Friday, February 28, 2025


In an effort to drum up some excitement for Saint Patrick's Day, two weeks hence, I struck up a conversation with a hyperactive little boy near me on the bus. I informed him that on that weekend, Reverend Ian Paisley would come down his chimney with omelettes and valium if he was good, and buckets of mud if he wasn't. I thought it was lovely thing, but his mother glared daggers at me. She'll have a hard time satisfying his questions.
In any case, he kept quiet for the duration of the ride.
Probably counting his eggs ahead of time.

You can probably understand that I myself am not particularly vested in the biggest holiday on the frat-boy calender. I have no eggs to fry in this race, so to speak. I'll dodge the sots.

Saint Patrick, as is well known, chased the able cooks from Ireland and left them nothing but plain boiled potatoes with seaweed. Which is why there are festive marches.
And charming ginger damsels hoppity dancing.

There is an Irish bar near one of the bus stops in the Financial District, which even at the best of times presents public health hazards on the narrow sidewalk outside. It will be quite intolerable that weekend, as intoxicated office workers do their best to get rid of their eggs and intestinal snakes in public. Imagine lumpy viridian snow. Which smells bad.

I myself will not celebrate. Instead, I plan to stay indoors after work that weekend, Possibly sneering under my breath. Not that I harbour ill-feelings toward the Hibernian element, but having spent several years in Berkeley, I effing well despise fraternities and their alcoholic shenanigans.

Seven weeks afterwards I may celebrate Cinco De Mayo, however. It speaks to me more. The stubbornness of Mexicans wupping an imperialist force, thumbing their noses at the Trump of that era, and telling the entire world to eff off. Yes, that is worth commemorating. Far more than some fictional wussy saint throwing eggs at reptiles.

[Note: the images above are completely irrelevant to the text. Seals I carved a number of years ago.]

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Thursday, February 27, 2025


Half a year ago the toxic old rightwingers in the backroom were slagging masks and vaccines and saying that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin turned out to have provable effectiveness against covid 19. Which, even at the time they were stating it, was blatant crap. Plus several have sworn that they'll never take vaccines again, not even the flue shot. Which I really hope they mean, because they all take up space, use resources, and do not add anything to other people's lives.

I'm not a scientist but! I'll take the recommendations of the doctors and medical staff I know over ideologically informed rightwingers and Mill Valley naturopaths, hippies, and natural healing bozos any day.

By the way: apple cider vinegar may be good for your karma and your aura, but it doesn't do bupkes for anything else other than food. Be sure to check your chakras on the way out.

If there is no flue vaccination this coming year (because the CDC is not making a decision due to a hostile right wing takeover), take extreme physical revenge on republicans.
May I suggest a baseball bat? It's all American.
The first month of the new regime has been a bigly covefe, and if it continues in this fashion we'll probably have violent riots nationwide by summer. Which will be fully justified.
I seriously expect mayhem from both sides as we slide into disaster.

Attacks on private security should be frequent.

Mentally prepare for measles, tuberculosis, new emergent debilitating diseases, arrests, tear gas, arson, national guard and police violence, assasination attempts, scarcities of gasoline and medicines, and a barrage of stupid self-serving actions and statements from Christians and Republicans. Kind of like a sewer overflowing.

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Next week I well might give the place a miss. It's one of my favourite places to have a cup of tea and a pastry, but yesterday it got on my nerves for a whole whelter of reasons, some of which are strictly 'me' problems, some of which are Toishanese. Two of the old fellows I see there regularly are problematic due to advanced age -- one has a wandering attention span, another doesn't hear very well, doesn't listen, and doesn't let me finish my sentences much. Being, as you have probably guessed, variably on the spectrum, sometimes much so and very far sideways, finishing my sentences is hugely important. Teatime was a mess.

Not deliberately unpleasant, just rather ghastly.

One subject delved upon was whether the ninety year old should get married, so that if he croaks he can have his wife inherit his pension pay-outs otherwise it would just be a waste. But he doesn't want to live with anyone, he's happy being by himself. And his girlfriend in China hasn't even mentioned that yet, plus she'd need instruction on filing papers. He hasn't been back in four or five years, perhaps he'll go there this summer. His yearly physical came back fine. He walks forty minutes a day.

I'm not sure what the other old fellow was on about, as I wasn't listening at that point. Something about the office. He still goes every day. He's nearly ninety, by the way.

Additionally, I got to hear a Toishanese gentleman at another table doing unspeakable things to Mandarin while talking with some Northerners. For the love of all that is holy, DON'T translate word for word from Cantonese into Mandarin; it sounds appalling.

[As an example of how word for wording butchers comprehension, here are the first four lines of a sonnet by Gerbrandt Adriaenszoon Brederode: "The holy vessel, of the goon in which they are enclosed. The plagues, and the punishment of the human race: Is lastly! for me discovered, opened, unexpectedly, For I have already enjoyed many pains."]

