Sunday, February 01, 2015


This blogger doesn't often offer political content, because some of my readers are Republicans, who are sensitive (justifiable so), and might desert me in outrage.
Or something. I do not wish to offend, I'm all about harmony.

And normally I don't draw attention to John Stewart, because as everybody knows he's a rabid anti-Israeli activist worse than the New York Times, who hates America and agendizes for the great Zionist conspiracy to seize control of the United States Government.

Wait, what?!?!?!?

Anyhow, here are some details: Iowa Freedom Summit.



Bow down and worship, Republicans.
These are your new masters.


Just for funsies, I typed some search criteria and hit search.
Here are the results.

Obama not christian: About 187,000,000 results (0.43 seconds)
Obama Muslim: About 117,000,000 results (0.44 seconds)
Obama new world order: About 95,200,000 results (0.46 seconds)
Obama United Nations Control: About 27,000,000 results (0.46 seconds)
Obama anti-israel: About 19,700,000 results (0.45 seconds)
Obama illuminati: About 12,600,000 results (0.32 seconds)
Obama Satan: About 12,300,000 results (0.34 seconds)
Obama anti-christian: About 11,400,000 results (0.50 seconds)
Obama secret agenda: About 9,280,000 results (0.49 seconds)
Obama martial law: About 3,640,000 results (0.41 seconds)

Dang, some of you ;Republica..., Retar..., Christia..., Southerne..., folks in Iowa, Alaska..., "Teapots" are stupid.

Shallow end of the gene puddle, huh?

Step away from your cousin.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

"This blogger doesn't often offer political content"

This blogger offered political content in the past. I do not know why you are too fearful to do it still- I don't know if you've been threatened or intimidated, but its truly a shame you've been silenced in this manner.

The back of the hill said...

Sorry. I thought the humorous distortion of that statement was self-evident.

The back of the hill said...

I note, by the way, that fully ten percent of the hundred most recent posts have had a political theme. More if you include snide social commentary in that category.

quizzically amphibious said...

Has anyone checked to see if Sarah Palin's batteries are running down?

The back of the hill said...

She's a wind-up toy.

Lasts forever.

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