Tuesday, September 25, 2007


No, they haven't succeeded in killing them all.
Not for want of trying, though.

It's just good old-fashioned denialism.

According to Mahmoud Ahmedinejad:
"In Iran we don't have homosexuals, like in your country -- In Iran we do not have this phenomenon, I don't know who has told you that we have it"


Most Middle-Eastern countries assert that they do not have homosexuals, none of those people, no, not really any at all, at least no significant numbers, maybe a few westernized playboys, or transients from "other" countries like Pakistan.
And in any case, they usually blame homosexuality on The Prosyletizing International Gay Agenda and former British colonial functionaries.

At least they don't blame the Jews, or their own women.


Phillip Minden said...

It was more like this:

"In Irawn we don't have homosexuals, like in your country"

audience giggling

"In Irawn we do not have this phenomenon"

audience laughing

"I don't know who has told you that we have it"

audience rolling on the floor, holding their bellies

Phillip Minden said...

Forgot to add, it was rather an ambiguous situation - on the one hand, he was so ridiculous you just had to laugh, and it was good that people there did laugh into his face, something he might not be used to at home.

On the other hand, the question that triggered this was about the state actually murdering people on the charge of their being gay.

Unknown said...

It makes me sick. No, I am not talking about homosexuality, but about people like Ahmedinejad. But let's not forget that millions of people think this way, even our own. Also in Judaism we have discussions and words about this subject. Of course not comparible with A. and his likes.
When I was in highschool I told my mother about a book I was reading. I mentioned the name of the author. Oh, she said: "He is a relation of ours." When I told her that he was gay she said: "No, he is not your family."
But once again, I don't compare this with (Moslem) Middle-Eastern practices.

Tzipporah said...

Oh, but of course he is right. They have no homosexuals.

Just men who sleep with other men.

But they are clearly NOT homosexuals.

Because that is a corrupt, Western, decadence they do not have.


The back of the hill said...

Priceless! I also especially love the approximation of a Persian pronunciation.
Ala! Khub ve barazad ast!

He isn't gay, he's a confirmed bachelor. And his roommate is uncle Ernie. Now stop asking questions.

That probably explains why my Persian dictionary contains no entry for homosexual. Though bamoun can mean a gay man in addition to a poltroon, and a gulam is a slave or servant in addition to being a catamite.
There are other words that have connotations. They have no homosexuality, they have connotation.

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