Friday, August 29, 2008


Yesterday evening I was wandering around my neighborhood with a pipe in my mouth, when my eye fell on a pair of panties.
[I often smoke outdoors. Savage Kitten does not appreciate the perfume of fine Oriental blends, and I had a Charatan filled with Presbyterian Mixture going.]

The panties were small. The panties were a very pretty raspberry-rose. The panties were empty.

One does not often come across a clean and entirely unoccupied pair of panties.
Usually, when one stumbles across panties on the public street, they are either disreputable looking and in the gutter, or filled with a (briskly) moving posterior.
If there is merit to the posterior the latter situation is preferable.
[This is mostly speculative, you understand. I do not spend much time thinking about panties, nor strive much to see them, but merely gratefully note them in passing. It is a benefit to no longer being allowed to smoke at the office or inside cafés. This is the unintended brighter side of anti-smoking regulations.]

These panties were exceptionally reputable looking.

One has to wonder how a nice pair of panties end up on the pavement.

Did the young lady wearing them suddenly decide to go commando? Were they a spare that fell out of a rushing schoolgirl's backpack?
Were several teenagers horsing around? Was it a dare? Did someone angry run off pantyless?

Did she rush out of the house before fully dressed? There was something she forgot? Was she gaily waving them from her window at a beau?
Maybe they were drenched with perfume as a memento?

Too loose, perhaps, they may have slipped off accidentally as the wearer hurried up the hill.
She could have been too embarrassed to repossess them and thus draw attention to whatever it is that she did not want to draw attention to.

One would very much like to know whose garment lay there. Perhaps not too well (at least until a reasonable explanation of panty-loss presented itself), but definitely in nearer proximity. She can't weigh more than ninety pounds (that rules out most white women), and judging by the evidence of stretch and fabric-stress, there may be some discrete curvature.

Several weeks ago a pretty young miss got off the bus at the same stop as myself. While I paused to light up, she skipped on ahead up the hill. Petite. Winsome. Energetic.
And be-skirted.

If it was the same young lady, I am not entirely surprised that she lost her panties. Did I mention that she was petite? Very much so. In her size, almost anything is far too roomy.
Teenagers, no matter how unlike white women in size, do not like shopping in the children's department.
I do not think they make nice panties for such petite women. I will have to investigate.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:

All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Avi Schwartz said...

I have to say, that whole post was really creepy.

Anonymous said...

Creepy? I found great poignancy and beauty in this post.

Spiros said...

I blush to disclose my ingenuousness here, but my first thought would have been that they had fallen out of a laundry bag. Of course, that wouldn't have been my last thought...

Spiros said...

By the way, this whole post is an exercise in Lev-baiting, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Would H.B. have noticed these panties if he had not been smoking a pipe at the time - it all seems very Sherlock Holmes to I, H.B does not mention if his neighbourhood is home to corporate Japanese businessmen - who get home late and may have lost objects of desire...


Anonymous said...

Now, if you had described what was IN the panties, that would have truly gotten my attention.

And yes, that would have been oober creepy.


Spiros said...

Depends, surely, upon WHAT was in the panties?

Anonymous said...

ONe assumes that a reputable bottom was in the panties.

One will not speculate about spanking the reputable bottom - one is not quite that British in inclination (although cold-showers ARE a distinct pleasure, along with Toad in a Hole).

---Grant Patel

Spiros said...

All references to spanking on this blog have hitherto regarded monkeys. One assumes Mr. Patel is opening up a whole new field of spanking discourse, and not postulating a panty-wearing monkey.
Also, in view of BOTH's alter-ego (Toad), let us all strive, for the sake of decorum, to keep any mention of "Toad-in-a-hole" to a bare minimum, please (or a panty-wearing minimum, if one is inclined towards modesty).

Anonymous said...

Toads in panties? This is a mental picture I can do without. Pink lace on mustard green oily wart-skin, with the curve of pointy amphi-butt putting pyramids in the soft, and now slightly damp and beslimed cotton.

Spiros, what a disgusting image. You should be ashamed for leading us down this purple path! Go to your room!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Finally pnaties, and mr. Patel has to go spoiling the picture by postulating a slimy thing. Feh. Next thing you know he'll be mentioning either his own pany wearing fetish, or a monkey in panties and a tutu.

Go away, hairy thing.


Anonymous said...

Am I spoiling your lunch, Lev? Are you eating something delicate.... ? And lacey?




---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Avi, the creepy part is not the post, but the readers.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

All of you, don't get your knickers in a twist.

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Are those toads in your panties, or are you just happy to see me?

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Serves him right for getting his knackers in a Twist.

Anonymous said...

Better his knackers than her knockers. I'm just saying.....

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm, panties!!!

Anonymous said...

With a lovely Hello Kitty pattern.

And a red bow on one of cheeks.

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