Wednesday, October 19, 2005

John Gibson is baffled

One of my two favourite collection agents sent me an article this morning.

The article, 'why are the Dutch so angry' is by John Gibson - not a name I was much familiar with - I believe I may have seen his ponim on the tube while flipping channels.

[Tangentially, this has to do with that blonde teenager from Alabama who vanished while partying in the Dutch West Indies. Mr. Gibson has been getting letters from 'Ollandim who are reacting to something he wrote.]

Mr. Gibson asks: "Why are the Dutch so angry? And why do they so readily misconstrue what people like me say?"

Simple. You're a moron.

Write or say something stupid, and people will send letters.
Many of them will misconstrue whatever you said.

Just look at Nancy Grace (where DOES she hide that broomstick?) and her completely twisted take on events in Aruba.
She probably gets tonnes of mail (hate or otherwise).

What I have a hard time figuring out is: ONE: Why does anybody care what happens to a drunken teenager from Alabama who is stupid enough and loose enough to get into a car with three strange men (never mind that she represents the 'flowah of suthern wumminhood beyin tekin advantage uv bah dem hurrible furrenners'); and TWO: Why on earth would any reasonably intelligent person give a hoot about what an employee of Fox says, does, or thinks?

About the only thing we can conclude is that the type of substandard inbreds and morons who in America would be living in trailerparks, in Holland have the education to understand a foreign language (English), access to computers, and the leisure and inclination to write angry letters.

So it seems to me that Mr. Gibson has found his ideal target audience. The only thing left for him to do is learn Dutch. Hell, if they listen to him, they deserve him.

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