Thursday, May 30, 2013


Sometimes the Scandinavians, those enlightened and right-thinking socially conscious intellectual people in the northern extreme of Europe, are so staggeringly clueless that it boggles the mind.

Consider as an example this enlightened and right-thinking cartoon which appeared in Dagbladet.

Gjesteserie: 20mg Drefvelin av Tomas Drefvelin,
tirsdag 28. mai. 2013

[Source: Copyright (as far as I can tell): Dagbladet and Tomas Drefvelin.]

It appears to be a comment about circumcision. I'm not entirely sure where Tomas Drefvelin's head is at. I would suggest he do a little more reading and thinking before he jumps to any conclusions about Jewish and Muslim customs. Him and his uncut thinking organ.

While a claim could be made that the cartoonist may not have intended to be anti-Semitic, that is exactly what his drawing actually is. The man with the satanic pitchfork is wearing a hat and reading from scripture, the modestly dressed woman with a hair covering holds another volume.
These two individuals are portrayed as religious (det vil si: jøder), but not exceptionally foreign. There is absolutely no hint that they are anything other than people of the book.
The cartoon is reprehensible and vicious, but NOT xenophobic. Ergo it takes aim at only one group. Tomas Drefvelin may indeed not have consciously thought "Jew", but his pen did, and his audience will. No amount of re-interpretive spin by him or his editor can talk that away.

I need not discuss the blood of an infant, surely that trope has been beaten to death already, and it must be alive and well in the group subconscious of Scandinavians.

One the other hand, the two policemen look remarkably like Nazis. Which is contradictory. Is there another daemon hidden in mr. Drefvelin's sleep-mind that we should know about?

At the very least, this repulsive cartoon highlights that Norwegians are still far more dysfunctional than we could have imagined.
Must be the effect of family history.

NOTE: Jews aren't the only ones to circumcise male infants, many Gentiles in the civilized world do the same. But mr. Drefvelin stressed it as a vigtig del av tro.

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Anonymous said...

You wrote "I would suggest he do a little more reading and thinking before he jumps to any conclusions about Jewish and Muslim customs. Him and his uncut thinking organ"

And i would reccomend you to do the same, can you see anything in that drawing that links to a circumcision?

The fuzz about this drawing is just sad, cus it is so obvious what the main problem here is!

The back of the hill said...

My dear anonymous, the cartoonists own letter regarding the illustration made clear what it was about, the context made it clear, even his editor made it clear. And the comments, in Norwegian and English, on the newspaper's internet make it clear.

And both exageration for effect (toes in lieu of something nearly impossible to draw) as well as oblique reference are not unknown in your world, yes?

Without the understanding that the target is circumcision, the cartoon becomes entirely meaningless, and rather remarkably silly.

Literalists, of course, will not understand this.

On the other hand, the fuss about the drawing, both by those who are appalled, and those who defend it, indeed makes obvious what the problem is.

The problem is that Scandinavians are judgemental and ignorant.
As well as more than a little bit influenced by mediaeval ideas about the Jews.

The back of the hill said...

Alternatively, if you really wish to insist that the cartoon is about adults cutting off the toes of infants, please go right ahead.

Norway must be a very interesting place if that is an issue there.

I did not know that about the Norwegians.

Toe cutters.

Very strange.

Red Herring said...

Please note: the Norwegians are NOT the only dysfunctional Jew-disliking nation in Europe! There are others, Britain, for instance.

And Jewish history would not be complete without the censure of the Dtuch, the Belgians, the French, the Germans, the Poles, the Russians, the Spanish....

The Catholic Church, the Lutherans, the Calvinists (i.e., the Scottish Presbyterians, vide their recent expression of complete repulsion), the Greek Orthies........

The back of the hill said...

@ Red Herring;

Indeed. But we're talking about the Norwegians. And it is customary to complete ignore, overlook, discard, reject, and bagatellize, the entire cultural web and woof of anti-Semitism in all of Europe when discussing the flaws of just one subculture. They are all unique countries, whose manifestations of dislike and disapproval of anything and everything Jewish are entirely brand new and original, and must be respected for their own sake.
So let us please ignore all the Western-Europe-wide tendencies, and even the long pre-war history of hatred, bloodshed, and remarkable ignorance, and concentrate ONLY on their current deeply-felt and well-reasoned objections to Jewish things.

The past does not count; they're SO over that, over there.

Anonymous said...

Tomas Drefvelin...this is the name of a musician on Norway, so is this cartoon actually anonymous by some coward?

The back of the hill said...

No, it's the musician, I believe.
He apparently also doodles.

Olaf Shaggy Bum said...

One wonders how Scandinavians can live with themselves.

Must be a high tolerance for psychosis and meanness.

Oh wait; they're Vikings.


Never mind.

Unknown said...

Take a look at these pictures.. no more comment should be necessary..
Ashura shiamuslim "holy day"

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