Toishanese people high as a kite on caffeine are over the top.
Stubborness, chutzpah, and eruptive gibbering.
Ninety percent unintelligible.
But I do enjoy the pastries there. The same folks whom I encounter in the waiting room of the clinic, where they are surrounded by posters about diabetes, will often head over there to risk a diabetic episode. Very good. Their egg tarts, char siu turnovers, yiuk sung baau, and even the ham and cheese whatever that is (火腿芝士包 'fo teui chi si baau'). In addition to lovely cakes. And pineapple buns (菠蘿包 'po lo baau').

One of the old ladies there who for a long time refused to talk to me has developed into an interesting mixture of Monty Pythonesque Yorkshireman and dry-humoured Den Haagenaar. She still has problems with my Cantonese, and I have a hard time understanding more than fragments of her speech, but there is a sly tongue in cheekness whenever she speaks.

Might go there real early next time. Just after my eye doctors appointment would be good. Surprise every one, and avoid the conversational clusterfudge teatime there has become.

Maybe I should try translating Gerbrandt Adriaenszoon Brederode's poetry into Cantonese.
It would further my own literacy, while providing hours of intellectual entertainment.
As well as yield eruptive gibbering to rival yesterday's flow.
And then, into Mandarin! Excelsior!

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Nearly three months ago Luigi Mangione shot Brian Thompson in New York, which was applauded by many people. Brian Thompson, when he was alive, was the CEO of United Healthcare, whose name absolutely contradicts what they do. America's healthcare industry is overloaded with amoral sharks just looking out for number one. As are very many other industries in this country, branches of Christianity, and the entire Republican Party.
As well as the great state of Texas.

And we're getting closer to the breaking point.

I can think of many individuals -- business people, congregations, and rapacious politicians from the Republican Party -- who would benefit from a bullet in the head.
And so can you.

Go ahead, make a list.

At the very least, it will make clear to you how many downright amoral bastards have sold their souls to big business and the church, and the enormity of the task at hand.
Plus it will encourage you to budget your time and resources.
The great state of Texas should not, however, be on that list. Because despite being redneck moron heaven, many quite decent people are or were actually from there. Lyndon Baines Johnson. Molly Ivens. Jeff Foxworthy. And Steve Fallon, beloved on the interwebs as 'pipestud', who might actually be a loss for humanity if whacked.

And many other people. So not every Texan is a braindead no neck inbred.
Yes, the place is filled with dumbasses driving pickup trucks.
Plus they're inordinately proud of their shitty food.
And they keep voting for Ted Cruz.

But some of them are okay people with whom you could actually have a civilized conversation, and probably bathe at least four or five times a month, bless 'em.

So when you start violently taking back our country, go easy on Texas.

Oh, and some of them believe in vaccination.
Which is mighty good of them.

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He was audible for more than a block in either direction, loudly telling people to shut up, shut the F up, or shut up expletive expletive expletive. While also berating them for other things they were doing. Seeing as there was no one near him, those people against whom he harboured such animus may have been entirely within his cranium.
Some of them were probably passive aggressive.

In any case, the people sleeping on the sidewalks weren't it.
He had no beef with them, nor they with him.
Possibly unaware of each other.

The screamingly loopy are a fact of life here. The ones you really have to watch out for are drunks singing country music in karaoke bars. Size ten egos, size six brains, zero talent, and just about pulsating with attitude.

The karaoke joint was nearly empty when we passed by en route to hamburgers, but packed to the eaves with loud bodies an hour or so later when we headed that way. So we went to the back up joint, where my friend was greeted warmly by an ebulient fellow who recognized him from an alternate universe and miss Vivien put on the kettle for my tea before pouring out any more drinks. Other than the great good cheer from the visitor from other dimensions upon our arrival it was a mercifully calm and peaceful place.
My body disagrees, but I'm really only barely beyond my teenage years mentally. Just a bit more grumpy. And I'm bally outraged that massacring songs is allowed indoors (karaoke), but peacefully smoking one's pipe without offending anyone is frowned upon. Bad singers should be out on the street, but pleasant and equitable pipe smoking fellows should be inside where they won't be bad examples for impressionable kiddiewinkies, looking cool and distinguished. Unless you want them imitating us the moment they find out where briar and tobacco can be bought. Which we will happily tell them. With recommendations.

The snazzy looking pipe is an older Dunhill Bruyere billiard, the tobacco is a compound from Cornell & Diehl, red Virginias with a soupçon of Perique. There's a little age on it.
Trust me, young gentleman, the ladies will absolutely love it!
Or they would, if you could smoke around them.

You know, doctors used to smoke pipes, before they became hooked on cigarettes.
Which was during the fifties. Luckies and Camels.

I don't have any voices in my head.
They're all outside my body.

