Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Jack is the last living Stalinist.
He infests North Beach, especially the Caffe Trieste and Specs.
Not quite self-hating, but very damned close.

A professional beatnick.
Lousy poet.
Worse translator - I've seen what he's done to stuff by Jules Deelder.
Who, in mittn drinnen, I knew way before Jack had even heard of him.

A yutz, a noodge, and a nebbish mit oren.
Feel free to exclaim 'feh'.
Damn that's ugly facial hair!

I will not buy your rag.
Stop declaiming in French.
Espresso iz echt nisht proletarish.

***** ***** *****

NOTE: It should be fairly obvious to those in the know who the person might be who is lauded in this sonnet.
Ve hamayvin yayvin.
If you think this is horrible 'free-verse' (you get what you pay for), you should hear some of the crap that the residents of North Beach write. Beatnik was bad, antique beatnik is worse.
Most of them have not done an honest day's work in their lives, their hands are soft, and their backbones limp.
This is just an opinion. But it is an educated opinion.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, you don't know Jack.

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