Monday, July 17, 2006


I am not a masochist. I do not enjoy being screamed at by unemployables and idiot jugend, nor do I enjoy reading signs that accuse me of being a white-supremacist nazi murderer.

I particularly object to stupid banners such as the one which has shown up at the last three events, which suggests that Zionists need to get over the pain they brought from Europe.

One could more validly argue that Arabs need to get over the hate they brought from the Middle-East. Which, of course, is where Arabs are from.

As are most Israelis.

Not only are many Israelis native-born (and the children of the native born), but their origins are in that area of the world. It would be well if the professional protesters remembered what happened to Jews in Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and other charmingly civilized countries in that region.

The entire Jewish population of many of those countries had to flee because of the murderous rampages of the local non-Jews. Many of the countries in the Middle-East seized property and expelled Jews.
Most Arab governments encouraged violence against non-Muslims. Repeatedly.

Which, of course, is why there are hardly any Jews left in the Arab world (with the exception of Morocco, for which the Moroccans deserve our respect).
Please note that Christians have been fleeing also - the percentage of Christians in Egypt, Jordan, and Syria has been diminishing at a rapid clip for decades (ever since independence, in fact).

So suggesting, with that banner, that Zionists should get over their mixed feelings about Europe, is both misleading and utterly racist - it states that there are no Jews who belong in the Middle-East, it denies the existence of millions of Sephardim, and it seeks to create the impression that Israel is a colony founded by bitter Europeans.

[And I really wonder at the 'Jewish voice for Peace' and 'Jews For a Free Palestine' crowd, who voluntarily associate themselves with the bigotry, ignorant selfrighteousness, and hateful attitudes on the anti-Israel side.
Why do they object so much to everything that Israel does? Why do they wish to suck up to narrow-mindednesses? Why do they hate themselves and how do they live with themselves -- have they no shame, no sense of decency, no human values at all?]

That banner suggests that Europe is where Jews belong, and that they should leave the Middle-East.

And it overlooks the European solution to the "Jewish problem".

Given the way the Europeans are treating the Muslims in their midst, it would be insane to believe that Europeans have gotten over their bigotries and hatreds, and are now, finally, civilized. Two thousand years of European history illustrate that peace is an anomaly in Europe, and minorities there will get whacked whenever some peasant has indigestion.

The demo and counterdemo lasted over two hours.

We were zoiche to see around two dozen sonei-Yisroel being loaded into paddy-wagons, baruch Hashem.

Other than the fresh faced Arab American college students, many of the anti-Israel demonstrators seemed dysfunctional in some way, and of course ignorance can be seen as a dysfunctional behaviour, but I was actually referring to their clothing choices and and bad hair decisions.
[Yes yes, I know that is petty of me, I shouldn't judge people negatively because they express their unique individualities by clothes that reflect their artistic style, and independence from restrictive social norms. Or their freedom from bourgeois standards of cleanliness and deportment. My bad.]

Among the Arab youth there is one chap who always stands out by the good-natured glee in his face, reflecting an almost Irish enjoyment at a ruckus. I wonder if he is the brother of the sparkly eyed young vixen with the long black tresses who likes to stand on the newspaper racks. They both have lovely smiles. Myeh, eye candy.


Anonymous said...

We had an impromptu slogan contest at the Local Zionist Conspiracy meeting: here are some of our ideas:

Allah, Allah hates Nasrallah
Also hates Hizballah

Let's try jihad on Ahmadinejad

Put Hizballah in, pull Hizballah out
Put Hizballah in, and shake it all about
Bring in the IDF and turn it all around
That's what it's all about!

Hey hey, ho ho
Hizballah where did you go
The IDF is on your trail
Your terrorism is very stale.

Hizballah, Hamas too,
Tremble when you see the Jew

The back of the hill said...

I love them!

Anonymous said...

so people who dont agree with you are dysfunctional?

who else said that?
oh right
the frickin Nazis did

another thing you have in common with them

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