Thursday, June 02, 2011


Of course she should be able to have an abortion! What she does with her plumbing is nobody else's business.
No, don't give me that bull about every little life, a precious new soul, sparks of divine light, potential world-saving genius, or even what your religion says. Stop.
Just hush up - You and that other guy. And what makes you think that the CEO of Pederasts-R-us even has a voice in this matter? Same goes double for every single television preacher in America. As well as the cynical bastards who cater to the lowest, stupidest, most inbred segment of the electorate - fundamentalist Christians.

Her decision. Only her. No one else.

There are THREE outside considerations that are valid:
1. Her sexlife is her own affair.
2. If the impregnator is abusive he might not survive.
3. Abortion is a right; it should be legally recognized as such.

The above was, more or less, one of my first reactions to what a recent commenter here wrote underneath a recent post.

" I don't particularly like men. I think their personally unexamined overwhelming privilege makes it harder for me to get a freaking leg up in this world. I think they talk too much, particularly about lady business, particularly about matters such as abortion and our decisions about sex; getting laid or not -> slut or frigid. Thanks for the choices, boys. I think it's obnoxious when men confuse my whole body with the contents of my pelvis, and then complain when I don't use the brain it's attached to in a way that makes them happy. And for Fuck's Almighty Sake, I wish they would learn to aim into the center of the toilet bowl. Is it that much more skill intensive to point your penis at something and shoot than pointing and aiming and shooting a gun? Really? Can I buy you one of those aiming rings that floats in the bowl? Would that help??? I personally would like a man who won't get stuck in ruts, or if he does, won't pull me down into it with him. I'd like a man who is genuinely comfortable with me making decisions and money and love without his input. I want someone with whom I can argue about relationships, politics, economics, feminism, social theory, whatev, without a pouty, defensive, abusive or dismissive interlude. I want a man who will wipe up the pee he leaves on the floor next to the freaking commode. In other words, I'm looking for the same thing you are - not a man, but a real person. FIN.

So basically: equal opportunity, abortions & sex, plus urine.

For the record, I am very fond of pelvic areas. But they are seldom in a direct line of sight, and given that I refuse to even contemplate casual sex, all pelvic charms are pretty much hypothetical.
An intellectual construct, in any case. At least for the foreseeable future.


I have to agree with her. This is very important. Why can't some men learn how to pee more attentively? What makes them utilize EXACTLY the same technique that they first mastered as little boys? It may have been 'cute' then (VERY debatable), but once you're a little taller, it behooves you to aim. That sign that says "gentlemen lift the seat" is NOT a license to pee all over the floor.
It's there to suggest that if, heaven forefend, you don't actually have any control, you will not cause an unsanitary situation on the one part of the loo that some people will come into contact with.
If you cannot aim, please sit down - you're making the rest of us look bad.
And do NOT pee all over my floor. If a woman can get it all in the can, you can too.
Peeing is a privilege. It can be revoked.


A very fine part of the anatomy. I have nothing but good words for pelvis.
What you do with it is your own affair.


Probably one of the greatest things our civilization can boast. For any woman who accidentally gets pregnant, this is one of the first things that her gynecologist should advise.
"Have you considered an immediate abortion, miss? May I respectfully suggest that you do? Surely you do not wish to bring an infant into this world that you cannot afford to raise, and that your violent stupid boyfriend will not take any responsibility for? If you are going to have children, it is best to wait until you are reasonably sure that it is what you want to do, and something that you can deal with in a mature fashion. Pregnancy is a choice, not a grim obligation."

Abortion also has immense societal benefits - and I'm not just talking about the fact that there would be fewer relatives of Sarah Palin floating around. Plainly put, a child forced into this world is more likely to grow up with problems.

And judging by recent political developments, there are already plenty of psychopaths:
By a 234-182 vote, the House of Representatives passed an amendment last Wednesday, sponsored by Virginia Foxx (R-NC) that would prohibit teaching hospitals from receiving federal funding if they teach doctors how to perform abortions.
[source: House bans funding of abortion training.]

How DID we end up with the Baptist Taliban in power?

Please read the rest of that article. And volunteer to read it aloud to any Republicans or Christian Fundamentalists that you may know. Slowly. You will probably have to explain most of it - draw little diagrams if you must.


