Thursday, October 22, 2009


A teacher in Denmark was severely beaten up for shaking the hand of a female student at the Abildgård school after a parent-teacher meeting.

The assault happened in the presence of a female teacher who had also been in the meeting. The father of the student was infuriated that the teacher had shaken his daughter's hand and thus offended his family honour.
He also bit the ear of the teacher during the fracas. The father was a Palestinian.

Article (in Dutch):,1

I can already see you shaking your head, convinced that there is just no living with these people.......
But I really must point out that the teacher is also an Arab.
As is the teenage daughter of the assailant. Who probably is embarrassed as all git out by her father's behaviour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee, then I guess the old, "hole in the bottom of the popcorn box surprise at the movies" trick is entirely out of the question then.

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