Tuesday, October 02, 2007


As many of my readers know, I am a member of VIZC-BAC.
[VIZC-BAC: Vast International Zionist Conspiracy, Bay Area Chapter. This is my affectionate nickname for our little group of pro-Israel activists here in Northern California. We are the answer to "how many people can you stuff into a small van?"]

We've been discussing our upcoming counter-demonstration to yet another anti-Semitic ultra-left manifestation, and someone suggested that, seeing as it will be so close to Halloween, we should go in costume as ghouls and witches. Someone else then suggested that we should dress up as clowns, and walk WITH the enemy, instead of opposing them.

Here's a phrase I never though I would ever have to use:


A group of clowns at a political rally might merely be seen as typical Bay Area zaniness. We are known for that.

The general public would not understand, and would probably say something like "oh look, they must be code pink!".

A long time ago someone mentioned that "Pro-Israel Pro-Peace" signs and giant Israeli flags were too subtle also.
[This is, after all, the Bay Area. We are not on the same planet as everyone else. My sign from a while back saying "Hamas must be destroyed" is "too divisive and hurtful", and giant Israeli flags are "too subtle". Here in the Bay Area.]

Subtlety just ain't what it used to be.
[Go figger.]

On a somewhat related note: One of my friends had to dive for cover with his kids because of Palestinian gunfire today at the Meuras ha Machpela. But of course that may have been what is called "valid political discourse". Or "part of the ongoing peace negotiation". Altogether a point and a message which are both far too subtle for me to grasp, alas.
I am not a very subtle person. It's an immense handicap.

1 comment:

Spiros said...

I have been informed that Our Fair City is the home of the only Clown College in the whole United States; I take pride in this fact. Actually, if they offer a program in anything that doesn't involve active buffoonery, say some sort of "clown support" (maybe Accounting for Clowns, or Clown Analysis), I might find myself tempted to go back to school.

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