If I had a daughter I would want her to have the same opportunities as a man, and make as much as a man doing a comparable job.
And I would also want her to know how to use a gun, a baseball bat, and the legal system.
That's probably one of the biggest flaws in how America raises girls - they're far too willing to let some doofus have an advantage over them.
It's ALSO the biggest flaw with how America raises boys. Too many of them have a sense of entitlement and don't know when to yield - and many of them grow up too stupid to recognize when they're wrong.
Most men would be far better people if more girls had baseball bats.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Spiros said...

Three notes.
1.) There is nothing more civilized than micturating outdoors. The only thing that makes me miss camping.

Spiros said...

oops...[ahem]premature posting...
2.)The same goes double for pissing off the back of a sailboat. The only respect in which men are superior to women.
3.)I wish some of my fellow baseball fans could read this post, or, in some cases, could read, period. By the third inning, the Men's at the ballpark is inevitably a veritable lake of urine.

That notwithstanding, I fully endorse the urinary content both of your guestpost, and your comments thereon.

Tzipporah said...

I think I love this woman.

MCP said...

Jesus Chrsit, what is this, some time warper from the 1970s who discovered the internet and started posting?

Let's unpack this dreck and see what's really up with this.

"If I had a daughter I would want her to have the same opportunities as a man, and make as much as a man doing a comparable job."

Where the hell have you been? In my career of the past 30 years, all of my female colleagues make the same money as I do. As for opportunities to get the big jobs, the next time I hear the word "glass ceiling," I'm going to puke. Guess what, there's a glass ceiling for the vast majority of us, men or women. There are only so many big jobs to go around, and the most important work that needs to get done is usually boring and unpleasant. Our goal should be to make the little jobs well-paid, and not overwork the people who do them. Most women (like most men) really don't care about whether they have a shot at being a CEO, all they want to a good steady job that pays enough to live decently, where they're treated with respect, etc. Who cares about whether there's a lack of women CEOs? That really only affects a very small number of ambitious women hustlers. The hell with people like that.

By the way, I'm a father with a daughter, who wants the best for her. If she ever got elected President or got a big job, I'd sit shiva. (I'd do the same for a son in that position, too.)

-to be continued

MCP said...

Part 2

I happen to agree with you and the feminazi you're quoting that abortion should be freely available to any woman who wants it. What I don't like is the tone that suggests that the male donor of the genetic material that helped make the fetus is invariably some sort of low-life scum whose feelings and interests are irrelevant.

After all, in most cases (rape excepted), the woman must have seen enough positive about the guy to let him insert Tab A into Slot B and make his deposit of said genetic material. Making fetuses is a two-person operation, and if a man is irresponsible in his actions to that lead to the production of an unwanted fetus, then the woman is just as irresponsible. Which means that dealing with the issue needs to be team effort. (Of course, if the guy wants to pitch to his partner that she could carry the fetus to term, then he should commit (in writing) to material and emotional support of the resulting baby.)

-to be continued

MCP said...

More from the feminazi:

"I don't particularly like men. I think their personally unexamined overwhelming privilege makes it harder for me to get a freaking leg up in this world."

I think this screed suggests that this individual is a loser who would still be a loser even if she had a penis and testicles.

"I think they talk too much, particularly about lady business,"

Oh, yeah, and women don't talk about guys? Actually, when we guys get in the locker room, we usually talk about sports, he-man sports that don't have women in them. No discussions about figure skating or equestrian events in our locker rooms, no sir! Most gentlemen make it a point not to bitch about their relationships in public, especially not to other guys.

"..particularly about matters such as abortion and our decisions about sex; getting laid or not -> slut or frigid. Thanks for the choices, boys."

You can be sure that we don't talk about abortion in our locker rooms. Sure, we talks about getting laid, what's wrong with that? If you don't want to be bugged by a guy trying to get into your pants, just tell him straight off, no. Believe me, the vast majority of men will honor your wishes. Just don't play games or cock-tease. It's really annoying.

"I think it's obnoxious when men confuse my whole body with the contents of my pelvis, and then complain when I don't use the brain it's attached to in a way that makes them happy."

Um, you want to have a relationship with somebody, you'd better try to make that person happy.

"I'd like a man who is genuinely comfortable with me making decisions and money and love without his input."

And you expect to have a relationship on this basis? (I mean like a serious relationship.) Guess what, you get into a relationship, and you have to expect some input from your partner.

"I want someone with whom I can argue about relationships, politics, economics, feminism, social theory, whatev, without a pouty, defensive, abusive or dismissive interlude."

You mean you're so insecure in your opinions that you can't handle it when they call you on your bullshit.

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