Friday, April 30, 2010


A friend drew my attention to a column by Caroline Glick, hack for the Jerusalem Post, in this week's Jewish World Review.
It is, alas, as typical a pile of Glick as you can get.

Caroline Glick has joined the chorus yelling that the Democrats in Washington are all a bunch of hatefilled anti-Semitic pussies.

" In the midst of the Obama administration's assault on Israel..."

Last month's letter to Clinton was much more circumscribed. It focused solely on ending the Obama administration's very public assault on Israel and ignored the nature of that assault. At the insistence of the Democrats, the administration was not criticized for its bigoted demand that Jews not be allowed to construct new homes in Jewish neighborhoods in Israel's capital city.
This week Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat visited Washington. Congressmen Eric Cantor and Peter Roskam — the Republican co-chairmen of the House's Israel caucus — held a public event with Barkat where they voiced strong support for Israel's right to build in Jerusalem without restrictions.
In contrast, their Democratic counterparts refused to meet publicly with Barkat.
End quote.
Not content with being snippy about perceived slights, she then continues her tirade by accusing American Jews of partisan blindness.

Quote:To date, both the Israeli government and AIPAC have denied the existence of a partisan divide. This has been due in part to their unwillingness to contend with the new situation. One of Israel's greatest assets in the US has been the fact that support for the Jewish state has always been bipartisan. It is hard to accept that the Democrats are jumping ship.
AIPAC also has institutional reasons for papering over the erosion in Democratic support for Israel. First, most of its members are Democrats. Indeed, AIPAC's new President Lee Rosenberg was one of Obama's biggest fundraisers.

End quote.
For decades, Israelis have happily slandered American Jews, while regularly coming over here to fress with the American Jewish machers.
Maybe Caroline Glick should think twice before attempting so transparent a smear on someone who is the most important macher at this time.

[The anti-Semites and Euries have also made a big deal of Lee Rosenberg's connection to Obama. According to them, it is absolute proof that the Jews control the White House. Amazing how it means different unpleasant things to different kinds of Obama-haters.]


What is remarkable is that even people who loathe Netanyahu have stilled their sniping at him out of a passionate hatred of Obama.
If Israelis really want our support, perhaps they should stop calling us and our leaders names and making us out for a bunch of patsies to be bled regularly for money by their questionable charities.
It would also do no harm if they showed some rectitude, rather than being constantly embroiled in corruption scandals, official malfeasance, as well as a notorious rape case - which, by the way, illustrates abundantly the sexism of many Israelis; a common middle-eastern defect.

Frankly, I find Caroline Glick’s attack on AIPAC distasteful.
Her strident hysteria of several years (the sky is falling, the sky is falling) is a matter of tiresome record.
Nor should she cut Netanyahu so much slack. Netanyahu is probably the worst thing to have happened for Israeli-U.S. relations in several years, besides being in many ways a slick conman but a lousy diplomat.

[Her support for Netanyahu against Obama is, in fact, understandable - she worked for Bibi when he was prime minister in the nineties. In the Israeli political world, that connection counts for more than blood ties.]

Caroline Glick's narrowness of vision is as evident as her biases; she needs to get her head out of the gutter of Yerushalmi politics and her mental crotch out of Tea-party laps.



My support for Israel is based on certain concomitancies of purpose, ideals, and culture, many key affinities, and a sense of justice. It is NOT based on my greatly liking Israel or other nations, nor was it lessened when that dunce from Texas and his good ole boy party were in power. I do not hold it against Israel that many of her supporters in the United States are inbred Jed; that situation is unfortunate, and a grave potential liability.
It would be better if both Americans and Israelis could be more bipartisan, but that, evidently, is too much to hope for.

And, for the record, if I were Israeli I would vote for Likud. Even with Netanyahu.


Steffy said...

Quote: "Why don't we see demonstrations against Islamic dictatorships in London , Paris , Barcelona ? Or demonstrations against the Burmese dictatorship?"

Good questions, no?
Read the rest here:

Go read it.
Thank you, Snooky, for posting it.

Kylopod said...

Whenever I hear right-wingers attack the Obama Administration as Jew-haters, what amuses me most is that actual anti-Semites believe the Administration is Jew-controlled. Put differently, anti-Semites are convinced Obama wears a kippa; Right-wing Zionists are convinced Obama is surrounded by kapos.

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