Wednesday, April 16, 2014


The other day a very dear friend who should know me much better by now accused me of being a brutal cynic, altogether nasty, and sarcastic to boot. According to his estimate, an old age of petulant and quivering besottedness awaits me if I do not reform p.d.q., and I should not fear to show the world the sensitive side that lurks deep within.

He also advises me that women LOVE the sensitive side. If I wish to ever engage in attempts at amorous physicality with a specimen of an opposite gender again, he says, I would do well to make sure she knows that I am a warm and lovable individual, rather than the severe and dried-up stick-insect she might otherwise with good reason believe me to be.
A sour old grumpus merits no snog.

"For heaven's sakes, man, stop being such an vile old drit!"

Very well then. Soft, warm, fluffy.

I'll finally admit it.


They taste nasty.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Easter puppies?

Bad Ole Boy said...

Deepfry them puppies!

Mr. Bunnie said...

Add more garlick.

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