Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Fellow blogger Treppenwitz tells two truths and a lie on his blog (here: http://bogieworks.blogs.com/treppenwitz/2007/01/two_truths_and_.html).
It is up to us readers to figger out which is what. Two true, one not so. Or maybe otherwise.

He got it from Lachlan at 'my so-called blog'
( http://www.mysocalledblog.com/?p=6590

Who got it from ePiscoSours
( http://www.episcosours.com/?p=353).

Who credits nobody.

The idea is that you tell your audience three things, two of which are true, one of which is a lie. Which is what we force new employees of the accounting department to do during their initiation lunch. We've heard some pretty interesting stuff during those lunches. Embarrassing stuff too.

So here goes.

One of my coworkers dated one of her professors.

One of my coworkers dated several people at the same time.

One of my coworkers dated a coworker and ended up married within four months.

What's that? You mean I should tell things about myself? Are you insane?

Trust me, my life is rather boring (or in any case it would be wise of you to think so), whereas the wild women I work with lead really interesting lives. Really, really interesting lives.

We suspect the small snarky Asian one (the one with glasses), who squawks loudly whenever any of the rest of us go out for a smoke, of actually being a closet chainsmoker and Martini maven. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. She's probably trying to cover herself, with her stern lecture about the evils of tobacco. And we already know that she has a cheese-doodle habit when she's at home, allegedly working......

At least two of my coworkers have rich inner lives.

Someone here has a 'Hello Kitty' fetish.

There's a stuffed armadillo in one of the cubicles.

Bourbon, cigars, and wild seventies music.

Canned meat, coconut milk, and hot-sauce.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"One of my coworkers...."

I for one, refuse to play this game re: ATBOTH's co-workers!
Come on ATBOTH...you can do it.
Don't be modest. You too can "bear false witness" for fun and laughs.

"Are you insane?"

Up for debate

"Trust me, my life is rather boring"

Not likely. You've already confessed to drinking tequila with a giant rabbit.

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