Good night.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Harshly he demanded "what are you doing here?" To which the glib response was "I am seeing a friend in the morgue". "What, a dead man?" "No." "Someone who works here?"
"No, a vampire." He could tell that this was going nowhere.

Several days later: "So you were there when he got shot, and yet you insist that you weren't a witness?" "Well, I was in the bathroom at the time." "You didn't see nothing at all, eh. How about before that?" "Bathroom." "After?" "Bathroom" "You were in there for twenty or thirty minutes?!?"

There were no witnesses. The bathroom had been crowded.

Urethral constriction refers to a narrowing of the urethra, the conduit through which urine passes from the bladder. It can cause difficulty urinating and other urinary problems. Among the possible causes are trauma from exercise, injuries, and surgical events, infections, minor (or major) inflammations, lesions, cancer and radiation therapy, and numerous medications. Plus, of course, an enlarged prostate such as is quite common among men after the age of fifty. Women don't get that. But either way, it does mean that casually taking a leak is quite out of the question; one needs a bathroom where one will not be disturbed, preferably one that is clean and well-lighted. The individual might do well to sit down, take his or her time, contemplate existence and read his e-mails. For up to half an hour.

I have taken to timing the old farts in the back, and giving them unsubtle hints ten to twenty minutes before I lock up. Because like the uncooperative witnesses in a bad teevee drama they dawdle and piss away the scant minutes at exactly that time of day when I have less time to spare and my minutes are tight.

I suspect several of them get up in the middle of the night, if they can remember, and slowly get distracted while reading their messages on their cellphones.
Or involved in long angry arguments.

Others probably go out into the backyard, and if they don't pick fights with the raccoons and coyotes it takes their kin several hours to find them the next day.

Try the morgue. He may be there.
Date night. Romantic.

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General Mark Miley's unsent resignation letter, June 2020.
I believe that this in fact the accurate full version.

He ultimately decided not to resign after the St. John's church idiocy.
And stayed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for 3 more years.

The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that.

Second, you are using the military to create fear in the minds of the people—and we are trying to protect the American people. I cannot stand idly by and participate in that attack, verbally or otherwise, on the American people. The American people trust their military and they trust us to protect them against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and our military will do just that. We will not turn our back on the American people.

Third, I swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States and embodied within that Constitution is the idea that says that all men and women are created equal. All men and women are created equal, no matter who you are, whether you are white or Black, Asian, Indian, no matter the color of your skin, no matter if you’re gay, straight or something in between. It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jew, or choose not to believe. None of that matters. It doesn’t matter what country you came from, what your last name is—what matters is we’re Americans. We’re all Americans. That under these colors of red, white, and blue—the colors that my parents fought for in World War II—means something around the world. It’s obvious to me that you don’t think of those colors the same way I do. It’s obvious to me that you don’t hold those values dear and the cause that I serve.

And lastly it is my deeply held belief that you’re ruining the international order, and causing significant damage to our country overseas, that was fought for so hard by the Greatest Generation that they instituted in 1945. Between 1914 and 1945, 150 million people were slaughtered in the conduct of war. They were slaughtered because of tyrannies and dictatorships. That generation, like every generation, has fought against that, has fought against fascism, has fought against Nazism, has fought against extremism. It’s now obvious to me that you don’t understand that world order. You don’t understand what the war was all about. In fact, you subscribe to many of the principles that we fought against. And I cannot be a party to that. It is with deep regret that I hereby submit my letter of resignation.

------Mark A Milley

United States Army General Mark A Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, September 30, 2019 to September 30, 2023

We once had good people in Washington. Actual patriots. Not opportunists who bounce wildly between sniveling and upsucking.

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It faintly drizzled yesterday afternoon, almost like fog made flesh. Returning down the slope from the laundry place the sky ahead was silver gloomy in hue, and the soft prickle of scant precipitation was palpable. Not worryingly so. My mood was a lot better than an hour before, but I still didn't feel like being human. Which is common on my first day off, after putting up with the vicious old trolls at work.

Neil asked me on Sunday afternoon, after listening to them and their senescent Nazi gibbering for a while, how I could stand it. It would drive him crazy. Um, what makes you think I'm more resilient? At this point I would like to take a flame thrower to the entire Republican Party.

What is becoming clear is how much the current administration is radicalizing the sane element in America. It's just a matter of time before a Tesla Cybertruck is torched with the driver inside. A sledgehammer is advisable, because those windows have strong glass.
Also, the sides are supposedly buller proof against light caliber ammo, up to a point.

That information is only meant advisorily and speculatively, because even though I am resolutely in favour of anti-fascist direct manifestation, I don't believe in pollutative acts.
I am, however, looking forward to the actions of Musk impacting the "self made" men with whom I come into regrettable contact when I'm in Marin. I will be there to pour salt on their wounds and viciously sneer at their pain. And lecture them on karma, bitches.

