Monday, February 21, 2011


The San Francisco Examiner has jumped on the sharkfin soup bandwagon, in an article which seems to deliberately portray Chinese culinary practices as rather distasteful.
Although that may just be my interpretation.
I am, after all, deeply distrustful of the SF Examiner.

[Article here: ]


What is, however, NOT a matter of interpretation is that the comments underneath that article are heading into predictable white superiority complex territory. Which is standard for the shark fin issue.

"We are wiping out apex predators in the name of soup? I don't know what they do in the far east, but here we actually have laws against animal cruelty and environmental degradation. It's inexcusable that Yee is defending animal mutilation just to appease Chinese business interests. I hope he feels ashamed. I'll certainly never vote for him again."
--- Patrick Schlemmer

A classic example of sneeringly insulting superiorist rhetoric.
Patrick Schlemmer here proves himself quite pustulent.
I wish ill upon him in the form of hereditary diseases.

"Okay racist, tree hugging whiteys........ why don't you make a stink about white folks at rodeos and hog tying cows. Typical racist pigs."
--- Sick of White Trash

Not really germane, but I can appreciate the sentiment. It's eloquent, too.
Selective outrage is, in fact, one of the hallmarks of racism and bigotry, and many racist tree hugging whiteys are typically quite disgusted by Chinese practices (even merely imagined ones) while remaining blithely apathetic about similar sins of which they themselves may be guilty.
Certainly what goes on in America's meat industry is far more deserving of condemnation than the shark fin issue - it's much closer to home, perpetrated by Americans, and often subsidized by State and Federal governments. Additionally, the degradation of the environment by agribusiness is thoroughly horrendous......
Can I get an 'amen'?

Some people cannot resist their own worst instincts. Consider this doozy:

"Throwing in the race card for a politican is weak. Any culture that dessimates a species on this planet is a BAD culture and must be stopped. You know nothing of actual "culture". You know about greed and unsustainability of our oceans! If a culture is wiping out our fish and destroying our oceans, don't you think it is a BAD culture. Shame on your weak and cowardly race card tactic! Wake up greedy boy or if you are missing your so-called culture...go back home!"
--- Valarie Oloman

Given that Euro-American culture is responsible for far more extinctions than all other cultures combined, I hope that in ms. Oloman's tiny little peabrain, white culture also "is a BAD culture and must be stopped".
But I doubt it. Her comment does not suggest that she has that breadth of vision.

The accusation that 'you' (by whom I think she means Leland Yee in particular and Chinese people in general) know nothing of actual "culture" suggests that she believes only her own culture to be culture, all others to be mere barbarisms. She doesn't actually say it outright, but that attitude underlies her entire statement, and her contemptuous regard is highlighted by her then calling either Leland Yee in particular or Chinese people in general "weak and cowardly".

Adding to her pile of bile, she then calls someone a 'boy' - not a man, but a mere child, an immature person - indicating a depreciatory attitude towards either Leland Yee in particular or Chinese people in general, following which she refers to his or their culture as "so-called".
In her view, theirs isn't a worthwhile culture - only her culture is worthy of the name.

Then she tells him or them to go back home. The message is that they do not belong here. This is not their place.
It is, of course, what nativists have always yelled at people they considered inferior and not like them. The Irish heard it, so did the Jews, Mexicans, Poles, Italians, Armenians......
Even African-Americans have had it screamed at them, right before being pelted with rocks for daring to go to school or vote.
Apparently it's still acceptable to say it to Asian Americans.


I would like to point out that all those East-Coast carpetbaggers who flocked out west in the last few decades do not belong here. It was opportunism, greed, and laziness that made them come.
They have ruined the quality of life we had in California, while contributing little more than knavery, vulgarity, and venereal diseases.
Same goes for most of the Europeans.

Please, all of you stupid New-Englanders, Midwesterners, Southerners, and Eurotrash - GO HOME!

We do not need any more redneck exclusionary white trash racism here, we've got quite enough dumbass bigots already.
G'wan, piss off.
And please take your New York pizza, Yankee pot roast, Boston buggery cream pie, and stinking Philly Cheese Steaks with you.

The last racist word, of course, goes to a moron:
"Sick of barbarian clods who will eat anything regardless of consequnces."--- Canecarrier

[Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: ]
The only possible response to Canecarrier is "oh go 'fondle' yourself, you nauseating old bigot. The city is filled with your type. With a bit of luck, you will all die of mad-cow, or food-poisoning from supermarket chicken and hot dogs. "
Undoubtedly, his mother was a hamster and his father smelled of elderberries.


There are, of course, a few other choice quotes that seem relevant here.
Very "white" quotes.

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"[Matthew 7:3]

"Therefore thou art IN-excusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things."[Romans 2:1]

"Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven."[Luke 6:37]

Damn, some of these shark fin soup haters are smarmy ignorant sows.
I hope they all choke on their wheatgrass.

NOTE: For more about shark fin soup, please see this post:
Comments welcome.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


fastidiously amphibious said...

Life is too short to read the Examiner.

The back of the hill said...

Please note - new shark fin post:

Mmmm, delicious shark fin!

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