Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Some individuals are precise, potent, and, in the end, unbeatable. As a pipesmoker I am well aware of this, but even the pre-briar crowd (children) may be afflicted. The correct Swiss German equivalent of 'sleeves' is not 'schleife', but perhaps it should be.
A friend in Switzerland has a three year old, who is linguistically multiple.
To quote my correspondent: "She took The English word and ran it through late Middle High German, with diphthongisation and palato-alveolarisation of the sibilant before the liquid."
End quote.
Which is beautiful and precocious.

And in Dutch: slieven.

The haggadah this year with her at the table should be quite interesting, which one would love to witness. And at the end of the evening, she may object to the huge amount of brutality and injustice in the goat song. To a precocious child, all the premises therein may seem dreadfully unfair.

Also, without a scrap of evidence whatsoever, I suspect that her father lies somewhere between Emden and Eybeschütz in his interpretation of those lyrics, and pays mere lip-service to the Chasam Sofer.

As Gmail always tells me: "something is not right; we're trying to fix that".

Which, if you dwell on it, is one of the things that the seder is all about.

His son is probably relieved that he is no longer the youngest child.
But according to some halachic interpretations, he still is.
Something might be wrong, try to fix that.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Phillip Minden said...

She jumps around saying layla-a-ze, layla-a-ze, which she probably picked up in nursery school, but that's not good enough to relieve her brother from his duties.

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