Thursday, June 23, 2011


Geert Wilders found not-guilty of all charges.
This verdict was inevitable and predictable. As anyone who actually knew anything at all about the Dutch and the legal system of the Netherlands could have foreseen.

Wait, we did foresee such an outcome!

[The principles of Dutch law were put to the test, and proved themselves. And mark this, he's still an irritating blister and a horrendous bigot. That is what free speech is about. What he says is odious. But loathsome speech is still protected. Those who wailed otherwise were either dumb as two bricks, OR under the baleful influence of Pamela buggery Geller.]

We got castigated by all the English-speaking monolingual ignoramuses for saying so.

The Netherlands got all kinds of bad language thrown at it..... and her people..... and her culture..... and her society..... and her history, government structure, laws, customs, perceived habits or intestinal fortitude.....

The castigation, nay, hateful hysterical paranoid balderdash, was voiced by many people (including Pamela buggery Geller) who didn't know what they were talking about, and were the more venomous and foaming because of it.

On behalf of my fellow Dutch-speakers, we do NOT need your apologies.

Kindly be quiet.

Thank you.


PS. Zoals ik al eens eerder vermelde kan het mij in feite gene klap schelen wat de eentalige Engels-spreker over de heer Wilders denkt, dan wel te denken heeft over de onzinnigheden deswelks door Engelstalige rechtse ballen verspreid worden. Indien u dit niet lezen kunt ligt het waarschijnlijk aan u (en het is wel degelijk een faling), maar u kunt het in ieder geval aan een echte Nederlands-spreker te lees geven voor uitleg.
Voor de rest, bek dicht, stommeling. Ik ben het gezeik van idioten beu.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

The back of the hill said...

One other crucial point:
I can criticize the Dutch and the Netherlands.

That ignorant hysteric Pamela buggery Geller can’t.
Glenn buggery Beck can’t.
The entire friggin’ Tea Party can’t.
Fox can’t.

Add Pamela buggery Geller, Glenn buggery Beck, the Tea friggen’ Party, and Fox buggery Network together, and you have so much accumulated evil and stupidity that they are responsible for ninety percent of the bad karma and foul odours in the country.
Might as well be labeled an EPA superfund site and isolated in an abandoned salt mine. Big thick concrete cap on top.

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