Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Apparently we need to play well with others in the pro-Israel camps here in the Bay Area. We are, it has been said, control freaks, and we stifle the creativity and voices of the masses by trying to keep the racist garbage out.

Per the studied opinion of at least one person, we’re a nuisance to the pro-Israel side. Given that the person with that opinion is a rabid nutball who is stridently to the right of Jerry Falwell, you can imagine what her idea of Hasbara is.

Several other people think that we’re politically correct – offensively so. They refuse to work with us unless they have control over the message. We’ve heard them scream threats and obscenities, so I'm really curious what the big giant "F" they think the message actually may be.

Several of these fellow travelers have made clear that they believe us to be ineffective middle-aged putzes, albeit still arguably with some degree of useful idiocy. At least TWO steps up from fertilizer.

They march to their own drum.
Often that seems to be doing nothing except sitting in a drum circle, sometimes that means embarrassing crap that I want no part of (especially when it is bitter hindsight that tells me I should have wanted no part).

[NOTE: The “Paid Jews” (PJs) have much the same masturbatory talents as the loose cannons, though they concentrate more on talking to the already converted and winning friends among "Jewy-Jew-Jews" and PJ wannabes. Both the PJs and the "other activists" are usually nowhere around when you need them. But at least the PJs have a history, whereas the "other activists" are a very recent phenomenon.]

Now we're being asked to 'open up' and 'work with' the other "activists" on the common cause.


There are three examples which demonstrate their approach:
1. Pro-Israel demo on a Sunday afternoon in front of the consulate last year.
2. Union square demo which we organized, they claimed credit for.
3. Recent pro-Israel demo in front of consulate free of any and all Palestinian presence.

The first was like the tree falling in the forest (the financial district is completely empty on a Sunday afternoon, there was no press, there were no passers-by), the second was our effort and their hot air, the third was a rather pointless and ineffective feel-good thing.

All I intend at this point is to studiously non-communicate with them.
I don't like morons sabotaging the message.


Street Zionism 2006, Street Zionism 2007, Street Zionism 2008, Street Zionism 2009, Street Zionism 2010.



Dusty said...

There are certainly enough anti-Israel activities in the Bay area to distribute amongst many groups. There's ample hate to go around!
If the "Borat" amongst us think the best way to deal with anti-Semitism is by providing Islam as a scapegoat, and substituting one irrational hatred for another, let them go for it. But let them do it far far away from me....

Dusty said...

There are certainly enough anti-Israel activities in the Bay area to distribute amongst many groups. There's ample hate to go around!
If the "Borat" amongst us think the best way to deal with anti-Semitism is by providing Islam as a scapegoat, and substituting one irrational hatred for another, let them go for it. But let them do it far far away from me....

Because I can't stop myself... said...


Brian MacCohen said...

People called Romanes they go the house!

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