Thursday, February 26, 2015


This blogger inhabits what is quite likely the most berserk and out-of-touch-with-reality part of the known universe. And I'm not entirely comfortable with that. I feel far too normal to be here.

EXAMPLE ONE: Several people I know are cleansing themselves. No, not scrubbing themselves all over with a washcloth and water, but "cleansing"
I would suggest that these self-indulgent fudge-wits pay for high-colonics, but then they might assume that I am one of them, and tell me more about their ridiculous and medically unsound dietary weirdness. One of them already shared the benefits of almond milk upon the bowels, which was something that I really did not want to hear.

He was smoking a cigar at the time.

He's a nice man, but he's nuts.

Of course he lives in Marin.

There used to be an artspace on Pacific Avenue which advertised rectal hydration by appointment only, but they've closed down, and I suspect that they moved to Marin. Where business is probably booming.

EXAMPLE TWO: An acquaintance got another tattoo. She already has several. Each one celebrates a life-achievement. Her high school graduation. A girl scout badge (right behind the knee). Her first orgasm, with date. Learning how to make soy-milk. And, finally, karmically changing her astrological alignment.

That last one is mighty odd. No, I have no clue how it is done.
And I don't think it's either possible, or ever necessary.

EXAMPLE THREE: An otherwise semi-rational Jewish person of my acquaintance recently cited Pamela Geller in support of Bibi Netanyahu, and against Obama. She's a liberal, and I thought she was capable of researching her sources, verifying data, taking biases into account, and not giving credence to the crackpot fringe.

Pamela Geller, it will be remembered, beslimes herself on the internet by writing Atlas Shrugs, and is widely acknowledged to be neck-and-neck with Debbie Shlussel for most rabid hate-filled insane pustule on the ultra-right. Please note that shrill harpy Caroline Glick, columnist for notorious spam-site 'The Jerusalem Post', and soggy-pantied propagandist for Netanyahu, praises Pamela Geller.

Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed writing those last two sentences.

Pamela Geller. Debbie Schlussel. Caroline Glick.
And, how could we forget, Orly Taitz.

None of these people are vampires.
But they very well could be.
Gun nuts, too.

There's a reason why you're scared of clowns,

In conclusion, I should mention that I do indeed know some rational non-egomaniacs in the Bay Area. Unblinkered people who do not have an overweening sense of exceptionalism or entitlement, and tend toward sane and balanced points of view.

Being so is a bit of a rarity.

It is considered 'dysfunctional'.

There are far too many twizzle brains.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

e-k said...

As a pipe smoker, you may appreciate this.

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