One of the main reasons for the Crusades was the reprehensible attitude of Muslim tyrants to the Christian pilgrims in the Holy Land. Having seized control over the holy places, and massacred Christians and Jews during their conquest, generations of Islamic warlords either outright forbade Christians and Jews from worshipping and visiting the sacred sites of their religions, or seized pilgrims and sold them at slave auctions.
In all, Muslim hegemony over other peoples' lands was horrific, barbaric, and rapacious.
One bright spot is the behaviour of the Turks.
Now the blight of Mohammedan bigotry and strongarmism has returned.
One of Britain's premiere choirs is being prevented from performing in Bethlehem following a Palestinian protest over its scheduled performance in Israel.
The choir of Clare College, Cambridge, will sing Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" with the Israel Camerata Orchestra, but may not visit and perform in St George's Cathedral in East Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, where it was invited to sing by the Anglican bishop of Jerusalem, according to Tim Frank's Jerusalem Diary published Monday by the BBC.
The choir is being stymied in its efforts to visit areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority following a letter from the London-based Palestine Solidarity Campaign asking the choir to cancel its trip to Israel, saying it would "appear indifferent to Palestinian suffering."
The Palestinian Authority then asked the bishop of Jerusalem to withdraw the choir's invitation to sing in eastern Jerusalem and Bethlehem, and informed the choir that its members would not be welcome in Bethlehem as part of the bishop's pilgrimage.
Let me explain some pertinent facts to you Muslims:
Israel allows you to worship at your sites within the land. Europeans allow you to construct mosques in their ancient cities (mosques which, due to modern architecture and perfectly horrid taste, are ghastly eye-sores).
Even here in America, your practices are safeguarded - contrary to what your mad mullahs and lying imams tell you, the Mohammedan religion is alive and well in Yankee-stan.
Pressuring your captive dhimmis - pardon, "native" Christians - into blackmailing the west, however, is an action entirely beyond the pale of civilized conduct.
We accept that the degenerate Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia violently discriminate against non-Muslims and non-Arabs. After all, their brigands seized Mecca and Medina nearly a century ago, and have kept the entire Muslim world over a barrel ever since. Like you, we do not expect any better from those pigs.
And no Christian or Jew would want to settle in that poxed armpit of a place.
No biggie.
But if the rest of you Muslims wish to continue our acceptance of your presence and your cult outside of your wastelands and brutal societies, you need to play by civilized rules.
That means allowing our pilgrims to visit our holy places unmolested, and unhindered.
You've already driven the Christian majority out of Bethlehem.
The Christians of Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt, all of whom represent communities far older than the Islamic umma, keep emigrating to our lands - there is no place for them under your despotic and intolerant rule.
The Jews of the Arab lands have been robbed and expelled - except for those whom you viciously slaughtered.
In Pakistan and Indonesia your rabid dogs burn down churches and lynch believers. Your thugs in Iran and Central Asia are rapists and sadists - we have for years been treated to horrific news about your treatment of Christians and Jews in those benighted places.
Yearly, the record of your brutal bigotry grows ever more horrendous.
You do know, don't you, that there are several million Muslims living in the West?
Muslims who at present are still guaranteed safety and equal rights.
Perhaps you should consider that Western hospitality is a very brittle and recent overlay on centuries of violent tendencies. That such 'tolerance' is NOT limitless. And it is NOT fundamental to our psyche.
It really must be requited.
Merry Christmas. Bitches.
Warning: May contain traces of soy, wheat, lecithin and tree nuts. That you are here
strongly suggests that you are either omnivorous, or a glutton.
And that you might like cheese-doodles.
Please form a caseophilic line to the right. Thank you.
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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...

For Christians in Iraq, this will be a year of canceled holiday celebrations and of Christmas Masses spent under the protective watch of police officers and soldiers because of a spate of threats by extremist groups to bomb churches on Christmas Day.
In Baghdad, Christians said they were as fearful as they had been since 2006, when the outbreak of sectarian warfare forced many to leave their neighborhoods for months at a time.
“There will be no celebration or anything of that sort,” said Duraid Issam, a 41-year-old clerk. “We will keep it quiet because things are really bad. We are not targeted only at churches, but even in our houses because they will plant bombs outside our homes as well.”
There are no dependable figures on the number of Christians in Iraq, but the community had been estimated to number about 750,000 before the United States-led invasion in 2003.
The town of Bethlehem is fast losing its last few year-round Christian residents.
Christians are fleeing the town of Christ's birth, and the much-reported hardship that Israel inflicts on residents of the West Bank town has little to do with it. It's the same reality across the Arab world: rising Islamism pushes non-Muslims away.
Read more:
tis the season:
Not all tidings are of great joy
by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
December 23, 2009
"Two millennia after Jesus was born in the Middle East, Christians living there often suffer greatly for their faith. Egypt is home to the oldest and largest Christian population in the region, yet the indignities heaped on them are many: They are prevented from building or repairing their churches, barred from many government positions, and treated with disdain when they seek help from the police or the courts.Two millennia after Jesus was born in the Middle East, Christians living there often suffer greatly for their faith. Egypt is home to the oldest and largest Christian population in the region, yet the indignities heaped on them are many: They are prevented from building or repairing their churches, barred from many government positions, and treated with disdain when they seek help from the police or the courts."
If they read this post, I bet the likes of LeAnna Sharp, Matthew Taylor, the staff of the Berkeley, and Lily Haskell are now throwing their usual temper tantrums.
I went to school with LeAnna Sharp and she was big in Students Against War, a group in bed with ANSWER. What I learned from knowing her personally is that there is nothing I hate more than a two-faced whiner.
Christ and the bible are the dan brown/ stephen king best sellers of their day, wake up and live your own lives!!!!
Finally, the mainstream media takes notice!
In 2007, one year after the Hamas takeover, the owner of Gaza's only Christian bookstore was abducted and murdered. Christian shops and schools have been firebombed. Little wonder that most of Mr. Khoury's Christian friends have also left Gaza.
My dear Corbypunk,
I have no idea what to make of your message. This blog is not particularly Christian, being more inclined towards an appreciation of the Judaic methodology of thought, and disinclined towards any literalist approach to scripture.
Nor does Jesus figure much into my worldview - save by his absence.
So your advice to live our own lives - what does that mean? Christians wishing to attend services at two Christian sites (St George's Cathedral in East Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethelehem) are surely also entitled to live their own lives - free from interference by Muslim assholes and bigoted Eastern Christians.
Admittedly, I really don't give a vliegende keutel about Christians as such, but the point is about tolerance absolutely being a two-way street.
We'll accept your ridiculous philosophy and habits provided ours are equally accepted. If not, well, there are 35 million Muslims in Europe, and 5 million of them in the US.
All of whom are hostages for that tolerance.
I just want to thank you for speaking out about the injustice Christians & Jew suffer at the hands of Muslim sadists. I don't understand why we are made to tolerate these attacks. It's such a joy to find someone who says I don't agree but I defend your right to beleive. We just want the right to follow our own path. I don't need you to come along (although that would be nice). I just want me and my family to be left in peace.
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