Because that will be the Christian thing to do.

They are over sixty percent water.
And fully compostible.

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Monday, February 24, 2025


The following is reposted because I wholeheartedly agree with it. And I'm certain that everybody who is approaching retirement age does too. Unless they're republicans living in gated communities driving expensive cars, many of whom are financially secure because of a lifetime of questionable practises, or technoyuppies, corporate pimps, and dumb-ass chuckleheads in the red areas.


Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!

"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age, 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills. 6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you "incompetent bxxxxds" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.

To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bxxxxxxt" to your incompetence.

Well, Captain Bxxxxxxit, I have a few questions for YOU:

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bxxxxxxt, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers. And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed, leech.

That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic, political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bxxxxx.

P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements". WHAT AN INSULT!!!!
I have been paying in to the SS system for 45 years “It's my money”-give it back to me the way the system was designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks .


As an afterthought, I should mention that it's relatively easy to find out where your political representatives live, as well as how to make incendiary devices, and thanks to the ARA guns are widely available too. And older people, such as the American citizens getting screwed by elected representatives bankrupting the system, have comparitively less to loose.

Just remember, add a gelling agent to the gasoline to make it stick and perform better, and phosphorus to make it burn through to the bone.

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Sometimes it's hard to remember that unlike our own balmy weather here, much of the rest of the country is a wintry hellscape straight out of ragnarok. Positively Breughelian. Today it will be sixty degrees or thereabouts in San Francisco. In fly-over territories it will be so cold that they'll kill the family bison and crawl inside for warmth. People will slaughter municipal snowplows for combustible whale oil. Little kiddiewinkies will cluster around their overweight mothers and suck out all of her body heat. Family pets will eat deceased grandpa because they are starving, starving, starving .....

I've never been to Milwaukee, but that's how I fondly imagine it.

It's so cold that Ted Cruz has flown to Cancún.

Where it's mid eighties.

Imagine America's favourite Texan luxuriously smearing sunscreen over his pallid flesh, getting the unguent deep into the pores and creases around the scales lest he develop spiderweb-like sunburns. Become all crackly.
My second cup of coffee is infecting my brain. There are Chinese-speaking working men in the garden next door scraping and chipping away at old paint. Distantly a police siren rises and fades. And now that my apartment has left for work -- she has a normal schedule unlike myself -- with her bedroom door shut and windows open I can smoke my pipe indoors.

Yesterday someone brought up classic pipe tobaccos such as were common in the early fifties, such as John Middleton's Sugar Barrel, a Burley forward blend with some Virginias and a "subtle" molasses topping, or Rum & Maple, plus things like Carter Hall, which is now made in the Dominican Republic of all places, even Lorrilard's Briggs Mixture, a simple slightly topped mostly Burley mixture.

That was the day when American men at least pretended to be civilized: sportscoats and clean shirts, polished shoes, sometimes ties. A pipe, a new station wagon visible in their driveway through the picture window, and neatly combed hair.

They smoked a pipe to drown out the smell of their perky aproned wives in the kitchen cooking up a wholesome meal of tuna pineapple casserole with canned stringbeans.
Or similar nutritious good housekeeping dishes, modern dining at its best.

Neither his nor my mother were good cooks.
I mention this in passing.

Nowadays such strategems are not needed, as vegan cuisine usually contains nothing olfactorily offensive. Nothing at all. No garlic, no shrimp paste, certainly no gluten.

I still smoke a pipe because I'm a dinosaur.

Fine Virginia with a touch of Perique whiffs of carotenoids, plus benzene, arsenic, phenylacetic acid ethylester, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, and terpenoids.
Faintly fruity. A discreet fragrance. Old school stealth tobacco.
Some manufacturers add subtle tweaks.

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Sunday, February 23, 2025


Sometimes I stumble upon a rabbit hole. It's like I'm galloping along on the high plains of the American outback when my steed pits his foot, left or right front, in a declivity and wobbles to regain his balance lest he be shot for breaking his leg. A whinied"oh crap" escapes his lips.

I came across a word that I just had to look up. The shape sent me on several wild goose chases, seeing as it wasn't under moon (月), flesh (肉), or boat (舟), which had all been suggested by the painted form as possible dictionary sections. Twenty strokes total.

Turns out it was under the horse radical (馬).

騰 To gallop, to prance. To soar, to rush with energy as horses do. To clear out or vacate, to absquatulate with all due speed. Indicative of repeated or repetitive actions.

Moon is four strokes, flesh is six. Normally the radical on the left indicates the section, but given that the meaning is horse-related, that is a more logical basket for the character
.In the seal-script version of 騰 ('tang') shown above, the boat is recognizably the leftmost component.

