Monday, June 16, 2014


Over the past few years you've seen several Chinese musical videos featured here. Four of them the past fortnight! Yet it strikes me that I've overlooked what is probably the greatest Chinese song ever.

So here it is! Finally!

It's an epiphany.




Sweet, melodic, and, dare I say it, even romantic.

Ching chong. Ling long. Ting tong.

I can sense the angst.

It's in code.

For the heck of it, just cruise on over to Jimmy Wong's channel and tell him that he spoke to you. Touched your deepest heart strings. Had an impact. Because, of course, life is not all about Poly-Sci.

"Over here from somewhere....''

"I am not the most, uh, purritickery correct, person." "You so feisty." "All sexy!" "Ace." "Mother, brother, sister, grandmothers, grandpas, and cousins, showing me how to cook and dress."

"Underneath the pounds of make-up. And your baby-blue eyes."

"So when you reach that epiphany."

"Doing something wrong."

"Uh, senk you!"

NOTE: When I first saw this a few years ago, it didn't have subtitles in Chinese and English. 
I can only hail this innovation, as it adds another warm fluffy layer of something between insanity and irony.
Bravo and kudos.
It's art.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Speaking of Chinese, please tell me how this translation went awry?

The back of the hill said...

By reason of 干.

干爆鴨子 (gan bao ya zi) is dry-fried duck.

干爆 means 'dry' plus 'explode'. So fried to the point where it's just popping with deliciousness, as well as frying hot enough that adding any liquid causes a spectacular flare-up. Dry-frying is a technique that involves enough oil to keep the meat from sticking to the pan while it is thoroughly browned and crusted, which intensifies flavour and seals in whatever may have been added beforehand as well as the juices. It is best for fatty meats such as duck and pork.

干 (gan) standardly stands in for 乾, meaning dry or dried. It ALSO stands in for a certain other word. In which sense it is used quite as much as the American obscenity, either as a curse or as a descriptive.

A) context is everything.

B) On line translation programmes still have a few bugs.

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