Sunday, September 26, 2021


Today was the Folsom Street Fair, an annual event featuring people in tight leather with horns, rings, and spikes, or people wearing nothing at all except for their jackboots, and everything in between including horse heads and tails. As well as lots of suntan lotion OR leather balm.
It's a popular affair, with fun for the entire family.
Celebrating bondage. And bronys.
Plus that other thing.

I only attended once. Our little organization had a booth handing out informational literature, and we talked to many interested people, most of whom had no pockets.

That was my first and also my last time there.

I was overdressed for the occasion.

The human male body, as was abundantly evident, is not an object of beauty, and bares no surprises, when the only thing it is garbed in is footgear. As many examples there showed.
Very many naked men are middle aged.

A major problem with nudity out and about is that it requires a purse.
A place for your American Express card as well as your cellphone.

Years ago nudists for peace and revolution effectively ruined the 'occupy' movement here in San Francisco because they joined every protest march up Market Street. Surprisingly, there are very few activists who wish to rub shoulders with naked men. Despite them making very inviting targets for pepperspray, and therefore ensuring that other people do not become the first targets if that and baton charges are deployed.

I adore the idea of people protesting entirely naked except for their Nikes, it is very Greek. As a Berkeley man I can only approve. Hail Spartans! Naturally I am sad that so few protests involve nakedness. It's a lack of a classical education among many moderns.

There are no illustrations for this essay. Sorry.
I didn't go.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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