Friday, September 14, 2007


The United Nations, Berkeley, and San Francisco are merely suburbs of Brussels.

" For many Europeans, Israel can’t hold a candle to the lure of the Arab world. When push comes to shove, their vast markets, energy resources, geographic proximity, and political clout in multilateral bodies usually trump anything Israel can offer. And with growing Muslim communities in their midst, many Europeans are increasingly concerned about antagonizing potentially volatile groups who could express their anger in the voting booths or the streets."

There's more. All of it can be found here:
[Article by David Harris published in the JPOST on September 11, 2007]

An article by the same author in the JPOST earlier this year details a different aspect:
" Two recent polls tell us what we already knew: Israel is relatively popular among Americans and the subject of considerable antipathy among European democracies."
" ... Americans are more pro-Israel than they were 10 and 20 years ago and now sympathize with Israel three times more than with the Palestinians: 58 percent to 20%."
" In the second poll, the BBC asked people in 27 nations to rate a group of countries and found that Iran and Israel were almost tied for the spot of the country most people saw as a "mainly negative influence." Only in the US and Nigeria did a plurality see Israel as a "mainly positive" influence. By contrast, in Germany, France and Great Britain, 77%, 66% and 65%, respectively, viewed Israel as having a "mainly negative" influence. "

More here:
[Article by David Harris published in the JPOST on March 7, 2007]

David Harris eloquently details what many of us have argued for years, often to the deaf and dumb brick wall of our European friends and acquaintances. This is what we're up against.

Please note especially that the three European countries named stand in for all of them; in some countries the anti-Israel negativity is slightly less, in others slightly more.

[The Benelux countries are much more anti-Israel than they imagine themselves, the Scandinavians sanctimoniously pretend blamelessness, and as for the easterners, the less said the better.]

Given that a recent poll also shows that nearly half of the Europeans believe Jews have too much influence in politics and business (yes, that stereotype still thrives in Europe!), one can state that European anti-Israelism is virtually the same as anti-Semitism. Or as close as makes no difference.

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