Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Over on Dovbear’s blog, the Bray of Fundie guestposts his annual Thanksgiving rant. He cites an interesting list of reasons why he will not have quite the thanksgivingest spirit this coming Thursday.

Intermarriage, assimilation, Reconstructionist and Humanist Judaism, sex among the young, absurd chumras, tastelessness, emptyheadedness, soullessness, drugs, indolence, debt, etcetera.
As well as "having the perennially awful Detroit Lions be one of the two permanent host teams for it's Turkey Day NFL Football offerings. The games are NEVER competitive and this is bad for the football fans, Jewish and non-Jewish alike!"



He's right. Only old people should have sex. They've had more practice.
Problem is, we can hear their aged bones creaking. Often accompanied by weird gurgling sounds and pained yelps. It disturbs us when we sleep.

Apparently, practice doesn't make perfect.

Roast turkey is NO substitute for sex. Unless you're really old. Or really young.
Now step away from the bird, you pervert.
And don't TOUCH that gravy boat! Not until you put the tarp down.

I'm fifty one years old. That's still young.
Still young.

I do not own a tarp.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

Well, there's always the perennial favorite - "what can we do with the turkey neck?" game.

Tzipporah said...

This post is so awesome I am almost speechless.

The back of the hill said...

Well, there's always the perennial favorite - "what can we do with the turkey neck?" game.

That man has become immortal.
Betcha his grandkids avoid him.

The back of the hill said...


Yes, I thought so too.
One of my friends asked me after reading it whether I had been kidnapped by a zen-sex cult.
I have to wonder how he knows about such things.
Turkeys, sex. Sex, turkeys. It all seems so intuitive!

Example of "thinking outside the box". Our Marketing Department should know.

Long cold shower said...

Most inspiring thing I've read this week.

I need a tarpaulin.

Thank you.

Chestnut stuffing said...

Whatever he did with that turkey neck, it appears that the link no longer works.

I don't really wish to know.

But I am sad.

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