Thursday, May 30, 2013


If you're here for a bit of evening reading while all alone at home -- please ignore what sounds like discrete footsteps in the long, long hallway -- you could do worse than to browse through the narratives that lard this blog.
Not all of them are cosy and warm -- there's that faint whisper of a footstep again -- but they are as good an introduction to my world as any. And who knows, you might find something you like; a fluffy bunny drinking tea, or an amiable badger out for a stroll. Maybe even a sarcastic crow.
Or, softly softly softly, ghostly footsteps.
And tales of woe.

Click this LINK, it will bring up everything in the "talk-story" category, most recent exemplar first.

And do please feel free to leave me a comment.
It gets awfully lonely in my attic, listening for those footsteps creaking up the stairs and waiting for the water to boil in the saucepan suspended over the candle. It will be half an hour before I can have my tea! At least!
I'll have another swig of this home-made vodka while I wait.
There's something in here that causes hallucination.
I don't know what it is, but this isn't good.
I keep hearing footsteps.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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