What, you might ask, was it that led me on that journey? Scoping out the calligraphy of 鄧石如 ('tang sek yu'), a scholar from two centuries ago famous for his mastery of the ancient scripts and his elegant and commanding renditions thereof.

His works bring infinite pleasure.

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Yesterday evening I got booted and blocked from one of the pipesmoking groups for making a snarky comment. The administrator that booted and blocked me is, I believe, considerably younger than me. And may have been at his last straw.

Seeing as it was my first contribution in years, you can imagine how hurt I am by his decisive action. On a scale of one to ten, zero. I'm not a hip guy.

The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven.
Does that mean it's louder? Is it any louder?
Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. Where can you go from there? Where? Put it up to eleven. One louder. The scale goes to eleven.

There is only one pipesmoking group where I'm an active participant.

All in all, I'm not a very groupish person.

And rather a jerk.

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Saturday, February 22, 2025


The way things are going in this country it looks increasingly likely that people will be using Molotovs, bricks, and baseball bats, for peaceful demonstrations by early summer. Comrade Krasnov may find that his goons are not the captains America they think they are. But I shall NOT be protesting. In fact, I shall endeavor to be far distant from events. For several reasons.
I am first and foremost a man of peace, a veritable Mahatma Gandhi, and I already know how to manufacture salt at the seashore. Also, the circulation in my legs is that bloody poor that I couldn't possibly run around the downtown screaming. Lastly, I really don't care if the flyovers can't buy eggs, can't sell their excess corn, can't get necessary treatment or social services, don't get vaccinations or real science based medical advice, and are filled with unemployed people who are Trump lifers but lost their federal jobs anyway.

Also, by that time bird flu will probably be circulating among the general populace.
Plus I just don't trust my fellow humans worth spit. I've seen what they're like.

[There is also HKU5-CoV-2, but that's scheduled for Autumn.]

I shall probably be in a quiet area smoking my pipe, contemplating the writtings of Heidegger and Witgenstein, and considering having a nice cup of HK milk tea later.
Heidegger and Witgenstein were foreigners.
You know, those people.

Far be it from me to discourage other folks, however. If they think that burning everything down is the right thing to do under the circumstances, well good for them! Their perspectives are different, they aren't veritable Mahatma Ghandis, and they should get in touch with their feelings. Incendiary devices can be either artistic expression, or free speech.
Om mane padme om. Peace, love, and butterflies.

Community bonfires may be just what we need. And there's so very much that is combustibe. Why, I can think of any number of targets, and find the use of gelling agents and phosphorus in gasoline a fascinating subject. They ought to teach classes about that in school! Along with punji sticks and bear traps. I applaud the creativity and inventivity of my fellow Americans (for peaceful purposes). Again, I mention butterflies. And wildflowers!

Americans are a scientifically curious lot. When faced with, purely hypothetically of course, the question "can down this shitcan burn?" they will naturally exclaim "let's find out!"
While swilling a Coors.

In Spring, young men's fancies turn to intellectual pursuits.

Warmth, love, and kindness, will prevail.

I am strongly in favour of freedoms, love, and butterflies!

Please remember that as previously mentioned I am a peaceful man.
Indeed, a veritable friggin' Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Just bucketloads better smelling than he was.
Dirty old man in a bedsheet.

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Friday, February 21, 2025


Back at the beginning of the covid pandemic I started using the 'paint' programme on my computer to maintain my sanity. It helped me deal with the situation, and, because it took time to draw using a mouse, it preoccupied my mind for a while. The epidemic has diminished, but the world has, it seems, gotten more fraught.

And it's fun. So I still draw.

Illustrations, more or less, of what is on the surface of my mind. Comforting images, especially of food or butterflies, that flit about and promise solutions.

Basically a coping how-to.

A list of priorities, memoranda, filing system entries, a shopping list.
The scribbled pad notes of a psychiatrist analysing himself.
Psychiatrist? More like spy-chiatrist. Bad word play.
But there are also meaningful pictures.
Things that are necessary.
Having been trained as a draughtsman, I find construction schematics inspiring.
Civic architecture is very much in that category.
Peace monuments.

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Thursday, February 20, 2025


Today is, as everybody knows, International Pipe Smoking Day. Which for some of us ranks right up there with July Fourth and Bastille Day (equivalent of Saint Patrick's Day for drunks, frat boys, and rapists) and deserves our observance and estimation. And as you might expect I am smoking a pipe right now. Not because I pay any attention at all to it -- being on the spectrum I hate crowds and despise group gropes -- nor cynically as a snide and ironic comment, or even sneeringly -- but because it is sunny and my apartment mate is at work.
Plus I have the windows open, and it's what I do.

International Pipe Smoking Day on February 20th was started in 2008 by Smokers Forums. It's meant to bring pipe smokers together.

