Monday, April 09, 2007


I attended a lovely seder at the beginning of the chag.

Which, upon reading about other people's seders, is something that jumps sharply into brilliant focus.

Renreb had a seder with several hundred "Phil".

In preparation for which, her most excellent new pajamas (the soft and fuzzy yellow pajamas with the little plushy kitty cats appliqued all over them) were rendered uninhabitable, what with oil and matzah dust, spatter and specks of potato peel.

I'm not even going to mention what could've happened to her tablecloth. You'll just have to cruise on over and read her here:

There were no disasters at the seder I attended, despite huge numbers of plastic frogs, toads, and insects flying through the air, baby marshmallows all over (both barad and kinim), and a generous quantity of slivovitz all round.

No spillage whatsoever. The celebration of herut was accomplished with supernatural coordination.

As, indeed, is made clear in the hagadah.

We would've discussed the meaning of passover all the way till zman krias shema, but some of us had to get back to the city while the trains were still running.

The next morning I realized that I really should've brought the tupperware container with the frogs over to the East-Bay.


No, they aren't live frogs. They are small and large rubber froggim, which I acquired during a three month fit of perversion while working at a frog-themed company. By populating my in-box, and the section of my desk which fronted the aisle, with these frogs, I sought to keep people from overloading me with work.
Which seemed to succeed - can't drop another file where there is no space because of all the frogs. Can't object to the frogs either - frog-themed company, remember?

I associate frogs with freedom.

I shall now also associate them with slivovitz.

Frogs in every generation.


Renreb's blog is here:

And while I'm recommending reading material, have you checked out Robbie's aunt yet?
You should. Here:


Regular writing in the olam ha bloggim will resume this week. Bate your breath just a little longer.


Anonymous said...

Nothing says "celebration of freedom" like the flavor of Schlivovitz!

Kol tuv:


Anonymous said...

Thanks to you, I now asosiate frogs with perversion. Thanks a heap.

Anonymous said...

Ribbit ribbit.....

Kermit the FROG here....

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