Thursday, April 30, 2009


There are times when Savage Kitten prefers to sleep in her own room. This has nothing to do with our relationship, nor with emotional states. Rather, it reflects her desire to have a full nights sleep. Sleeping with The Toad pretty much precludes that otherwise.
Sometimes it's just impossible.

I am NOT admitting in this post that I am a sexfiend. It is not because of my liveliness or appetites that this necessary. By no means!

[I am not denying it either. Think what you wish. And feel free to fantasize abundantly about my prodigious vim & vigour, even though they are none of your business.]

The reason is because I behave 'strangely' while asleep.
She snores, but I wiggle. And thump the mattress. And turn. And, on occasion, speechify. Or sing and weep.
I am the rollercoaster of bedmates, according to her.
Boruch Hashem she did not liken me to Regan (Linda Blair).

Of course, when she is in her room getting a good night's sleep, I am not nearly so fortunate.
Having her beside me is comforting, and comfortable. Both reassuring and very nice.
It does mean that I have to stick my feet outside the covers to regulate my body temperature (she is warmer than I am), but I have no problem falling asleep with freezing feet. Her presence is conducive to sweet dreams.

Last night was one of those other nights, however. She wanted to be well-rested before slaughtering chickens today - she volunteered for one of the local Chinese charities, and they're doing something involving lots of fowl (I'm guessing wholesale massacre).
She went to her room after I feel asleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up. Then she, in the other room, also woke up. Her footsteps receded down the hall, there was a flush, and then the footsteps padded nearer again. Still half-asleep and not realizing what she was doing, she came into my room.
A few seconds later she noticed where she was and returned to her room.

I didn't fall back asleep for another hour and a half, nearly two hours.

It was all her fault!

I don't think any man would've fallen asleep again after a lovely woman entered his bedroom.
Radiantly stark naked.
There may be something wrong with you if that doesn't keep you awake.


graham said...

4 decades ago this imagery could also have become a hit lyric for the Mamas & the Papas

nasty doings in Apeldoorn BM?


The back of the hill said...

nasty doings in Apeldoorn ?

Prefering not to comment about that now, as I still do not have an entirely clear picture of what happened, and also don't know what to think.
I have heard, however, that the perp was unemployed, and had had to move recently. May be a reflection of the economy.
Boruch Hashem it was not a Muslim.

queasily amphibious said...

Is it OK for us NOT to fantasize about your purpoted prodigious vim and vinegar?

Spiros said...

What would be worse to sleep with: Regan from THE EXORCIST, or Regan from KING LEAR

Graham said...

I was interested to note that S K is warmer than the BM. My limited (qty) experience of sleeping in the same bed as ladies evidences the opposite - they are usually colder (when dormant) Their feet especially have a deep-freeze quality in the wee small hours. The torso is usually warm - but not the limbs


Unknown said...

I was born a dirty old man and have remained such ever since, so my views need to be taken with a grain of salt. No naked woman ever came into my room and then left without a fight, or at least 20 minutes of begging and pleading... stand up for your feelings! Rise to the occasion! Come to your senses!



GRANT!PATEL! said...

Waering naught at all? How delightful! Describe more. We crave a full particular.

---Grant Pruddeesh

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Golden skin in a golden glow. But as yet no chicken grease. So gheee, yes?

---Grant Wakemeforanoilbath

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