Tuesday, October 13, 2009


By now everyone has heard that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently, a bunch of deep-thinkers in Scandinavia decided that his singular achievements in the cause of peace were so extraordinary that, more than anyone else in 2009, Barrack Hussein Obama DESERVED the prize.

Obama's greatest achievement to-date is that he isn't Bush.

Not being Bush promotes peace like nothing else. Really.
It is, I'll admit, a rather good thing, this 'not being Bush'.
Quite praiseworthy.
But if that is Nobel material, we all qualify.
Can't we at least get a fairy wand for that?

Really, guys, couldn't you have made a better choice?

I mean, I like Obama and all, but he hasn't actually done anything yet. Wasn't there some longsuffering native vegetarian lady or bemedalled third-world gangster out there who did something truly significant?
Maybe some Arab who promised not to kill the nearest Jew?
An intellectual from Europe who started a macrobiotic charity?
Some South-African leader recognizing Apartheid somewhere (that's what they do - all South Africans can magically identify apartheid, in the most unlikely places - it's their unique gift).

Yeah, I truly appreciate you NOT giving it to Khaddafi (even though he has changed since his wild and foaming at the mouth young man stage), or Ahmedinejad (well, he hasn't bombed Israel yet ..... to many Europeans, that means he's a peacenik), or even the fat faced bozo in North Korea (hasn't kidnapped Japanese citizens in years, or journalists in months - he's a reformed man! Huzzah!).

But Barrack Hussein Obama?

To the rest of us it looks like you well-meaning Norwegians are so incredibly impressed with a handsome erudite black man that you just plumb bent over.

Big, black, and well-spoken? YØwzå!!!
Perhaps not good enough to date your daughter (you lot still ARE very white, over there in Norway - kinda like Swedes), but so very impressive that you yourself will just about drop your own pants for him.
Not Bush! And BLACK!! Even educated!!! Weeeeee!!!! He's divine!!!!!
Please like us, mister Obama sir!!!!!!

You distinguished Norwegian politicos are off your rocker.


cheap said...

Its nice that he got the Noble Peace prize... i am also happy
but please don't make him as a Jesus....

The back of the hill said...

My dear Cheap,

Might I request that you slowly reread the posting above? And again, one more time?
The reason being that it may have escaped you entirely what the text is saying, and how it is phrased.
By extension, the title of the post "Obama is Jesus" must not be taken as an assertion of fact, nor a suggestion of an actual state or condition, nor, even, a straight faced personal opinion.

I might even describe it as reflecting a certain mental process or progression - going from
sarcasm and it's attendent sentiment irony to a state of cynicism about the decision to award Obama the Nobel Peace Prize. Truth is stranger than fiction, yes. But the posting above is a criticism
of the surreal, almost

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