Wednesday, April 04, 2007


[This meme is from Charismatic Megafauna (, who more recently wrote about her cat, chrome plating cancer, bat daemons, vegetable eaters, and sex education.]

A- Available or single? No.

B- Best Friend? Latakia. No wait, Keemun tea. No wait, herring. Yes, that's it, herring.

C- Cake or Pie? Cake. It sounds so happy. Say it: 'CAKE!'

D- Drink of Choice? Tea. It is always time for tea. And if it isn't, it is bound to be teatime somewhere. So, in solidarity with elsewhere, I'll have some tea.

........long pause........

....Okay, I'm back now....

E- Essential Item? Reading glasses.

F- Favorite Color? Bright yellow walls. Green or blue pottery and porcelain. Two-tone pipe finish. Vermillion and indigo. Yellow ochre, raw sienna, burnt umber. Oxidized silver in pinks and dirty purples. Rust or brick red. Amber. Rose-pink lips. Creamy skin. Faint raspberry coloured.... This is all much too sensual.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Ick, poo. Heathen crap.

H- Hometown? Here.

I- Indulgence? Latakia. No wait, Keemun tea. No wait, herring. Yes, that's it, herring.

J- January or February? October.

K- Kids and names? None. You should've asked me about the stuffed animals.

L- Ellucidate reason for answer to question K: They've taken over the apartment, and are trying to steal my laundry money.

M- Marriage Date? No.

N- Number of Siblings? One.

O- Oranges or apples? Mangoes. Lovely underripe mangoes, which resemble.....

P- Phobias/Fears? An absence of Latakia. No wait, Keemun tea. No wait, herring. Yes, that's it, herring. Oh, and stuffed animals.

Q- Favorite Quote? "Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize!"

R- Reason to Smile? Latakia. No wait, Keemun tea. No wait, herring. Yes, that's it, herring.

S- Season? Fire season. I'm glad I live here and not in Southern California.

T- Tag three people! Oh whatever. If you want to, go ahead.

U- Unknown fact about me? When I let down my hair and take off my glasses, why, why, I'm.... beautiful!
Oh wait, that's the librarian.

V- Vegetable you hate? Peas.

W- Weird or neurotic habit? None. I'm refreshingly normal.

X- Teeth? Yes, many.

Y- Your favorite food? Oh crud, what a boring question! What time is it? Tea time? Then crumpets.

Z- Zodiac? I don't believe in that nonsense, and neither should you.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

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