What's this together bit? I'm alone in here. Accompanied only by my stuffed critters in lieu of a cat, and the ghosts of Clark Gable, William Faulkner, and Sir Bertrand Russell.
Oh, and Georges Simenon. But there is no together.
Pipesmoking is solitary.
The pipe shown above is a Comoy squat bulldog exactly like the one Clark Gable is often pictured with, currently filled with a mellow aged Virginia with slight Perique added, that smells very old-fashioned and like the nineteen fifties. Clark Gable and William Faulkner smoked Latakia blends, which during the first years that I owned this piece I did too.
But for the last decade plus I've been on a flue-cured kick.
It coincides with my HK milk tea kick.

Unlike cigars, pipes are seldom a penis symbol representing uncertainty about our manhood or a defiant assertion of feminity, such as the blustery fascists cheering on the current regime wield. Well, I suppose if you have doubts about how manly others perceive you, you might cheer wrecking education, kicking millions off medicare, and threatening other countries, in addition to letting Vladimir Putin fist you, but pipesmokers seldom think about their gender and mostly don't have issues about it as it isn't their be all and end all.

And did I already mention the solitariness?

There are cigar bars and "gentlemen's clubs" for those other people. The only times we go there is when it's much too cold outside. We'll endure the shouting, braggadocio, over the top sexism and sportsfandom (a teevee is always tuned to the game), and sheer stupid vulgarity. Patient tolerance. They're idiots, and we've seen the animal channel. The carnivores will now rip apart the buffalo. The lions opportunistically chase hyenas away from their kill. Fire ants consume the howling beast. Anistopheles mosquitoes cunningly disguise themselves as blonde republicans to infect their willing victims. Yes yes. Fascinating. Heck!

Several of the cigar smokers with whom I regrettably come in contact are outright Nazis. Three of those Gentlemen are Jewish.

Among the pipe smokers are several academics and individuals with fascinating interests.
A few are writers or scientists.

People who vape are precisely the kind that you want to keep away from your kid sister.
They might go for adderall or lines of cocaine later.
Or become antivaxxers.

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Everytime I think of garlic butter baked sole (蒜茸焗龍脷飯 'suen yong guk long lei faan') a friend comes to mind. Not that he likes it -- he may, I just don't know -- but he was posted to Hong Kong for a few years and probably ate his lunch near the office in a chachanteng. It's likely one of the healthiest things on the menu there. Man does not live by baked porchop on a bed of tomato sauce spaghetti with a thick layer of gooey melted cheese on top alone.

Even though that will send you back up twenty stories of bamboo scaffolding and get you returned to your desk for another eight hours.

It's part of the Hong Kong weltanschaaung's gestalt: work hard, eat hard, loose a fortune at Happy Valley, then die three months after you've retired at age eighty.
Your viagra merchant will be heartbroken.

Mind you, I like melted cheese too, but I would prefer to combine it with bacon. On top of a hamburger patty. Perhaps on top of the baked rice with tomato sauce, with sambal on the side, and washed down with that big cup of heart-attack strength milk tea.

Which to the best of my knowledge a chachanteng doesn't do.
Even though they really should. In an ideal world.
The reason why that baked sole is healthy is because of the vegetable next to it for colour.

It's an important detail. Baked fish just looks rather bland by itself. One could achieve the same effect by spashing a chili paste garlic butter and wine reduction sauce around it -- also healthy -- but Hong People are still at the early stage of developing an affection for heat, so would shy away from something like that. Whereas some of us Dutch speakers are further progressed, final stage of chili fondness, darn well terminal.

The people at my favourite chachantengs know at this point that I will need Sriracha or that jar of sambal, and bring it without my even asking. At one place the lady is still somewhat appalled, but I think she accepts it as an eccentric Caucasian peculiarity. Smokes a pipe, speaks Cantonese, dumps hot goo on otherwise perfectly edible food.
But he doesn't talk about Jesus, so he's probably okay.
Might be insane. But so far not.

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Wednesday, February 19, 2025


If you salt simply cooked broccoli it tastes sweet. It also goes very well with salt fish (鹹魚 'haam yü'), to the same effect. Or bacon. I think I'll suggest that to the owners, because us old codgers benefit from increasing our vegetable intake. And we are their main demographic at lunch time. Their set lunches (choice of one of the three sets on the white board) appeal to a predominantly antique or elderly Cantonese clientele. Though in the section where I sat there were a young business couple, a younger woman whom I've seen there before who can't speak Chinese, and a young mother with her small child and a female friend.
Besides myself. And the elderly couple representing the main demographic.
Actually I don't identify as an 'old codger'.
Sprightly young codger.

So not mostly elderly Cantonese today.

