Sunday, May 26, 2013


On occassion this blog veers into political commentary. Not often, because rabid hysterics on the right and insane schizos on the left have by their combined forces made it madness to engage.

I ran across a book-review recently that made interesting points.

"If it makes no sense for women to side with the Marxist-Islamic alliance against Israel, it makes even less sense for homosexuals to do so. Chesler explains, "In Palestine and in the Arab Islamic Middle East, real homosexuals are tortured and murdered and must flee for their lives, as must girls and women whose sexual purity is suspect". Yet placards reading "Queers for Palestine" have appeared in demonstrations against McDonald's and elsewhere. Leftists, in Europe and elsewhere, have been insensitive to the loss of life suffered by Israel. "In one instance," writes Chesler, "a Norwegian medical researcher refused to sell certain medical materials to her Israeli counterpart; in another instance, Finland refused to sell the Israeli government gas mask kits". When Islamic clerics call for the death of Jews everywhere, when Jews are attacked not only in Israel but in Europe, leftists don't notice."

Here in the Bay Area most of the anti-war movement throughout the Bush years proudly marched alongside anti-Semites, bigots, and mysogynists, entirely uncaring that welcoming the slope-brows and retrogrades into their ranks devalued everything else they allegedly stood for. Far left activists took over the movement, injected their poison into every part, and, if there was just one doctrinal point they insisted on, it was condemnation of Israel.

Frankly, the entire anti-war movement stank. The refusal to speak out against bullshit from their own ranks, no, even the wholehearted and unthinking support of same if it came from a spotless ideologue or a person of colour or creed, made a mockery of their ideals. If it can be said that the rightwing in this country don't even understand one iota of the constitution and weltbild of our founding fathers, it must also be said that the left do, and reject it.

The Bay Area is ground zero.

San Franciscans often preen themselves on their being so very much like Europe, unlike the rest of the country, which they aver is filled entirely with ignorant rednecks and boors. The rest of the country does indeed have a sickening plenitude of teabaggery and know-nothingism.
But our San Franciscan overlap with European standards and norms is nothing to boast about. The Stalinism that slaughtered millions, and the Naziism that still bubbles underneath the surface, is also quintessentially European. Book burning is European. Rigidity is European.
Doctrinaire constipation is European.
San Francisco is full of it.

Our "Europeanism" is NOT the sunny cultural richesse of the Mediterranean world -- Italy, France, and Iberia -- but the shrunken testicled clench-arse narrowmindedness of Scandinavia, the Germans, and Britain.
Or, possibly, the Scots.

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