlike many other protestors - but that would lead to a nasty crack about the other side, and I would not ever want to say anything nasty about the other side, heaven forefend - such nice sincere folks, those angry protestors breaking windows and screaming death threats. Really. And so very macho and studly too! Priorites, dear readers, priorities.]

Here's what a Dutch news and opinion blog (http://nederkrant.wordpress.com/) has to say about the arrest:

Massale arrestatie van vreedzaam protesterende Rabbi’s bij de UN.
[Massive arrests of peacefully protesting rabbis at the UN]

Helaas is niets hiervan in het nieuws gekomen. Op 17 april jongslede hielden een 50 tal Rabbi’s en rabbinale studenten een protest op de trappen van het UN gebouw in New York.
[Unfortunately none of this made the news. This past 17 April, around fifty rabbis and rabbinic students held a protest on the steps of the UN building in New York.]

Een vreedzaam protest zoals u uit onderstaande video kunt opmaken. Men hinderde hoogstens wat voetgangers die het gebouw in of uit wilden. Desalniettemin greep de politie vrijwel direct in en arresteerde (voor zover mij bekend) 18 tot 20 protesterende Rabbi’s. Kennelijk kun je beter roepen dat "de echte holocaust" onderweg is, of dat je hoofd eraf gesneden zal worden. Dan laat men je al snel met rust onder het mom van "religieuze gevoeligheid".
[A peacefull protest, as you can observe from the video below (see site in question). Mostly a few pedestrians who wished to enter or leave the building were hindered. Nevertheless the police intervened almost immediately and arrested (as far as is known to me) 18 to 20 protesting rabbis. Apparently it is better that you scream that "the real holocaust" is occurring now, or that heads will be cut off. Then they'll leave you alone because of religious sensitivities (note: sarcasm).]

The rest of the article is here:

Per the article, the reason for the protest was "the constant disregard by the UN of the nuclear programme and the continuing threats by Iran to destroy Israel. The protesters requested the UN to exclude Iran from the security council and other departments because the threat to exterminate the entire population of another UN member is a serious criminal issue, and according to the rules of the UN should be seen as a declaration of war. The absurdity that Iran can even be a member of the UN is überhaupt a shanda" (yes, schande in Dutch means exactly the same in Yinglish!).

One of the responses, by someone named Tristan, is worth quoting in full:

Iran is het grote gevaar voor de staat Israel; men gaat gestaag door met het nucleaire programma wat onvermijdelijk een confrontatie met Israël zal opleveren.
[Iran is the greatest danger to the state of Israel; they continue their nuclear programme without interruption, which will without a doubt yield a confrontation with Israel. ]

De verbale agressie ten opzichte van het Israëlische volk laat geen geen ruimte voor misverstanden; volledige vernietiging van het Joodse volk is hier het doel.
[The verbal aggression as regards the Israeli people leaves no room for misunderstanding; complete destruction of the Jewish people is the goal here (Iran's goal - not the writer's own). ]

De holocaust wordt ontkend en afgedaan als Joodse propaganda en ondertussen bewapend men Palestijnse ‘vrijheidsstrijders’.
[The Holocaust is denied and rejected as Jewish propaganda, and in the meantime they arm Palestinian "freedom fighters" (sarcasm quotes!).]

In Nederland is een partij als de SP 100 procent voor de Palestijnen en is men blind voor de aspiraties van Hamas en Hezbollah; vernietiging van het Jodendom en het invoeren wereldwijd van de Sharia.
[In the Netherlands a party such as the SP (Socialist Party - actually the melding of the old Moscow Communists, the two different revolutionary Maoist factions, and various other Marxist elements, with a glib marketing department veneer so as not to frighten the mice) is one hundred percent pro Palestinian, and one is blind about the aspirations of Hamas and Hezbollah; destruction of Jewry/Judaism and world-wide imposition of Shariah.]

Ondertussen werkt Cohen aan zijn prestige-project; de Westermoskee.
Werken aan de eigen ondergang; waar hebben wij dit meer gezien tijdens de Duitse bezetting?
[Meanwhile, Cohen (Job Cohen, labour party burgomaster of Amsterdam, actually one of the good guys) works on his prestige-project; the Westermosque (the proposed great mosque in one of the more Islamic neighborhoods of Amsterdam. But given the rivalry between Turkish-Dutch, who are mostly blended in and middle-class, and Moroccan-Dutch, who are still not acclimatized and have a higher rate of illiteracy, stridency, extremism, and legal "issues", once it is built it will probably keep the trouble makers occupied with each other.). (space) Working on ones' own downfall; where else have we seen this..... during the German occupation?]

It's nice to know that the threat of Iran is not bagatellized by everybody over there. The sad thing is that Tristan represents precisely the type of Dutchman most likely to come over here. Some of the Dutch are giving up on the place, and, with good reason, bailing out.

Further note: Steg, who alerted me to the Dutch language article, stresses that the entire thing was *pre-arranged* and *pre-orchestrated* between the protesters and the police. They went there specifically in order to get arrested, to make the protest more dramatic. The police weren’t picking on or persecuting them at all.

Please read his post:

And especially take in the photographs. It is a very worthwhile posting, about a very worthwhile action. It should have been deemed more newsworthy.

NOTE: The Socialist Party, which is the modern-day guise of the Stalinists (both Mao and Moscow), have the voting loyalty of over twenty five percent of the Dutch. Together with the Partij van de Arbeid ('Labour Party'), they account for the fact that nearly as many Dutch support Hamas and Hezbollah as are pro-Israel. Pro-Israel Dutch are mostly elderly, and the distance from the events of the middle of the twentieth century grows greater each year, so it is quite possible that in the next few years more Dutch will support terrorists and anti-Semites than Israel.

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