Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Tayere Rabbosai,

It is with distinct pleasure that I announce a new addition to the blogoilam.

Rabbi Pinky Schmeckelstein, Shlita und soll sein shtark und gazunt, has a blog which can be visited here:

I highly recommend it. Leave comments. Ask kashes. Search for knowledge. You will be better for it. You should only be so smart. And handsome too. That's an order.

Of course you can also still visit the Yeshiva at:
[And if you do, be sure to also delve into the writings of the RABAM (here: ]

Fittingly, Harav Schmeckelstein starts off with a mefarsh on Parshas Shmois. Which it this week the reading of is. Print it out, and share it with all of your friends in shul. Share it with the rov of your school, and increase his lomdus. It's a mitzva.

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