After doing my shopping and errands following a post-lunch pipe I ended up at a bakery around tea time, where all three of the old American Chinese gentlemen were at the back table. It turns out that they are somewhat Trumpish. Which is disappointing. Given that Trump is not on their side no matter how many onions they tie to their belt.
Or used to, back in the day.
Of course I should mention that they are considerable older than myself. And by comparison, I am but a sprout. Which was proven when I was outside later lighting up, when a young lady gave me the most radiant happy smile from less than three feet away.

Unfortunately she may not have even been four years old, and less than half my height. So she may have mistook me for Father Christmas's younger brother or something.
Evenso. She was radiant, happy, and quite adorable.

There's hope for the old fart yet.

While shopping I bought some fruits for my downstairs neighbor the old Indonesian Chinese lady who lives in the front street-side apartment. Snowpear (雪梨 'suet lei') and tangerine (橘子 'gwat ji'). She probably needs broccoli (西蘭菜 'sei laan choi') and bacon or salt fish.
But she's weird about food. Almost white in that regard.
And you know how those people are.

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If you voted for Trump, you are a worse traitor than Lindsey Graham. Unfortunately, because of where I work, I must come into contact with people like that regularly.

"US President Donald Trump's administration is attempting to rehire officials with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) who worked on the government response to bird flu before being fired over the weekend, US media report."
Source: -- Trump administration trying to rehire USDA bird flu officials it fired

"Ukrainian authorities expressed dissatisfaction over not being part of Tuesday's talks in Riyadh. But Trump dismissed these concerns, telling reporters that Ukraine had had three years to end the war, before appearing to blame Kyiv for starting the conflict. "You should have never started it," he said."
Source: -- Fact-checking Trump claims about war in Ukraine

By the way: none of his appointees are qualified for the job, several of them are outright fascists and nazis, and too many of them have skeletons rattling in their closets like alcoholism, drug addiction, and criminal histories.

But you're "owning the libs", right?

Does it feel good?
Just remember, there's no such thing as climate change, DEI prevents simple honest people from getting hired, vaccines are all a conspiracy and contain nanochips, and all those big city folks are too arrogant and people just don't want to work anymore dammit what is this world coming to? AND they're taking your jobs!

In the election four months ago you shot yourself in the feet, both of them, and then took a victory lap screaming "America! America!" You should feel good about that.
This is the greatest country on earth!
You are all champions!

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Apparently, doing my laundry AND having lunch at my usual Wednesday place will take gumption. Or so I have been told, by a gentleman who will be a prisoner in his own home tomorrow. Not, as you might think, because this is San Francisco and dominatrix perversions are involved -- we're well known for stuff like that -- but because he is expecting an artwork which UPS has informed him will get there before seven in the evening.

It has been years since he has had lunch. Reason being that his work schedule does not permit doing so at a sensible hour, which I'm not quite sure is what. I believe he has a pint instead, two or three hours before his shift ends. Having sustained himself during the hours before with scone and a hyper-caffeinated beverage.

For me, lunch is always after three in the afternoon if I can help it. On days off sometimes after four. Because my Wednesday lunch place is closed by then, I will head there before two, and we'll call it breakfast.

Today's lunch (breakfast) was at five thirty. After teatime.
Minced beef rice (牛肉免治飯 'ngau yiuk min ji faan').
Very Hong Kong. With a cup of strong milk tea.
Fortification for the howling beast.
Followed by a smoke.
A few hours later I was back in Chinatown waiting for my friend (the no-lunch fellow) to get off shift and start his weekend with our customary pub visits. And again I was smoking a pipe. It wasn't particularly cold out, so the number of unbalanced individuals floating by was greater than the last time. Among which I'll include a shopkeeper who unlocked his store so that he and a friend could have a few drinks without the wives knowing, surrounded by the staring eyes of Hello Kitty all around them. Which, I think, would drive me insane.

We could hear country western squawks coming from the karaoke joint, so we ended up at the back-up bar, where three Toishanese gentlemen to our right were engaged in animated conversation, and half a dozen young fellows behind us were having Irish carbombs.
You know, I still can't understand Toishanese.
It's a failing, I know.

When we headed to the bus stop, a crazed white chick strode past, loudly complaining about something in her head and someone else being in the hospital. She was underdressed from the waist down, and not feeling it. Which is very San Francisco.

For some reason I remembered Amou Haji.

It had been a good evening.

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025


When I woke up shortly after one to answer the call of nature I was in a cheerful mood, and ended up having a quarrel with an old friend in Israel over the nature of America and what I really feel about the red states. Which is more or less black and unprintable. He has a more sunny rightwing hippie point of view -- with which I disagree, of course -- influenced largely by events in his part of the world. A form of blinkered worldview which is thoroughly understandable, even if meshune to the point of stark raving bonkers.
He too is a liberal. Liberalish. There are limitations.
And he still likes the Grateful Dead.
Which with I cannot agree.
They suck.

