Monday, April 06, 2015


It may surprise you, if you've noted my sneering bitter tone over the past few days, but I had a wonderful Passover slash Easter weekend. Yesterday was particularly nice.

Dim sum for brunch, by myself, at a place where they know me.

Two pipes smoked while wandering around Chinatown later.

Back home for teatime, and a bit of puttering around.

Dinner at the Capitol Restaurant on Clay street at early dusk -- eggplant and fish slices over rice (茄子龍脷飯) with tea and old fire soup (老火湯), followed by sweet orange wedges -- while sitting at the counter and listening in on some of the nearby tables.

Followed by FIVE bowls of tobacco at the Oxy.
In very good company.

It was a wonderful evening

The city was quiet on Sunday. Very pleasant. Clear skies, a little wind.
It rained a bit in the morning. By lunchtime it had cleared.

It has been a while since I had such an enjoyable time.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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