Thursday, September 20, 2007


Being a series of short prose-pieces by some eloquent people.


I like to comment-mine. But I do not always do so within the J-blogs. What follows is a Flemish exchange on the web-site of the Gazet van Antwerpen.

This newspaper:
This article:
[If you wish to read all the comments, click on the link that says 'lees alle reacties'.]

Think of this as welcome relief from the gloom and doom and the prospect of spending the coming shabbes with a wheeping and a wailing and a gnashing of teeth (or whatever your minhag is on Yom Kipper). There's time enough for that a day from now.
Right now, you need something to distract you.

Have fun.

20/09/2007 08:33

Malheureusement les flamands ne comprennent rien. Leur niveau intellectuel ne leur permet pas Il faut les traiter comme des enfants de 5 ans en pleine crise: une bonne raclée.

Robert Jeuniau, Vilvorde Halle Bruxelles.

[General import of the comment: Flemings are idiots.]

20/09/2007 10:14

@Robert Jeuniau: Vu que vous n''avez pas les capacités intellectuelles d''écrire en néerlandais dans un journal flamand, je me baisserai à votre niveau et je vous répond en français! Parce que, oui, nous en Flandre, on est capable de parler plusieurs langues à un niveua acceptable. Pas comme vous!! Est-ce que vous connaissez le mot pathétique? Prenez un dictionnaire, cherchez ce mot et vous verrrez votre photo à côté!! En dan nu terug in het nederlands: Gelukkig zijn de simpelen van geest!!

D dB, Ergens ten Velde.

[General import of the comment: Robert Jeuniau is a pathetic and simple-minded idiot.]

20/09/2007 10:23

Aan Mijnheer Jeuniau, ik heb diep medelijden met u. Zulke reacties zeggen veel over uzelf. U dient niet akkoord te gaan met Bart De Wever, alleen kan u het wel fatsoenlijker verwoorden. Ik vrees wel dat u vrij goed de Franstaligen vertegenwoordigt in hun denken en spreken.

dries romanus, lebbeke.

[General import of the comment: Robert Jeuniau is a rude idiot, and probably typical for a French speaker.]

20/09/2007 10:47

Pas du tout étonné que le dewever est indésirable à Bruxelles et en Wallonie. Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête. Quand on lit sur ces forums les réactions des flamingants, il y a de quoi ne plus ce laisser faire. Les flamands ont assez craché sur le dos des wallons. A votre tour d''etre victime de ce genre de comportement.

Robert Jeuniau, Vilvorde Halle Bruxelles. 

[General import of the comment: Oh crap, the Flemish idiots can read!]

20/09/2007 10:52

@Robert Jeuniau: ... il y a de quoi ne plus SE laisser faire (pas "ce"). Vous voyez, vous ne parlez même pas votre propre langue. Comment est-ce que on peut attendre de vous d''en parler une autre!!! Klein, klein, zielig ventje! Ca doit faire mal de se faire corriger dans sa propre langue par un flamand, hein? :-)))

D dB, Ergens ten Velde.

[General import of the comment: You moron, you can't even write your own language. Idiot!]

20/09/2007 10:56

t.a.v. Robert Jeuniau : Uw scheldtirade is het beste bewijs van uw ongelijk. Vlamingen zijn rustige, redelijke en verstandige mensen die zich niet om de tuin laten leiden door de media. Dat Franstaligen zich meer laten manipuleren door de media, hebben ze bewezen met hun goedgelovigheid bij de uitzending van het nepjournaal: "België splitst"

Marie-José Wambecq, Ranst.

[General import of the comment: Walloons really seem kind of stupid.]

20/09/2007 10:58

@Marie José Wambacq: ik denk dat ge het eens in het frans moet proberen, want simpel nederlands begrijpt die toch niet. Dat is voor hem te moeilijk, gaat zijn intellectuele capaciteiten ver te boven. Spreekt zelfs zijn eigen taal nog niet eens behoorlijk :-))))

D dB, Ergens ten Velde.

[General import of the comment: Better say it in French, the Walloon idiot doesn't speak a civilized language.]


The writing above was in reaction to the mention that Bart De Wever, chairman of the Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (New Flemish Alliance) has received threats from Walloons. The New Flemish Alliance, a party of and for six million Flemings, aims towards autonomy for Flanders, and the loosening of bonds with the non-Flemish infestation to their south. The possible dissolution of the union has been mentioned during the current political crisis in Belgium; the Flemings, who contribute more to and receive far less from the exchequer than the Walloons and who have historic reasons for anti-Walloon animus besides, naturally see certain concrete advantages to the proposal. The Walloon politicians impolitely disagree.

You noticed, of course, that much of the text above was in frog, rather than Flemish. Flemings are capable of civilized discourse in several languages - Walloons, alas, in none.


Anonymous said...

OK I'm biased
vraiment & truly

The French speaking Belgians are my mates...

Vlaamse = bigots en blok
Walloons = Quislings

I'll miss Belqique
The metre beers in Bruxelles

Salut & merci à Offenberg et Donnet


The back of the hill said...

Well, Graham, I am not biased, but conflicted.

Nationalistically I am on the Flemish side. Yet I find the Vlaams Blok absolutely repulsive.

There are too many unmitigated swine on the Flemish side to wish for their political victory.

And I have never met a French speaker who was not likeable.

Plus, if Belgium breaks apart, it is likely that the Walloons will join France. I do not wish France to have that pleasure.

Habib ben-Achim Marwan said...

Dear Mr. At the back of the hill,

I find your summary of the comments quite hilarious.

Keep up the good work!

The Clochard Times

ps - It might interest you that I've tried to explain the current situation in the Kingdom of Belgium in my latest blog "De Democratische Volksrepubliek Congwanda". Needless to say, I failed miserably, but that shouldn't stop you from reading it. Unless of course you're too busy getting major acid indigestions from all the greasy food you've been eating. :D

Anonymous said...

Truly a masterpiece.

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