Tuesday, February 20, 2024


It's thunderstorming and bucketing down right now. Expect a strongly worded letter to the editor! This is horrendous, how is a man supposed to do his laundry in this weather?
I am outraged.

Also, Jason from Gujarat or Andra Pradesh could have picked a much better time to call me about installing solar. Firstly, I am not the homeowner, so it ain't happening, not during a rain storm in any case, and secondly, I'm a snarky Dutchman and cussed him out in Cantonese.
After several choice remarks from me in response to his queries, he hung up.
He probably still doesn't grasp what he can do to his low mow.
Or that he is related to hamsters.

Dumb-ass Guju-wuju!

My hovercraft is full of eels.
One major reason I figure he's from Gujarat (or Andra Pradesh) is because it's remarkably damned stupid to stay on the phone and try to sell me solar panels when absolutely everything I said was in Cantonese, and obviously short-tempered to boot.

Ulu! Baifkoof!

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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