Friday, September 24, 2021


It is axiomatic that after feasting on chocolate -- deep rich dark chocolate -- one will not sleep well. It was from a slumber point of view not a good decision. Interesting somewhat off-kilter dreams. And because of the theobromine and caffeine in the dinner, sheep had to be counted. Forty eighth, forty nineth, fiftieth, fifty oneth ... That sounded wrong. Try a different language. Twee en vijftigste, drie en vijftigste, vier en vijftig ......

Counting in Dutch sounds like hairballs.
Maybe a late night smoke.

More chocolate was ill-advised.

This time of year is tarantula mating season. Tarantulas of either gender live several years. In arid areas where there aren't too many humans, hundreds of males will skitter across the highway, rather like flamingoes but without a synchronized dance, looking for a date.

A tarantula does not have real blood as we know it; instead, the oxygen is transported by a fluid known as haemolymph, containing haemocyanin (which is a copper-based oxygen carrier), pumped through the body by a longish tube (the "heart") through a system of 'sinuses'.

After mating, the male flees before the female gets hungry.

From Wikipedia:
"The body of the California ebony tarantula comes in various brown tones, ranging from light beige to dark brown and ebony colors. Adult females can reach a legspan of up to 13 cm (5 inches) and live up to 25 years of age. The male reaches maturity after 8–12 years and leaves its burrow after that in search for a mate. After spending all its energy on finding a suitable partner, he will die of exhaustion after around 6 months after reaching adulthood."
End quote.

It is not my place to judge whether that's a rewarding existence.
For a spider it may be incredibly meaningful
I shall not judge.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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