There's a sign at a pizza parlour in Sheffield, England, that offers "free curry and gravy on anything at any time". Which is a jolly good reason to visit England, even after they ruin the place by Brexitting. They'll still have curry and gravy. Unlike the French and the Germans, poor sods, who will be left putting up with Scandinavian food tyranny.
"Free mayonnaise on everything all the time"
---Swedish Food Preparation Law.
Even on your Ikea Jerk Chicken. They're Swedish, so you'll get less food poisoning than at Chipotle. Or at the place that used to be near the old office, where the food-preparation technician came out of the ladies room with her latex gloves on, proceeded to wipe the cutting board with a grey rag, and then started preparing the sandwich I had ordered. When I pitched a fit (had a monumental tantrum), the sub-continental manager or owner could not grasp the issue. Her hands were clean, she was wearing gloves!
That chain has shrunk since it's glory days.
Damned good thing, too.
Maybe meatballs taste better with mayonnaise. Julia Child believed in adding butter, more butter, to almost everything, but those canny Vikings may be on to something. They're supposed to be the healthiest people in Europe (health and happiness are NOT the same), and that may have something to do with condiments. Bland gooey condiments.
Alternatives to butter.
Mayonnaise; it's made with good stuff.
Sursylta, fylld tripp och svart pudding: Swedish delicacies.
If I had to eat those, I'd add hot sauce.
But that isn't customarily Swedish.
Mayo, with dill mixed in.
Sambal is also made from good stuff. Better stuff
Once Brexit is completed, the continent will be alone.
A sadder and far grimmer place.
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Shame, shame.
The Swedes boast a world-class cuisine, as even a French chef admits in this instructive video.
No mayonnaise in sight.
Surströmming is a crime against humanity.
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