This morning when my apartment mate came bounding out of her room filled with vim and vigour I was asleep again. But the insistent spam calls on my cellphone awakened me, and groggily I answered the third or fourth one with a snarl in Cantonese on speaker phone. To which she contributed. The poor little Indian phone centre drooge probably did not realize that the two languages he heard were not the same. My civilized urban Cantonese, as is most likely spoken by the Masonic conspiracy, versus her Toishanese which is the native tongue of hundreds of thousands of stubborn pissy people who defy the frightful peasants in the interior of America to dish up Kung Pao and General Tzo to a closeminded demographic that seemingly hates everything outside of their narrow transplantee Ulster Anglo ken.
Except cheap food with colours, sweetness, and grease.

Afterwards she suggested that I throw in the phrase 'Satanic blood ritual' to up the ante a bit. Which is 撒但嘅血儀式 ('saat taan ge huet yi sik') in Cantonese, and in any case completely opaque to nice little Hindustani thieves and extortionists in the heart of Gujustan.
It was a perky suggestion. Both of us hate perky.

She does not realize that when she is wide awake she is the epitome of perky.

I told her that if it were in English, the only way the spam-dude would understand it would be if it were enunciated clearly, which would alert him to our actually being able to speak English very well. A completely countrproductive result, you will agree.
In the afternoon yesterday I headed out with two pipes and a pounch of aged Virginia to have lunch and smoke. She was home all day, because it was a holiday, which kind of cramped my style. I decided that given the cold it was a perfect chance to go have claypot rice at a place which specializes in that. Where they speak both Cantonese and Toishanwaa.

All the claypot rice dishes are listed on the wall in Chinese, from which I selected one that reflected both the HK claypot rice paradigm perfectly as well as the home-town Cantonese gestalt: 咸魚肉餅煲仔飯 ('haam yü yiuk beng pou jai faan'). Pork patty with a wedge of salt fish on top of the rice. The claypot gives a nicely crackly bottom to the rice, the combined fragrances perfume the puffed-up grains, the enclosed heat perfectly cooks the pork.

Two techo-geeks at other tables were eating claypot rice while reading their cell-phones.
I noticed that the Caucasian girl with the Chinese boyfriend were each having claypot rice, the two Mandarin-speaking young ladies who later came in did too, the grumpy aged peasant couple likewise. The only person not doing so was the elderly American-born fellow near the window, probably because he couldn't read the specials on the wall. Everyone there seemed to enjoy their food, but one thing that struck me was that though quite busy, the restaurant wasn't typically noisy. What in Chinese is referred to as re nao (熱鬧 'yit naau'). If I had gone to a chachanteng as I originally intended, it would have been lively to the point of headpain with the same number of people. The Chinese have a great tolerance for cacaphony.
Enjoying clay pot rice is necessary down time.
Shut up, I'm eating.

Smoking my pipe later was extremely enjoyable. The alleyways a little further downhill were pleasant, although one of them looked like a garbage dump from the trash that the mahjong parlours put there; the only two businesses that pay for refuse service are the flower shop and the hair salon.

The title of this post is the phrase that all Americans hear when attempting to speak Dutch in the Netherlands: "That's okay, we speak English". Because of how English speakers usually massacre other languages. A good friend will hear it a lot over the next several months.
She's moving there. Today. I wish her luck.

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Monday, February 17, 2025


The great thing about the arid zone is that it insulates us from the chuckleheads in the Midwest, and South. Some of whom I actually like, but keep in mind that I assiduously curate my social circles, and had cut "good Christians" (bigots and morons) entirely out years ago. To the best of my knowledge there are no Alabamans, Floridans, Georgians, Ozarkians, or folks from Mississippi and Tennessee among my friends, although there are one or two Carolinians connected with the tobacco trade, some Midwesterners, an ex-Georgian who used to be a reference-librarian, as well as a Texan from Marin-county, who is actually remarkably sane despite being entirely out of touch with reality.

[Also, very few people employed by the Federal Government. Although one person whom I did not see yesterday is, and I'm wondering if he still has a job. None of my relatives, with whom I keep in occasional contact, is federal.]

From the Central Valley eastward, it's nearly two thousand miles to Home Simpson territory. It's about four dollars a gallon for gas. And there are mountains.

Actually, that also insulates them from me. I'd dump Sriracha chilisauce into the grits and chuck the Chicago deep-dish pizza onto the compost heap.
From Kari Lake to the Cumberland Gap it's almost nothing but inbreds, mental defectives, religious types, and illiterates. With a considerable overlap.

In parts of the country, sexually transmitted diseases are often a family affair.
Besides measles, fungal infections, and tuberculosis.

Their fat little heads sit on their fat little bodies without a bit of connection.

Their food is awful, they talk funny there, and there are pick-up trucks on cinderblocks in the driveway. Except Mississippi, where they can't afford cinderblocks, so they stole milk crates from the local Piggly Wiggly.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...