Wednesday, February 23, 2011


One of the blogs that I read during lunch only publishes one or two posts a week.
Often they are music-related.
And while I often have no clue what the lyrics are, the tunes themselves have a certain beguiling quality.
Jazzy, cheerfully rambunctious.

I present for your listening pleasure some selections found on the Search for Emes, as an audible portrait of that blogger.




The Search for Emes used to post slightly more often than he does today.
Still, you should cruise in at least once a week. If there isn't anything new there at the moment, read some of the old stuff.
You will not be bored, and you may see things you could not imagine.

I'll frankly admit that my mind has been expanded.
Hope yours will be too.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

I'm glad you're still enjoying it. You and Nechama may be my last readers.

Crystal Tao said...

My fiance is from Russia. So I asked him to translate these songs.

Here you go...

The 1st song is compilation of unconnected stories. One of them contains such lyrics (from 1:10 to 1:26):
"Good morning, auntie Chaya, ajajaj
You've got parcel from Shanghai, ajajaj
Three Chinese sit in that parcel, ajajaj,
Three Chinese paint eggs, ajajaj"
(The last line is play of words - since eggs and testicles is the same word in Russian).

2nd song is the story about two Jews who hijacked the plane that departed from Moscow. They demanded from the pilot to fly to "Jewish lands". The pilot misunderstood and instead of Israel, took them to Birobidjan - which was the capital of Soviet Jewish Autonomy. From there the unlucky hijackers were taken directly to prison.

Finally, the 3rd song is almost absolute nonsense. But the notable moment is that the video used in the song is taken from one of the most famous Soviet movies, which has the motives similar to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

Anonymous said...

Love the space bong.

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