Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Javanese sometimes demonstrate that they are not quite as gentle and civilized as they would like you to believe.
Or at the very least that they have an entirely different playbook than the rest of us.

"More than 1,000 Muslim protesters have stormed a courthouse and burned two churches in central Java, Indonesia. The attacks in Temanggung happened after a Christian man was sentenced to five years in jail for distributing leaflets deemed insulting to Islam."



You know, there ARE mosques in the Western World too. But here people of your faith are a minority. A tolerated minority. Even though some of those tolerated Islamic types in Europe and the United States have nevertheless made clear that they think all non-Muslims are scum, and have frequently voiced wholehearted approval for terrorism and the killing of infidels - by which they mean us.

Not infrequently, resident Islamic types say venomously insulting things about our faiths, and offer fulsome praise for horrific violence against non-Muslims.

Yet no matter how morally lacking they prove themselves, even those Muslims are still tolerated.
As long as they can't actually be connected to criminal acts, or support and funding for Islamic murderers, we tolerate them.

You should study the meaning of toleration.

I know you have a word for it in your language - "toleransi" - but judging by the fact that you had to borrow it from the Dutch, you may not actually grasp the concept........
We'd like it if you at least made an effort to figure it out.

If you can't understand what is implied in being tolerant, there are several mosques in the Bay Area which will gladly explain the idea.

I'm sure that the Indonesian Consulate at 1111 Columbus Avenue can provide you with contact names, addresses, and phone numbers for those mosques - they'll be delighted to hear from you. Also, they should have some thoughts about what you lot have recently been up to.

If the Indonesian Consulate doesn't have a complete listing of Bay Area mosques, don't worry, I can probably provide one.
Just let me know.

Don't ask me about "tolerance", though.

I'm not at all sure I still remember what it means.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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