Tuesday, August 08, 2006



Counter Protest the Anti-Israel demonstration at San Francisco Civic Center Plaza

Polk Street between McAllister and Grove, San Francisco
Saturday August 12th, 10:30AM


International A.N.S.W.E.R.will be holding a rally specifically to oppose Israel's efforts to defend its citizens and its territory against rocket attacks and kidnappings by the terror groups Hezbollah and Hamas.

San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us will counter the anti-Israel/pro-terrorism voice. It's expected to be the biggest anti-Israel event in Bay area. That's why it's so important for us to be there to show our strong support for Israel.

Our presence at these events has proven highly effective at making sure that the anti-Israel activists can not push their propaganda on the public unopposed!

Please join us! Details can be found at www.SFVoiceForIsrael.org

P.S. To answer the frequently asked question: Yes, SFPD is aware about our presence. Police will provide a safety zone. Also we have our own security team, ready to prevent any troubles.


Before the rallyMike Harris (StandWithUs/SFVoiceforIsrael) will be appearing on Ronn Owens' show on KGO AM 810 next Friday, August 11, between 10 and 11 AM.

Mike will be in a live, in studio debate against Richard Becker, West Coast director of International ANSWER, about the current situation in the Middle East.

Please be listening to call in support of Israel and against ANSWER's demonization of Israel.

Those of you without a radio but with computer access can listen live at http://www.kgoam810.com/home.asp

StandWithUs/ San Francisco Voice for Israel


Shomrei shabbes may want to overnight with friends and relatives who live in San Francisco.

Please encourage friends and coworkers to come - we'll need all the people we can get.

Remember to bring water.

And bring boffo signs.


Anonymous said...

Lovely photo of you on Zombie's site.


The back of the hill said...

A goodie!

Anonymous said...

Re: Boffo signs:

A bunch of us are getting together tonight to paint boffo signs.

We're planning on incorporating these lovely Nassrallah quotes

Nasrallah has said: “If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli.”

"If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."

What do you think? Not as pithy as what ANSWER produces, I suppose.... We aren't good at pithy.

Also- I took a lovely cardiac walk through downtown San Francisco yesterday with urban beautification on my mind. (Seems like a rash of little red stickers and ugly yellow flyers were appearing all over, polluting the urban landscape with visual clutter) I was pleased to notice that someone had gotten to most of them before I could. Very nice work, people. Urban beautification is all of our responsibility. Thank you

The back of the hill said...

Those quotes, with attribution, more pithily illustrate what we are up against than many slogans could.

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